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A magnificent merchant ship sails through the eerie silence leaving a series of white bubbles on top of the rippling sea. The ship was not a large one, but by the decorations and materials of the ship's hull, one could tell that it was of great value, and that the goods on board were very expensive.
If it was a pleasure boat for a rich man's family, it would be just a matter of course, rich people always love to compare, and it is only natural to show off in front of the singers in the green house.
However, this is not a good place to have a good time. On the contrary, the East China Sea, known as the "Dead Sea", has always been a source of love and hate for ships that have to go by sea, and on the one hand, they tend to rush to the sea, and on the other hand, they are full of fear and trepidation.
Legend has it that a man-eating monster lives in the depths of the East China Sea and comes out every full moon to make waves. It devours the unfortunate merchant ships that pass by, digesting all of them with their cargoes.