Su Han Village belongs to which province which city

Suhan Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Zhongcun Township, Ning County, Qingyang City, Gansu Province, with an urban/rural classification code of 220 for villages. The zoning code is 621026108212, and the first 6 digits of the resident's ID number is 621026. The postal code is 745000, the long-distance telephone number is 0934, and the license plate number is GAN M. Suhan Village is adjacent to Ohlao Village, Zhongcun Village, Xincheng Village, Xinbao Village, Xiwang Village, Alkaline Bottom Village, Sun'an Village, Zhenping Village, Sishangwang Village, Qindian Village, Qiaoyia Village, Pingding Village, Mijia Village, and Liujia Village.

The village is located in the center of the city.

Suhan Village is near the Impression Yiqiu Lotus Pond, Gubin Cultural Tourism Area, Gui Garden Forest Park, Zhengping Ancient Cultural Tourism Village, Wang Xiaoxi Martyrs' Memorial Hall, and other tourist attractions, and there are specialties such as Ningxian Jiulong Golden Jujubes, Ningxian Cao Apricot, Ningxian Early Sheng Cow, Ningxian Beef Meatballs, Ningxian Pig Enema, and other specialties.