Politics syllabus was announced on August 26th, and it is expected that all kinds of tutorials will be on sale in early September, the news is reliable

2010 Exam English April Ministry of Educat

Politics syllabus was announced on August 26th, and it is expected that all kinds of tutorials will be on sale in early September, the news is reliable

2010 Exam English April Ministry of Education New Vocabulary New Vocabulary (445) A

abdomen n. belly, abdomen

abound vi. much, abundantly present, rich, full

acclaim n. to applaud, cheer v. to cheer, praise

accord n. to agree, conform, harmonize, agree vt. to agree, give vi. to conform

accountant n. to account, accountant

addict vt. to make addicted, addictive n. to be obsessed with, to have an addiction to

adore v. to adore, adore, adore adore v. to admire, adore, (colloquial) love

advent n. (esp. an unusual person or thing) to appear, arrive

adverse adj. unfavorable, hostile, opposite

affluent adj. rich, affluent

air-conditioning n. air-conditioning, air-conditioning system air-conditioning unit

airport n. <main US> small civilian airport, private jet landing strip

aisle n. corridor, aisle

album n. stamp album, photo album, signed album

amiable adj. amid prep. in ...

anecdote n. anecdote, anecdote

anguish n. pain, anguish vt. to make extremely bitter, to make extremely painful vi. to feel pain

antique n. antiquity, antique adj. antiquity, obsolescence

appal v. to appall

approximate adj. approximate, about v. approximate, near, approaching, approximate

arrogant adj. arrogant, pompous

artery n. artery, artery

aspire vi. to aspire to, to aspire to

assassinate vt. to assassinate, to assassinate

asset n . . asset, useful thing

auction n. auction vt. auction

audio adj. audio, acoustic, sound

audit n. audit, auditing, checking vt. auditing, auditing vi. checking accounts

auditorium n. auditorium, auditorium, <beauty>. auditorium, auditorium

authentic adj. trustworthy

autonomy n. self-government

awe n. reverence vt. reverence


bait n. bait, enticement vt. to bait, to load with bait, to bully, to torment vi. midway stop

balcony n. balcony, balcony, balcony, balcony, balcony, balcony, balcony, balcony, balcony, balcony, balcony. balcony n. balcony, box, balcony

barren adj. barren, infertile, barren, fruitless, unprofitable, monotonous, boring, empty n. wasteland

beginning n. beginning

belly n. abdomen, stomach vi. benign adj. benign, kind, amiable

bibliography n. a bibliography of a subject or person

bin n. a box or cabinet extension for a binary file

bizarre adj. blur, blot n. stain

boost v. push

bowel n. intestine adj. internal, sympathetic

breach n. violation, destruction, rupture, fracture vt. break, breakthrough

briefcase n. (flat, flexible, document, newspaper) briefcase

browse v. n. browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse, browse >browse v. n. to browse, graze, herd

bruise n. to bruise, bruise v. to bruise, bruise

bully n. to bully someone who is weak vt. to intimidate, coerce

bureaucracy n. bureaucracy, bureaucratic, bureaucratic body

burglar n. a thief in the night


cab a compressed file format n. cab, cab, taxi, cab (of a locomotive, truck, or crane) vi. ride in a cab

calcium n. calcium (element symbol Ca)

calorie n. calorie

cape n. cape, headland

carbohydrate n. carbohydrate

cardinal n. cardinal, cardinal adj. principal, most important

caress n. caress, kiss vt. caress

catastrophe n. catastrophe, danger

cater vi. , to satisfy, to fit

celebrity n. fame, celebrity

cemetery n. cemetery, cemetery

champagne n. champagne wine, champagne-colored

chancellor n. officer, minister

chap n. <common > companion, fellow, lad, jaw. guy, lad, jaw, cheek v. (to make) chapped

Christ n. Savior

clergy n. (collectively) clergyman, priest, monk, clergyman

click v. to make a ticking sound n. ticking sound

closet n. closet, storage room, toilet adj. closet n. closet, storage room, toilet adj. closed vt. closed in a private room

coalition n. merge, join, unite

cocaine n. cocaine, cocaine

cohesive adj. adhesion

composure n. composure, composure

concede vt. reluctance, recognition, concession vi. , concession vi. to yield

consecutive adj. continuous, coherent

console vt. consolation, comfort n. console

conspiracy n. *** plot, conspiracy

constrain vt. to compel, inhibit, restrain

construction n. a building, building, or other thing that is not a part of a person's life, such as a house, a building, or a building. construction n. construction, building, explanation, construction

contaminate v. contaminate

contemplate v. gaze, contemplation, anticipation, attempt

contradiction n. rebuttal, contradiction

controversy n. argument, debate, polemic

controversy v. to make a decision, to make a decision, to make a decision, to make a decision, to make a decision. debate, controversy

cop n. police officer, patrolman, pipe vt. seize

copyright n. copyright, copyright

correlate vt. to correlate vi. to relate to

correlate with

correlate vt. to make a connection between. correlate

costume n. attire, clothing

cosy adj. comfortable, restful

coupon n. coupon

courtyard n. courtyard, yard

credential n. credential of a diplomatic envoy

curb n. roadside

curb n. roadside, roadside

curb n. roadside, roadside

curb n. roadside, roadside, roadside

cyberspace n. cyberspace


damn v. database n. database, databank

daytime n. daytime, daytime

dean n. dean of a university, presiding pastor, head of a church

deduct vt. deduction, deduction, deduction of money, deductions, deductions, deductions, deductions. deduct vt. to deduct, deduce

delegate n. representative vt. to delegate...

delete vt. to remove

denounce vt. to accuse publicly, to attack openly, to condemn

dental adj. dentistry

dentist n. a dentist

dilute v. to dilute, to make pale, to make weaker, to dilute adj. to make pale, weaker, to dilute

discourse n. speech, exposition, treatise, sermon, conversation, talk vi. talk, oration

discreet adj. careful, prudent, thoughtful, sagacious

discrepancy n. difference, discrepancy, contradiction

disposition n. disposition

disrupt v. to make or break a person's life or work.

disrupt v. To interrupt, divide, disintegrate, confuse, destroy

dissipate v. To disperse, (to make) (a cloud, fog, doubt, etc.) dissipate, to waste (money or time)

distill vt. To distill, to extract vi. to trickle down

divert v. To transfer, to turn, to gladden

dividend n. A difference, difference, contradiction

disposition n. disposition


dividend n. divisor, dividend, bonus, perquisite, bonus, annual interest

divine adj. divine, sacred, extraordinary, superhuman, very lovely n. priest

dwarf n. dwarf, gnome v. (to make) shorter


ebb n. recede, weaken, decline vi. to make short

ebb n. a decline, a fall, a decline, a decline, a decline, a decline, a decline, a decline. ebb, decline vi. ebbing tide, recession

eccentric adj. eccentric n. a person who behaves in an eccentric way

edible adj. edible

ego n. self, egotism, self-importance

elapse vi. adj. past middle age, slightly old

eligible adj. eligible, qualified

eminent adj. celebrated, distinguished, famous, excellent

endow v. donate, endow

entail vt. to make necessary, to make suffer, to make bear, to hereditary to n. restricted inheritance

entity n. entity

envisage v. to look squarely at

escalate vi. to raise progressively, to strengthen progressively vt. to make progressively higher

escort n. escort, escort, escort, escort v. to guard, escort, accompany

esteem vt. to regard, honor, respect. esteem v. to regard, honor, respect, regard n. respect, esteem

ethnic adj. ethnical, racial, heathen

evade v. to avoid, evade, evade

excel v. to excel, excel at

excerpt n. vt. to excerpt from, to cite

exile n. to banish, exile, banish, banish, banish, banish, banish, banish, banish, banish, banish, banish

exile n. to exile, exile, exile, exile Exile, banishment, exile, exiled vt. To banish, exile, uproot from one's native land

exotic adj. Exotic, foreign, strange

exquisite adj. Elegant, refined, exquisite, dramatic, unusual, delicate, sensitive


fabulous adj. adj. fabulous, allegorical, fabulous, mythological, traditional, amazing, incredible

fairy n. fairy, elf, <American slang> pretty girl adj. fairy

fake n. counterfeit, deception adj. false vt. forge, fake, fabricate, counterfeit, imitation vi. fake

fantasy n. fantasy, daydream

feat n. skill, feat, martial art, feat, show of skill adj. beautiful, suitable

federation n. alliance, federation, union, confederation

fisherman n. fisherman, fisherman

fore adj. in front of, before ad v. in front of, at the bow of a ship n. front, bow prep. in front of

format n. format, layout, form, formatting vt. to arrange the layout (or specifications) of... format (or specification), formatting (of a disk)

foul adj. filthy, evil, dirty, sludge, bad vt. defile, nuisance, defile, foul, sludge vi. rot, foul, entangle n. foul, entangled ad v. irregularly, improperly

fraud n. deception, fraudulent act, trickery, swindler, counterfeit

fridge n. a place where a person can be found, a place where he or she is not allowed to live, a place where a person is not allowed to live, an area where a person is not allowed to live.

fridge n. refrigerator

fume n. (strong or bad-smelling) smoke, gas, a fit of anger (or agitation) v. to smoke with, to smoulder, to fume

futile adj. trivial, useless, ineffective, (of a person) unproductive


garlic n. garlic, ( Akkuyn sadtium), garlic

gender n. sex, <mouth> gender, sexuality, sexual intercourse

genetic adj. hereditary, of origin

giggle v. hahaha laugh n. giggle

goods n. goods, <slang> tools

gorgeous adj. 华华 adj.

gorgeous adj. gorgeous, splendid

gown n. robe, vestment, gown, nightgown

graphic adj. pictorial, pictorial

grope v. n. groping

guideline n. compass

guitar n. guitar, six-stringed vi. hexachord vi. playing the guitar

gut n. viscera, intestines (between the pylorus and the rectum), guts, plot, contents, belly, offal, gullet vt. to take out the guts of, to destroy the internal fittings of a house, etc.

guy n. guy, person


habitat n.

harassment n. torture

harsh adj. rough, barren, harsh, harsh, harsh

heave v. lift n. to hold up

herb n. herb, vanilla

hierarchy n. hierarchical level

hike v. hike, fly up, walk n. hike, increase

hip n. hip, rosebud, melancholy adj. to know inside out vt. to make melancholy, to give a ridge to (a roof) int. to applaud

hop v. to hop on one foot, to jump (of a bird, frog, etc.) n. to snake hemp grass

hound n. hound vt. to bring a hound to a hunt , despicable person, hunt, spur, make chase

housing n. supply of dwellings, housing complex, rack, housing supply

howl v. howl, roar, bawl, hoot, holler n. howl, howl, howl, howl

hum v. buzz, hum n. hum, hum, noise

humiliate v. humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate, humiliate. humiliate, disgrace, shame

hurl n. <slang> to throw with force or violence vt. to throw with force, to utter indignantly, to throw down, to overthrow vi. to throw violently, to hurl violently

hurricane n. a hurricane, a gale


idiot n. a moron, a fool, an oaf

ignorance n. ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance. ignorance n. ignorance, unawareness

illusion n. illusion

impart vt. to give (esp. an abstraction), impart, inform, disclose

incentive n. motivation adj. to inspire

indulge v. to indulge

inference n. inference, inference, inference, inference, inference

infrastructure n. lower structure, underlying tissue

inhale vt. vi. inhale

inhibit inhibit, constrain, restrain

installment n. part

instrumental adj. instrumental adj. instrumental, instrumental, musical instrument

intelligible adj. intelligible

interface n. sub-interface, contact surface, interface

INTERNET=Interactive Network Analysis Interactive Network Analysis

intimidate v. to coerce

intrigue n. conspiracy, trickery vi. to conspire, fornication vt. to arouse the interest of, to obtain by trickery, or to arouse the interest of, or to obtain by trickery, a fornication.

intrinsic adj. (of value, nature) inherent, intrinsic, intrinsic

intrude vi. intruding, intruding vt. to force one's way into, to force (one's mind) into

invariable n. unchanging, everlasting adj. unchanging, invariable

inventory n. detailed cataloging

inventory n. inventory, inventory, inventory, total

inverse adj. inverted, reversed n. reverse v. inverted

irony n. irony, sarcasm, irony

irrigate vt. to irrigate, to repair water, to irrigate wounds, to make wet vi. to irrigate

isle n. a small island of water.

isle n. small island, island vt. to make into an island vi. to live on an island


judicial adj. judicial, court of law, just, clear-cut

junk n. junk, sampan


kin n. kinship, relative, kinsman, lineage, clan







j. adj. related, similar in nature, of the same kind

kit n. kit of tools, utensils, kit, set of utensils


lapse n. mistake, fall, lapse, loss, negligence v. failure, deviation, fall into, fall away from, lapse, failure, decline


layoff n. temporary dismissal, cessation of operations, period of cessation of activity, period of unemployment

lease n. rent, lease, leasehold, lease, period of time, extended period of time vt. to rent, to rent out, to rent

legacy n. bequest, legacy (from ancestors)

legislation n. legislation, legal enactment (or adoption)

legitimate adj. legal, reasonable, orthodox v. lawful

levy n. levy, tax, conscript v. collect, enlist, requisition

linear adj. line, straight line, linearity

linguistic adj.

literacy n. literate, educated, able to read and write

lofty adj. lofty, lofty, lofty, lofty

loom n. loom, loom v. loom, loom v. loom, loom v. looming, looming

lottery n. lottery method

lure v. lure

lure v. lure v. lure v. lure v. lure v. lure v. lure v. lure v. lure v. lure v. lure v. lure v. lure v. lure v. lure v. lure v. lure v. lure v. lure v. lure vi. p>M

magistrate n. civil official, magistrate

maiden n. maiden, virgin adj. unmarried, innocent, virginal, inexperienced

majesty n. supreme authority, kingship, majestic

malignant adj. mammal n. mammal

manoeuvre n. strategy, mobilization v. to use tactics, to mobilize, to maneuver, to manipulate

marital adj. marital

masculine adj. male, manly, masculine n. man, boy

massacre medieval adj. medieval, medieval-like, old-fashioned, <depreciated>primitive

meditate v. to think, to consider, to contemplate (esp. religiously), to meditate

meditation n. to contemplate, meditate

melody n. melodious sound metaphor, allusion, simile

metropolitan adj. capital, major metropolis, n. a large city

militant adj. militant, active or supportive of the use of force

millionaire n. millionaires, tycoons

missionary adj. adj. missionary, missionary n. missionary

mob n. (collective word) a mob, a rabble, a group (of thieves, etc.) v. a group of people in a riot, a mob of people in a nuisance

module n. module, module, module, lunar module, command module

momentum n. motivation, factor

monarch n. monarch of a country

motivate n. a person who is a member of a group of people who are not members of the group

motivate n. a group of people who have been in the group for a long time.

motivate v. to inspire

mould n. fertilizer, loam, mold, mould v. to cover with earth, to mold, to cast

mug n. cup

mute n. mute, mute letter, mute defendant, mute adj. mute, voiceless, silent vt. to diminish the sound of vi. to excrete

mute n. a sound, a word, a word, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound, a sound. vt. to diminish the sound of vi. excrete


napkin n. napkin, napkin, <English> diaper, <American> menstrual belt

narrative adj. n. narrative

necklace n. necklace

nightmare n. nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare. nightmare, terrible thing

nineteen num.nineteen

norm n. standard, normality

numerical adj. numerical, expressed in numbers

nurture n. raise, educate, educate, nourish vt. raise, give nourishment to, bring up


obsession n. fascination, obsession

obstruct v. block, obstruction, obstruction (of a road, passage, etc.) n. obstacle, obstruction

opt vi. choose

optimum n. optimal adj. most suitable

option n. option, choice, privilege of buying or selling

orientation n. the ability to choose, the right to choose, the right to buy or sell.

orientation n. direction, bearing, position, tendency, eastward

outing n. going out, traveling, taking a walk

outrage n. atrocity, insult, anger vt. to abuse, to cause... righteous indignation, rape

oval adj. n. ovoid, oval n. oval, ellipsoid

overturn n. tumble, break, revolution vt. overthrow, turn upside down vi. overturn n. turn over, destroy

oxide n. oxides

ozone n. fresh air, ozone


pact n. contract, convention, agreement

panorama n. panorama panorama, panorama photography

pants n. pants, shorts

paperback n. paperback, paperback

passerby n. passer-by, pedestrian

pathetic adj. pathetic adj. pathetic, miserable

patrol v. out on patrol, patrol n. patrol

patron n. patron (of a person, an object, art, etc.)

peer n. equals, nobility vi. to gaze at, to spy on vt. to be made equal with, to be made a peer

peer n. a person of the same class, an aristocrat vi. to gaze at, to spy on vt. to be made equal with, to be made a peer

peer n. a person of the same class, an aristocrat peerage

permeate vt. to diffuse, penetrate, permeate, fill vi. to penetrate

persevere v. to persist

pharmacy n. pharmacy, pharmacy, dispensing, pharmaceutical, batch of spare medicines

physiology n. physiology

pilgrim n. a pilgrimage to a holy place, a pilgrimage to a holy place, a pilgrimage to a holy place, a pilgrimage to a holy place, a pilgrimage to a holy place, a pilgrimage to the Holy Land pilgrim n. pilgrim to a holy place, pilgrimage

plea n. plea, request, excuse, pretext

plight n. condition, state, predicament, vow vt. pledge, covenant

plumber n. plumber

poke n. prick, poke, slouch, bag vt. poke, stab, pierce, pierce, poke open , stab vi. poke, jab, poke, stick out, prod, loaf

polar adj. polar, polar, south pole, south pole, polar, polar n. polar line, polar surface

ponder v. to meditate, to consider

portray v. to depict

poster n. a poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster, poster . poster, poster, posterer (of a bulletin, placard, poster, etc.)

posture n. (of the body) position, attitude, state, condition, state of mind, attitude v. to cause to assume a certain position, to pose, to assume a posture

practitioner n. practitioner, practitioner

precedent n. precedent

preclusion n. exclusion

preclusion n. preclusion n. preclusion n. preclusion n. preclusion n. preclusion n. preclusion n. preclusion n. preclusion n. preclusion n. preclusion n. preclusion n. preclusion n. preclusion n. preclusion n. preclusion n. p> preclude n. to exclude

predecessor n. a predecessor, an antecedent, an original

pregnant adj. pregnant, important, significant, nurturing

premise n. a premise, the foundation of a house (used by a business, institution, etc.) vt. to suggest, to foresee, to assume vi. to make a premise

predetermine n. a premise, a premise, a premise, a premise, a premise, a premise, a premise, a premise, a premise, a premise. vi. to make a premise

premium n. extra charge, bonus, reward, premium, discount

prestige n. reputation, prestige, prestige

prone adj. inclined to

propaganda n. publicity, propaganda society

propel vt. to advance, drive

prophet n. a prophet, seer, advocate

prose n. prose

prosecute vt. to carry out, to engage in, to denounce, to prosecute vi. to denounce, to prosecute, to be a prosecutor

prosper v. to make successful, to prosper, to make successful, to prosper, to make successful, to make prosper, to make successful, to make prosper, to make prosper, to make prosper. Success, prosperity, flourishing

prosperity n. prosperity

prototype n. prototype

prudent adj. prudent


quest n. seek

questionnaire n. questionnaire

quota n. quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota, quota. quota n. quota, quota


radiant adj. luminous, radiant, radiant

rap n. knock, tap, tap, reprimand vt. knock, tap, beat, speak out harshly, reprimand, fascinate vi. knock, talk abbr. Projectile, rocket-assisted projectile

rape n. plunder, rape, grape pomace, rape vt. plunder, rape

rash adj. rashness, haste, rashness n. rash

reassure vt. reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure, reassure. reassure, re-assure, make... reassure, reassure, reassure...

recede v. back

recipient adj. easy to accept, receptive n. container, container

reckless adj. reckless

rectangle n. rectangle, rectangle

recur vi. recur, recurring, again refund v. return, reimbursement n. return, reimbursement, refund

relish n. 意味

remnant n. residue, remnant, scrap, remnant adj. residue, residual

renaissance n. revival, resurrection, rebirth, renaissance, Renaissance

repertoire n. (of a person) a person's life or work, a person who has not had the opportunity to live in the world for a long time. repertoire n. (ready for performance) program, reserved repertoire, (computer) command table, command system, <beauty> (someone's) total skill

repression n. repression, inhibition, suppression

restore vt. to restore, to bring back, to give back, to return, to hand back, to repair, to rebuild


retort v. rebuttal, counterattack, return n. curved-necked retort, curved-necked flask, vaporizer

retrieve v. regain n. retrieve

retrospect n. review

revelation n. to show, reveal, uncover, something that has been uncovered, new discovery, revelation, revelation. revelation, revelation

rigorous adj. strict, stern, severe, severe

riot n. riot, commotion, spread (of plants, diseases, etc.), debauch, riot v. to riot, to be disruptive, to indulge in dissipation, to take part in a commotion

rip v. to tear, to strip, to cleave, to saw, to split, to tear n. to fissure, to split

ritual n. ceremony, (of a person), (of an individual), (of an individual), (of a group), (of an organization), (of a group), (of an organization), (of an individual), (of a group of individuals), (of a group of individuals). ritual n. ceremony, (religious) ritual, rite adj. ceremonial, (religious) ritual

robust adj. vigorous