Lyrics in the song I'm going to see the farthest place ----- a dawn in front of Zhang Shaohan sings the song name what

The lyrics "I'm going to see the farthest place" are from "The Farthest Place to See".

"The farthest you can see"

Lyrics: Yao Ruolong

Composer: Chen Xiaoxia

Sung by: Zhang Shaohan


You're the first to realize that I'm the first person to

The more blank my face, the more sad I am in my heart

So when I refused to tear up and trembled

You'd be the first to embrace me in a painful way.

You know me better than anyone else

There's more in me than meets the eye

So when I break a wing

You won't help me but you'll be there to learn to live with the pain

I'm going to go to the furthest place in the world

And you'll be there to talk about your dreams

Like you've never been lost or hurt

And still I'm going to be in the farthest place I can see

with the first light of day on my shoulders

with the coldest raindrops and snowflakes thrown at me

and insisting on a smile that's as warm as the sun

You know me better than anyone else

than I know me

that there's more inside than what's on the surface

So when I broke my wings

you knew that I would never be the one to break them.

You won't help me but you'll help me learn to endure the pain

I'm going to go as far as I can see

and talk to you about my dreams

as if I've never lost my sight or been hurt

and still believe that there's a sky for all who dare to fly

I'm going to be in the furthest place I can see

and wear the first light of day on my shoulders

and be pelted by drops of rain and snow too cold to be seen. Raindrops and snowflakes that are too cold

More insistent on a smile as warm as the sun

Sometimes it feels like we're so different

You see what I don't see

Sometimes it feels like we're so much alike

Both of us love to tilt our heads back and disobey fate

I'm going to see as far as I can see

And talk to you about your dreams with my hands and feet.

Like we've never lost hope or been hurt

Still believe that if you dare to fly, there's a sky

I'm going to be in the furthest place I can see

With the first light of dawn on my shoulder

The rain and snow that's too cold to be poured on us

More than ever, I insist on smiling like the sun.