What should we do about leg pain caused by varicose veins in lower limbs?

The main reason for the formation of varicose veins is due to the congenital weakness of the blood vessel wall membrane or maintaining the same posture for a long time with little change, the blood accumulates in the lower limbs, and in the case of accumulation of time destroys the venous valves and produces high venous pressure, so that the blood vessels protrude out of the skin surface of the symptoms.

1. Avoid standing or sitting for a long time. If you keep your legs in the same position for a long time it will reduce the blood circulation in your legs and make the blood collect in your veins. So you should change the position of your legs often to maintain good circulation. Change your position every 30 minutes or so. Walk around the office, and if that's not possible, stand up and stretch your arms and legs every 30 minutes.

2. When you're sitting, elevating your legs can take the pressure off your blood vessels. Keeping your legs crossed over each other can also reduce pressure on your veins. Try lifting your legs occasionally so that your feet are above the level of your heart and your circulation gets better.

3. Sleep with your legs elevated on your back. Sleep with your legs elevated. When you lie down, keep your legs as high as they are when you sit up.

4. Choose loose shoes and loose clothing. Wearing high heels and tight clothes can make it harder for blood to pass through your veins. High heels or flat shoes can make your calf muscles work more when you walk, which is not good for blood circulation in your legs. You should especially avoid clothes that are too tight, which can cut off circulation to your waist, legs or groin. Wearing loose clothing or garments, on the other hand, will not squeeze or constrict these areas.

5. Exercise regularly. Moderate exercise in your daily life can improve circulation and muscle tone in your legs. Regular exercise also helps with weight loss, if necessary. If you are overweight or obese, your extra weight can increase the pressure on your legs and increase the likelihood of varicose veins. Walking or jogging for a few weeks can greatly improve your circulation throughout your body, especially in your legs. Focus your energy on exercise, which helps get the blood flowing through your body and aims to build strength in your legs.