Which country is the black man's coffin?

Black people carrying coffins" is from Ghana, a country located in western Africa.

Ancient Ghanaian civilization was born in the 3rd to 4th centuries A.D. This historic country has its own unique funeral culture and customs. Ghanaians believe that death is not a sad thing, but on the contrary, death is a symbol of new life, which represents a new beginning in the cycle of reincarnation.

Based on this belief, Ghanaians believe that funeral ceremonies should be more lively and happy. This has led to the creation of "professional teams" like the one in the video. The black men in the video belong to a local funeral company, and they pioneered the "coffin dance," a novelty that many locals love.

So when many people organize funerals, people will get the team to do one of these. Blacks carrying coffins is actually an African custom, dance funerals are widely spread in West African countries, funerals are large social occasions in Ghana, Ghanaian funerals are known for their beautifully carved wooden coffins.

Of course, to play the terrier to play the terrier, but for the Ghanaian mourning customs itself, I hope that we still want to give respect, after all, in our China in fact, there is also a "funeral happy to do", "red and white happy things" such as this statement, some ethnic minorities also have a funeral in the It is also a good idea to have a dance party at the funeral.

For example, the Tujia people dance the funeral drums, and the Wa people dance the "spring mortar dance, etc....... Because people believe that death is the beginning and not the end, and that people's lives will usher in a new beginning in a cycle.