What is the license plate number of the former Dazhang Village

Former Dazhang Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Zhao County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, Zhao County, former Dazhang Township, urban and rural classification code for 210, for the township center area. The zoning code is 130133200201, and the first 6 digits of the resident's ID number is 130133. The postal code is 051530, the long-distance telephone area code is 0311, and the license plate number is JI A. The former Dazhang village and the back Dazhang village, An present village, Zhongtian village, Side village, Zhujiazhuang village, Fengjiazhuang village, Xibaizhuang village, Beiyaojiazhuang village, Dujiazhuang village, Nambaizhuang village, Thoutouzhuang village, Beanfoozhuang village, Gude village, Zhoujiazhuang village, Gude village, and Zhouzhuang village. , Gude Village, Zhoujiazhuang Village neighboring.

Former Dazhang Village near Zhaozhou Bridge, ancient Song City site, Zhao County Song Village site, Yongtongqiao Park, Zhenlin Temple Sharip Tower and other tourist attractions, Zhao County Snow Pear, Xue family bakery, Pear Park Golden Cicadas, Zhaozhou Snow Pear, Snow Pear and other specialties.