The 36 Keys to Love is which 36 Keys
1 True love is invincible. If anyone hides a utilitarian mentality, the concept of power to treat his (her) love situation, he (she) the chances of failure is 100 percent. 2 Lasting What does it mean to be with each other and grow old together? We all survive and grow on earth, and no one can leave earth to go to Mars to clothe, feed, house and think; at least, not right now. So, let's just make sure that cosmic love on earth lasts a long, long time. For this, you can use the anger trick. This trick is not only for girls, but men can be equally pampered in front of women. 3 Persistence It is not to give up. You give up, the other side will feel on the one hand aggrieved, on the one hand feel that you do not love him (her); because well, how can not go on. So, GGJJ, don't give up so easily, give him a time to decide and think, give him the sweetness of waiting and the warmth of the promise. He can't thank you enough. 4 Trust People say: women are suspicious. Not necessarily. A man can be a big jealous man in front of the woman he loves. Some men can be more jealous than women have ever been. Therefore, give your man enough sense of trust and security, let him feel that you are his heart of the holy princess, not he is not married; even if he wants to be celibate, you have the confidence to walk with him until the end of life +_*~ 5 Bravery We often say: character determines destiny; career and academic so, and love is even more so. Bravery, it comes from a person's sincerity and confidence and perseverance. This depends on the attributes of the subject of your ideal lover. One can always study the traits and characteristics of the opposite sex, it is very fruitful to study and take the pulse of the opposite sex from a sociological and psychological point of view, it is science. Please believe in the international research results of love psychology. +_*~ 6 Transcendence The master of love is me, and I am the protagonist of my love. So define this realm first. Then you can be invincible, with no one else in sight. That's a pretty cool thing, really. You and your lover are the kings of the earth. The masters of two people's love. 7 Fearlessness Bravery and fearlessness are not exactly the same concept. Fearlessness of course involves an element of bravery. However, brave is the subjective will to pay and honesty; fearless it, there is objective control of the situation of the balance of psychological peace and mind. In this way, a graceful and noble love model is displayed in the hearts of lovers. 8 Compassionate You do not sympathize with him, do you let his rival to squeeze him? That would be unforgivable to you. You give him compassion and forgiveness of the more pure beauty and generous, of course, is the principle of the issue can not be ambiguous; non-principle issues, to reach a theoretical *** knowledge and practice *** Ming is extremely important. Couples are not allowed to often quarrel, especially malicious, deliberate accusations and accusations, then, not only hurt feelings, most importantly, feelings if because of divergent views and opinions and lead to a rupture, is that you can not control the end of it; there are more competitive rivals will intervene. So, respect a good man! 9 Sensibility Intuition and impulsiveness are important. If you give him adoration and attention and expectations and have to look over your shoulder, it's not true love. The ingredients of true love are a compelling expression and a straightforward statement. Give him the encouragement of constant surprise and resilience that he needs. Of course, having genuine results is the most productive end of sensuality. All ploys are inseparable from the first: genuineness. 10 Intellectual He's a post-doc and you're a PhD, which is great. Suddenly I want to tell you a secret that you're not allowed to tell anyone else :) a close girlfriend of mine who is well on her way to becoming a Ph.D. in finance, and she's likely to become a double Ph.D. now. Waiting for my good news. What are advanced degrees for? It's for the man of your choice. You thick virtue, up know astronomy, down know geography, international and domestic, pointing to the river and mountain, even if it is not a leader, he will be fascinated by your elfin eccentricity and atmospheric wisdom. 11 rationality in love, is the extreme need for passion and impulse, but, must be rational, intelligent, orderly. Not to make each other feel pressurized, he can talk to you on your knees, know and sympathize. It is a secret made in heaven that you and he are surprisingly in agreement and broadly similar in their thinking, and it is a secret made in heaven that you and he have encountered each other. It is a miracle, thank God. 12 Know what's right Know what's right and know the rules. There is a difference between the rules of love and the rules of the jungle. Similarly, honesty is needed. Men need women's truth, truth is the life of love. Understand this reasoning, theory and practice, practice makes the truth, I am the main force, master and protagonist of love. And, in a bureau of two, I received the lifetime achievement award given to me by my beloved. Quickly. 13 Being Open-minded If we could live forever, would we not need to be open-minded; given that there is no way to experiment with this scenario empirically for quite a long period of history because, with human bioengineering technology, it is not yet possible to ensure that the gene for immortality survives. Whether or not it's phrased that way, I'm not sure, on the grounds that I don't have the medical common sense to do so. +_*~ What is the structure of open-mindedness in the love equation? Imagine criticizing when it is time to criticize; sympathizing when it is time to sympathize. Often times, people's emotions are a flurry of anger; when they look back at the way they came, they are rewarded and touched. That's the way it is. So what, if I'm enlightened, I'm open-minded, my love rival is being pulled by me, and I'm the eternal winner in the love bureau. This magnetic field, I am never demagnetized. :) 14 Understanding Understanding presupposes understanding. Understanding the mind of all people is not a difficult task. It takes growth and plenty of wisdom. Adults, many good people, when they (they) were questioned, believed that at a little more than thirty years of age, people begin to penetrate the true meaning of love, to comply with its laws, to get used to the laws of love. Because people begin to understand responsibility, mission and cost. And the cost, not in the negative category. For example, the process of giving is the prerequisite for receiving. The result of the harvest is the truth of the giving. 15 Concentration This is the most important. Concentration is how you can get around without feeling stressed? We believe that there is a strict difference between concentration and love. By heart, a man or a woman, in the state of love, he or she is very concentrated. Because, love itself, is a one-to-one mapping relationship. That is why, we see breakups and breakups on earth, but nothing is always teary-eyed; except, of course, for those who are too emotionally fragile. Many people, or rather, human beings themselves, are naturally immune to the gains and losses of love and lonely antibodies. Therefore, humans, as a group and as individuals, are perfectly capable of enjoying solitude and enduring loneliness. The conclusion is that it is completely providential to love someone with all one's heart. It is an instinctive and innate human intelligence. 16 Sincerity In fact, sincerity and frankness are elements of a basic level. Sincerity on the basis of sincerity is important. Sincerity is not difficult; perhaps, what is more difficult is when God plays a trick on you, so that you have to hold on to a relationship but not let it go. What a pity! Why can't you let go of her? Because she is the messenger and mentor of love; her fatal attraction leads the direction of your love magnetism and navigates the quality of your love antibodies. So what should you do? Oh :) give yourself a reason, a reason to fall in love with love. Yes, you are in love with the wonderful effects and incentives of love itself. That's right; none of us are wrong. We need love to inspire and support us. It is one of the most intellectually demanding of human emotions. 17 Payment Payment and many other elements are overlapping, intersecting webs. And we have this conclusion that love trumps giving. So, give the other person everything he/she needs without thinking, and you have the supreme circumstance of love: you reap the fullness of happiness and joy. Just as, when we come out of our mother's arms, we begin to perceive and familiarize ourselves with the world, and we are pleasantly surprised to find that the world is so wonderful and yet so short. How grateful we are for the favor of creation. Therefore, giving, too, is a human instinct. Just as, when we come to earth, we are given by nature, which gives us sunshine, air and water as well as the belonging and support of our feelings, which are fully necessary for the survival of human beings. Although, we often need to dare loneliness and share solitude when necessary; because, we know the beauty and eminence of giving. +_*~ 18 Resolution Resolution presupposes that there are problems and issues that need to be resolved. Problems are not always pessimistic, negative and irresistible. In fact, human beings exist to solve problems. Without problems to solve, what kind of life would we have on earth? And we often find that the process of solving problems is interesting and intriguing. Before the result comes, we try by all means to use our wisdom and courage to think by the book and think differently; then we realize that everyone, everything, has the truth and irreversibility of existence. This is the beauty of resolution. We have discovered that resolution is, in fact, a necessary part of love. 19 Thinking In fact, we are all thinking; if the lack of thinking this link, then, what things are bound to go wrong; not to mention, love so meticulous system engineering; if you say not to think, then how to have emotional intelligence in addition to IQ? Oh. People also began to think, this IQ and IQ is how to be a good mosaic, combined into a perfect love factor, so that we smile proudly, love evergreen. 20 Study Study. The psychology of love is a must. This is a study, students:) I really have studied a lot of translations and domestic experts and professors of the monograph, about love itself to analyze and explore; benefit a lot. 21 Listening This is the magic weapon to win. Listen, your love is coming. The sound of love is a signal, a gesture and a prophecy. The efficacy of love is progress and growth, defiance and fear of death. Which man, dare I say: I have never had a single fear of death. There may be, but, if, let me think about it, I always feel that death and birth, are so incredibly present; where we come from and where we go. It's such a cosmic mystery. Listen, listen to the wind speak, and after the storm clouds there is peace. All is idle, all is peaceful. 22 Listening This one is quite understandable. Since there is listening, there must be confiding. Because, you listen to me; I say you listen. Reasoning and listening are just the opposite of each other. Good to talk. That is to say, to talk to each other. What can't you say when you're alive? 23 Forgetting Forgetting is a kind of wisdom. Forget the love you missed. Ten years of love, it's time to put an end to the memories, since they are meaningless, let go and find a better love. This is our duty. No one is incapable of the duty of forgetting. Believe me. 24 Candor It is to be in good faith and not to exaggerate, because the consequences are unaccountable and often flawed. Why is it that in the code of conduct for primary school students, which we have at the introductory stage of school education, there is love for the motherland, love for the people, and the need to be honest and trustworthy. Because, in the world, the most need for honesty and monitoring mechanism, I'm afraid that when love is undoubtedly. 25 Encouragement Who said: He needs my first encouragement. Every man is different. I study horoscopes, blood types and phases. I specialize in having read, for example: Yanbian University Press's Trans Century Citizenship Reader. I was guided by a female classmate to start referring to the love attributes of horoscopes from the time they were first introduced to mainland China by Hong Kong. Accurate. Extremely accurate. Do you think I am superstitious? But it's really accurate. Of course, everyone needs encouragement. The presentation of the horoscope itself has been an encouragement to me. I take the encouragement I receive from the books, fetishize it, add my own professional structure and analytical understanding, and I'm invincible. There is no one who does not need encouragement. Now, this man is in the greatest need of encouragement. I am obliged; and, with each passing day, my sense of accomplishment is plain to see. 26 REMEMBERING It was mentioned in the middle section: learn to forget the love you missed. Now, let's talk about memories. Remembering and forgetting are not contradictory. Because what is forgotten is wrong. What is remembered is what is right. What needs to be recalled is the beauty of what we have and the sense of what life has given us as well as the vision of what the future will bring. Recalling, even a little bit of accumulation and summarizing, will make us feel doubly happy. It is often said that the best things are memories. Indeed, reflection is characterized by time, either in the past, the present, or the future. And summarizing the past is necessary, controlling the present is required, and comprehending the future is inevitable. No one wants to dwell on meaningless memories; no one should dwell on fruitless sorrows and joys. Be wise and reassure yourself that I am the one. I have the best of myself, never giving up on my most perfect molding and thoughtful care; memories, in fact, are meant to be extended into yearning. 27 Compare Compare your present self with the present other; discover in time the qualities and distinctiveness of both; realize the full potential of the other. It's an honorable and revolutionary task. Yes, love is a change, for two people, wholeheartedly. And change is a constant progress and a continuous forward movement. This is the way it must be. Comparisons must be made on a regular basis. Comparison is not, of course, comparing your lover to someone else's. That would be an anachronism. Comparing yourself and the other person at different stages of growth and progress is something that requires bold speculation and estimation. No running into ****productivism, it's too dangerous. It is the gradual progress that is most beautiful. +_*~ 28 Diligence This diligence, it is not required that he must be a post-doctorate, he, too hard. This diligence is to hope that with the encouragement and support of each other, the two of them can **** together to face more challenges and deal with more situations. This is the gene that of course requires diligence. This is not a difficult one. We're both used to being hardworking after all these years. Diligence is a part of our family. +_*~ 29 Passion This should be an essential and important factor for people in love. But why is it so far down the list. To tell you the truth, I had my 36 titles in mind when I wrote the last one; however, I improvised when I got to number 13. Hey, can you believe it. If I were to write about the 100 Strategies of Love, I'm afraid I'd have to find 100 nouns or adjectives or verbs in a hard way. Of course, it's a good thing that 36 is a jingle, so let's do it :) I don't have much to write about passion. Because, in truth, it's a fringe topic, I guess, or a product of interaction. Passion, of course, is not something to be excited about at every turn, and that can lead to trouble. This is a topic for later. +_*~ 30 Carrying Carrying and encouragement are derived. After he receives your encouragement, he will naturally be carried by you. Encouragement, on the other hand, should be appropriate, objective, and prudent; not exaggerated. It takes two people to control and monitor each other's emotions and thought processes. It's not that difficult. That said, Bill Gates and his wife used to play a game. Gates and his wife often play a computerized mind game, and this is where the wife of the richest man gave him the best boost, she inspired his intellect and navigated his trajectory. It's a great honor to be a great man, and a great wisdom to be a great man. Be a great woman behind a great man, there's a long way to go and a great future ahead. +_*~ 31 Filial Piety Of course, it means filial piety to both parents. This is unquestionable. I'm not sure if I'm a good person, but I'm a good person, and I'm a good person. I don't need to say much. This is a traditional Chinese virtue. Although we do not have to be like the old days, the four generations of the same family, but also do not have to be like the Americans, a family, old and dead. Day! Come home often. +_*~ 32 Introspection Originally, introspection is a necessary part of life. Otherwise, how can we progress? But I don't use the word introspection; I use self-reflection. Because, as human beings, we know that human beings are advanced creatures of the earth who do not like to be criticized by others. Since human beings are born with this weakness, why don't we simply ask everyone to be able to do self-reflection and it will be OK; if a person is made to give in to the pressure of everyone else, it will not be comfortable for anyone to watch. On this point, it is the **** nature of human beings. As a result, people tend to be OK with self-criticism, and their introspection and appreciation of themselves tends to be deeper, more decent, and more productive than the deliberate criticisms of others. It's like this. 33 Conquest These last four ploys, or vocabulary, are summary statements. Conquest is relatively easy, you do not believe it, huh, depending on your ability and creation. And the real conquest, is definitely the heart of the willingness and dead heart. For example, the father of the nation Sun Yat-sen, the mother of the nation Soong Ching Ling, you can not say, Ms. Soong was conquered by Mr. Sun Yat-sen and she died in her husband's unfinished business, insisted on the country **** cooperation, finally and the **** to establish a united front of patriotic democracy and many years after her husband's death, but also to obtain the public's love, by the country with the mother of the nation honored. Because she was devoted to her husband's love and revolutionary cause. And Ms. Zhuang Yueming, how is she so capable of making our Asia's richest man, Comrade Li Ka-shing, never forget her; so much so that it makes us wonder if the world is one family without distinction between yin and yang. Admirable, admirable, classic. +_*~ 34 Palm Control After studying so many good methods, I must try it, otherwise, I am not willing to do useless work. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that! I have confidence. Who was it that said that love, is the spiritual pillar of mankind. I have no doubt that if we are able to link theory to practice, these methods, in fact, I have learned and used to ah, hey. Believe me, my love. +_*~ 35 have Remember a predecessor said, predecessor, they two people are not less prestigious than Li Ka-shing and Huo Ying-tung, a pair of Hong Kong or Taiwan business celebrities, their names, I really do not have a little impression; they two people, in the summing up of their own lifelong secrets, told us that the so-called have, is when you look back and look forward to a kind of discovery, you will find that, as it turns out, the heavens on us is favorable, we did not let the gods down, we have not let the gods down. We have not let down the goodwill and goodwill of heaven, and we so also have the arrangement of fate. We have thus harvested the happiness of the earth. +_*~ 36 Harvest Okay. The first two board oil replies, can also be seen, this is the white paper of love it! Here, there is not a bit of decadent mood, at least, I personally do not have this kind of emotion; perhaps, I was born to be an optimistic character, in the panoramic stage of life, bloom beautiful, I heart content. I am really satisfied. Because, I harvested the true love countless. +_*~