How many eggs are appropriate for hypertensive patients to eat per day? Why?

Eggs do contain a certain amount of cholesterol, but the cholesterol in an egg does not have much effect on blood pressure, but can make the body's metabolism become better, so patients with high blood pressure can eat some eggs, but can not be too much, 1 to 2 a day is appropriate, and it's best to not eat pickled eggs, it's best to eat boiled eggs.

High blood pressure can not eat eggs for a long time, but this is an absolute answer, because high blood pressure can eat eggs, mainly depends on the amount you eat and how you eat, even if a normal person, eat too many eggs every day, the body will have problems, can not simply categorize high blood pressure patients can not eat eggs.

Eggs can be eaten with leeks, bitter melon, spinach, etc., to play a tonic kidney, qi, pain, is conducive to the health of bones, teeth and blood vessels; prevention of anemia, etc., thus enhancing the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs. Eggs should not be eaten with persimmons, easy to generate indigestible calcium tannate and other substances.

And a normal egg yolk weighs about 15 grams, and each gram of egg contains about 15 milligrams of cholesterol, which works out to be about 225 milligrams of cholesterol in an egg. Doing this math, patients with high blood cholesterol do exceed their cholesterol intake if they eat an egg a day.

Eggs are high in protein, and in the human body, the most needed substance is also protein, because it can help our muscles grow and develop better, and also easily absorbed by the body, so eating eggs is a waste of some nutrients.

For patients with high blood pressure, eating eggs is completely possible, but to control the number of control, in general, one day to eat an egg is better, do not have to worry too much about the eggs will aggravate the harm of the disease, if you are really worried about it, you can go to see a doctor to eat, or only eat protein to supplement the body's need for high-quality protein.

Chicken skin among the fat content and sebum content are particularly rich, so patients with high blood pressure to eat less, because these substances will not only lead to increased blood pressure, but also lead to the occurrence of high blood fat, for the prevention of high blood pressure complications is very unfavorable.

High blood pressure patients should pay attention to diet, but also to maintain a good mood, because emotional fluctuations may also lead to increased blood pressure, which is not good for health. In addition to the body allows appropriate exercise, such as jogging, playing Tai Chi, square dancing, etc., so that not only can be very good control of blood pressure, but also allows the body to quickly discharge harmful substances, thus playing a role in the prevention of other cardiovascular diseases.