In the UK, the retired elderly in addition to participation in voluntary charitable organizations, many people also open new jobs, such as open cafes, small restaurants or do business consultants, open consulting management company. Some of the elderly simply do "literary", in the home to create a proactive form of enrichment of their post-retirement life.
Turkish people: return to the countrysideToday, many elderly people in Turkey leave the big cities after retirement and move to the suburbs or rural areas, returning to the countryside. Many elderly Turks choose their place of retirement before they retire and then ask interior designers and architects to build them a cozy house, mostly one-storey, but also two or three-storey ones. When everything is ready, it is just the time to "return home" from retirement.
Return to the rural landscape in addition to enjoying the peace and quiet of the countryside, the elderly can also personally plant their favorite eating vegetables, feed livestock. Planting vegetables is a favorite job of many people, both in China and abroad. Not only can you eat green food, but you can also release stress and enjoy the joy of planting, watering, fertilizing, hoeing, and harvesting, and the work is physically and mentally soothing to a certain extent!
Italians: willing to spend money on themselvesTo ask which country's elderly are most willing to spend money, Italy deserves it! Elderly people in Western countries do not have the custom of supporting their children; it is more important for them to spend money on themselves. In addition to traveling and enjoying life, Italian elderly people still pay attention to their manners. They love to buy accessories and clothes for themselves, and pay great attention to their clothes and attire.
Italy's "new young people in their sixties and seventies" are the most willing to spend money on clothes and travel, accounting for two-thirds of the total amount of transactions throughout Italy.
"Circle of Friends" senior livingThe United Kingdom gradually in 2007, experimented with "Circle of Friends" senior living in London to help each other, applying the creation of localized social media for residents over 50 years old. The important spirit of Circle of Friends is "old people helping each other". All 50+ communities can add a localized Circle of Friends. Healthy mature age VIPs can help disabled older people and vice versa. In its heyday, there were seven Friendship Circles in the UK, each with memberships ranging from 200+ people to 1500+.