When choosing friends, be sure to choose those who inspire us, who ignite our passions, who motivate us to make a difference in the world, who inspire us to be exceptional. It is better to make such a friend than to make a dozen negative, misanthropic or indifferent friends.
As much as possible, make contact with people who inspire you, who know you well, and who motivate you to think and act. You should stay in close contact with those who inspire you forever. The biggest problem for the vast majority of us is that we are never awakened, or don't really recognize our own abilities until later in life - but often it's too late to do much more. Because it is very important to have a clear understanding of our own potential when we are young, and only then can we explore our potential as effectively as possible and realize our self-worth in the greatest sense.
In Unlocking Your Greatest Potential, the authors outline the characteristics of motivators and leaders. Sometimes the motivator is withdrawn and eccentric, but often that's when he or she is thinking through his or her plans and envisioning ways for them to work. Motivators are often dreamers, for whom what seems impossible on the surface becomes a sure goal. Aren't dreams such as Kennedy's decision to "go to the moon," Edison's declaration that "the light bulb will soon be invented," and Lindbergh's history-making trans-Atlantic flight all realized interpretations of dreams? These big dreams are difficult to realize, yet it is their enormity that attracts so many followers and supporters. The initial drive brings passion and active participation until it finally brings success.
Another characteristic of the Motivator is the ability to put a dream into vivid words. Leaders, businessmen, priests, and even tyrants know the value of words to persuade people and inspire them. Whoever can persuade the masses will be embraced. Therefore, we need to set more ambitious goals, have more lofty ideals, have more advanced wisdom, put in more hard work, and find the fulcrum of a realistic life.
This new ideal is gradually and subtly affecting all individuals, and will ultimately enable each one to reach that state of supreme happiness, which is undoubtedly his birthright.
Only those who stop progressing are satisfied with what they have achieved. For those who never stop moving forward, they always feel that there is some imperfection in them, and thus they are always eager for further improvement and enhancement. The most important reason why they feel that there is room for improvement in everything is that they are overflowing with exuberant vitality, and everything is growing, developing, and moving forward. These never stick to the rules, always eager for new challenges, new attempts to people will not be intoxicated by the existing achievements, they are always trying to find ways to achieve some kind of more beautiful, more fulfilling, more ideal situation.
Nothing in this world can help us succeed in life more than finding the right fulcrum.
Scientists have shown that the human eye is always searching the world tirelessly, from one landing point to another. If it is continuous and fails to find any drop point, it becomes blind due to tension.
There was a young man who was lightly sentenced to life imprisonment, who lost the courage to live, and before he was ready to end his life, he thought back over the twenty years he had lived on this earth, to his family, to his relatives, to his classmates, to his teachers, to anyone who had ever said to him a single word of approbation, encouragement, warmth.
At this point he thought, as long as I can search for a sentence, I will not die, I will live for this sentence. Finally, he remembered half a sentence that had been said by an art teacher in middle school. When he handed in a piece of mischievous graffiti, the teacher said, "What have you drawn?
This half-praise became a point of reference for the young man's search for the past, a point of reference that enabled him to survive and become a writer.
It is in life that there is a fulcrum that can pry all the difficulties, and it is because human beings have so many desires and pursuits, longing for promotion to a higher position, longing for a more comfortable and happy life, longing for a more advanced education, longing for a more cozy and beautiful family, longing for their own to become more learned, elegant and charming, longing for a further broadening of their horizons, and longing to Obtaining more wealth and the social influence that goes with it, our potential can be fully tapped, our ability can be fully developed, and we can evolve and develop to the advanced stage we are at now. This positive outlook on life makes it possible for others to have full trust in us.