Dance steps of the dance company

Fashionable; showy

LV6 48 (former 4k) 6812 28614784 4764 4388

Lu 7 2843 2816 2894 6889 6816 93

Lv 8 6483 443144316699 31216432.

Lu 9 6387 4872 6678 9619 337 8697

LV6 and LV7 are mechanical steps.

LV8 is a HIP step.

LV9 is the most dazzling skill.

Jun Jun step

Lu 6 6616 28614784 4764 43881944

Lu 7 2843 2816 2894 6889 9679 6816

Lu 8 98761938 31217736 7483 7787

LV9 9488 13833 167669 123 6774 18873 233438697 96843 1 187 479672873

[Hate Step] (Youchuang)

L6 878346 947284 264389 243746 68 1232 724638 64 1692

l7 498 1436 16 14322 88676 13 28 16923 7242963 67 19286 6887677

l8 1636436 1 2398292 1 8 1848 133 3 12 142 12 96983498 94697366 443 12 183 36234654438

L9 74434833 1 3894633 16 667863397 4872 12773 96 1976483 638794796 869723439 96843 1 18


L6 1848 16 264389 878346 947284 243746 968 166 726746

l7 3446 123 3442396 6667729 643782 1 1996868 636669 1 67 19286 6887677 4698376

l8 64839293 74663789 49 18 1926 696336 18 13834768 7 1678483 3297428 1 2363348 1

443 14763 47269873 83649 178

L9 74434833 1 998696378 3894633 16 667843397 4872 12773 96 1976483 638796796 869723439

476 176233 182796736 44 17 19876 387329223

The simple version of the machine is suitable for 8K novices to jump.

L6 188 1 19444 1822 1666 3222 4388 4266 6899 66 16 8878 9448

l7 1442 2998 2292 2744 3663 4774 6679 6672 6889 7766 8887

l8 19666 39446 34438 77366 77876 93 166 68944 36377 12389 49778

L9 72229 12348 1 18 1 1624 17822 19939 28337 44387 4468 1 49883 49772 98334

Mechanical Chapter 65438 +0

L6 3222 9728 9822 8 163 4388 1894 14624 19444 1834

l7 682 1 6794 7892 7766 2369 2329 2744 3663 2292 2998

l8 9 19 12 9876 97674 874 19 82 167 24967 68944 3 12 14 19 666 77876

L9 98334 98327 1 13 18 7 1289 72229 63683 63396 86897 49772 1898 1 26432 28337

Mechanical chapter 2

L6 8849 2 176 6748 6899 8949 8 178 9436

l7 6672 8942 9776 2894 28 16 2369 67 12 3432 39 12

l8 94697 276 18 874 19 76427 63677 4386 1 37294 39446 24967 12986

L9 47948 38938 18298 724 19 76776 44387 9 169 92787 89 149 3843 1 1 1624

★ Dance Magic Step ★ [only for boys]

L6 4K jumps to 424886, and then connects 8k246 423 7874 42416698 8672 8324 68123 6228.

L7 【 can be connected with l68324 】 8688413 336864178 6437 87681978 46737.

l8 1636 2832 1297 344 1 789 972 1 2384 278 1 39 14 3876 387 1

L9 6387 16766 6678 6774 1 4872 86972 33744 9684 9488 479672 96 1

◆ The steps underlined in L9 are feet off the ground ◆ What is not taken is the sliding step 【 also called spacewalk 】 ◆

★ Seduction Steps★ [Only suitable for girls to jump]

L6 1472 1634 6 1 188 7246 22744 6 186 2643 7267 1826 4 166

l7 1986 17222 6273 128 1 1978 36723 7446 7929 8349

l8 344 1 96348 3 1469 79283 36386 96983 43432 46 1 8 1 42396 762 14

L9 98692 94986 9384 1 94 14 6387 6678 4872 86972 33744 96 1

Free mode dead step [also called sleep step]

L6 878346 947284 264389 243746 68 1232 724638

l7 498 1436 16 14322 88676 13 28 16923 7242963 67 19286 6887677 4698376

l8 1636436 1 28328793 2398292 1 8 1848 133 3 12 142 12 96983498 94697366 44336+02 183

L9 74434833 1 273327283 3894633 16 667843397 4872 12773 96 1976483 638796796 869723439 96843 1 187

167669 123 6774 18873 9488 13833 479672873

Some combination steps

6812127 6164796 (chest)

49814361614322 8867613 (dead-step combination)

2398292181848133 (dead step combination 2)

237912188 237339482 (squat combination)

891943267 918978368 (squat combination 2)

487949363 271841114 (walking combination in the same place)

674836 689944 817862 887878 217644 (hands up)

4887181344968 6169863 8198364 (shake hands to the left)

832474 643782 1 (super handsome)

744348331998696378 389463316 (beautiful combination on L9)

6963361813834768 71678483 32974281(like a traffic light)

Some relatively large movements, that is, relatively handsome movements.


636669 1 (slide)

646923 1 (cross kick)

69264 13 (kick)

7287362 (arms crossed, also pretty cool)


16967968 (similar to kicking hot)


344 169 12 (flirting)


4832372 1 (squat jump)


72 13486 1 (kick)

167669 123

227 137948


27 184 1 1 14

3894633 16

468 1 1 1 1 12

4872 12773




786899 163


9498699 18 (running to the front desk)

96 1976483

96843 1 187

L6 644 1 286 1 478 438843 194448 66 16

l7 2843 2894 4944 6889 68 16 9389 39 12 967

l8 7642 874 1 9 1 9 1 6229 43 13 2927 2893 2429

19 1676 9488 6774 6678 6387 96 19 8697 3374 227

There is a freeze motion.

2463 16 4234 14 424 147 474649 62287 1 66988 1 68 1232 724366 862989 867269 423627 1 4673788

n 6349294 66897 14 7494928 8772966 1636436 17874287 278 192 18 28328793 46 16 17 17 17 18 6788

877 17686 88 12 1 172 8983 1647 23372874 1 436 189233 796768 12 1 8687 13367 979478263

5 slides1676 69123 479672873 677418873 948813833 96843187.

Dead step (that is, lying on the ground)

6 14322 498 1436 2398292 1 8 1848 133 96983498

Dance steps with turns (some are not obviously different from the following back dance steps, but they are all included)

3244361986168 232231(empty) 4674493 6273836 842937 887989 889293 92678231488923.

192 19824 1987446 1 27942697 2727 1 182 3297428 1 32673892 33426293 36898 187 38472763 42396943

443 14763 4784 1992 62377348 634 14833 66997876 6999 1282 7237 1866 73643494 76 184 1 12 762 14774

762 16 167 77876267 8247 129 1 892 1 1964 9 1964689 9226 1 149 94 143289 94263873 94726899 96447376

9664 1 167 97674746 16 1643976 2 19949434 26877 1 18 1 27384 1433 3638.

386277736 4746794 17 484379943 663392734 6947 19643 724 197346 728 1 19827 74434833 1 769 172768

7862 143 13 83296723 1 892627737 8946 16779 896987899 94 14843 1 1 9498699 18 9764 17 168 99388964 1

Some shaking movements.

29 1686 724638 896883 4698376 6887677 7929664 29 12687 1 4767 1483 72338326 83267376 89788279

9 1634346 9 1649924 962 13364 982 13342 182796736 387329223 44 17 19876 476 176233

Some have squat movements (should be able to connect with the dead step)

28 16923 498 1436 67 19286 7242963 88676 13 12366949 276 18934 3 12 142 12 36234 138 443 12 183

794697366 949248 19 237339482 2379 12 188 273327283 283334394 3794 18869 3932348 14 422 14397 1

883976929 89 1943267 9 18978368

Some backward jumps.

1848 16 268738 29 1686 4 1 1688 426639 6 12487 629223 649438 674836 689944 748 122 18 164 12 289472 1

31482213267968 3368414 3432388 3792446 64178216437821(a short, not wrong.

7766966 84 13784 8688 133 8768767 8869293 8892293 94 14788 12383823 1238988 1 19666499 43 134386

4883 18 19 4983 18 14 67439289 67872723 68 142793 73236946 77366362 83328972 8382334 1 87296473

9322698 1 1898 194 16 34723962 1 389383272 46 1397869 7 12896 1 18 9 1 1692647 928439794

Some big moves, that is, more handsome moves (introduce me to the beautiful ones)

3892472 63669 1 (below) 646923 1 (cross kick) 69264 13 (kick) 7287362 (arms crossed, which is also quite cool)

8349634 16967968 (similar to kicking in HOT) 32673892 344 16965438 (teasing action) 3727344

4832372 1 (squatting) 64839293 72 13486 1 (swinging)1676 69123 227137948 337444.

3894633 16 468 1 1 1 12 4872 12773 487949363638796796 6678397 78965438

Some combination steps (in finishing)

6812127 6164796 (chest) 4981436161432286713 (dead step combination)

2398292181848133 (dead step combination 2) 237912188 237339482 (squat combination)

891943267 918978368 (squat combination 2) 487949363 271841114 (in-situ combination

674836 689944 817862 887878 217644 (hands up)

4887181344968 6169863 8198364 (shake hands to the left)

832474 643782 1 (super handsome turn) 744348331998696378 389463316 (beautiful combination on L9)

6963361813834768 71678483 32974281(like a traffic light)


Normal mode dead step (I didn't have enough steps in front, so I added a little machinery and shook my head)


26 12 127 6 164796 68 1232 498 1436 16 14322 88676 13 28 16923 7242963 67 19286 724638 6887677 4698376

After L8 and L9

2398292 1 8 1848 133 89 1943267 9 18978368 2379 12 188 237339482 3 12 142 12 227 137948 96983498

94697366 443 12 183 36234 138 3894633 16

You can also pick it up after L8 and L9 (after my improvement, the dance steps in it are all dazzling, You can also connect it directly) 667843397 487212773961976483 638796796 869723439 96843167669167669. kloc-0/ 1 1 1 12 487949363 27 184 1 1 14

The following is the synchronization of four mechanical groups. The magic moon step is the best jump, remember! (turning)

Ye Yao Music Department

L61666 322219444 226 447 (there must be a 4K step transition ahead, so L6 has only five steps).

L7 39 93 96 16 1 229 366

l8 2398 8 184 1987 2927 7928 9 19 1

L9 6387 6678 4872 96 19 8697 (your favorite 8k floor set)

Ye Yaoyue 2L9 4977 4988 49813843 3893 643999 (pure machinery)

CS counter-terrorism steps

L6 1834 1982 4266 6784 647272

l7 789 899 844 23 14 3249 67 16

l8 3443 3944 2396 46 16 8247 4 186

L9 7444 911691234 3383 4438 (mechanical)

CS Counter-Terrorism 2L91676 6774 9684 9488 4796728 882992 (absolute sliding)

★ Hip-hop music ★

L6 1848 16 947284 242746 264389 878346 968 166 726748

l7 3446 123 3442396 6667729 643782 1 67 19286 6887677

l8 64839293 7443789 49 18 1926 13834768 7 1678483 3297428 1 443 14763 3297428 14763+0 443 14763

47269873 83649 178

L9 1677 9684 9488 6774 479672873 667843397 4872 12 96 1976483 638796796 869723439

476 176233 182796736 44 17 19876 387329223 74434833 1 998696378 3894633 16

Minibus disorderly step 1

L6 486 386 282 878 976 396

L7 33 64 64 63 63 47

l8 9698 3 12 1 6483 2363 4726 4767

L9 1676 6774 9684 9488 3374 4872

Minibus walk 2

L6 486 386 282 878 976 396

L7 33 64 64 63 63 47

l8 9698 3 12 1 6483 2363 4726 4767

19 6678 6387 3374 96 19 8697 4872

Small passenger car machinery 1

L6 4624 1944 4388 286 1 6876 4367

l7 6889 39 12 6794 3249 67 16 4 178

l8 9469 9698 3 12 1 9767 1238 233 1

L9 1676 6774 9684 9488 3374 4872

Small passenger car machinery II

L6 4624 1944 4388 286 1 6876 4367

l7 6889 39 12 6794 3249 67 16 4 178

l8 9469 9698 3 12 1 9767 1238 233 1

19 6678 6387 3374 96 19 8697 4872

Hate step

L6 878346 947284 264389 243746 68 1232 724638 64 1692

l7 498 1436 16 14322 88676 13 28 16923 7242963 67 19286 6887677

l8 1636436 1 2398292 1 8 1848 133 3 12 142 12 96983498 94697366 443 12 183 36234654438


L9 74434833 1 3894633 16 667863397 4872 12773 96 1976483 638794796 869723439 96843 1 18


= = = = = = = Yuqi Machinery = = = = = = Eight-step Freedom

L6 (Take four steps before switching, as you like) Take eight K.

787 647 68 1 622 122 6 18 423


8688 84 13 3368 64 178 64 1 1 1978 463 4887


2384 287 1 964 1636 2832 972 1 344 1 276


667 6387 4872 9684 967 479672 16766 6774 1 894 494 8697

(9 steps, if I have more hands, I will make up a few P's, which may be used. )

Rainfall machinery

L6 484228 62 1694 86249 1 436788 426639 4764 14 68766 1 894986

l7 6273836 19 14466 1922 8434277 74 13224 6 174694 82 14927 62932 16

l8 9 1964689 88 16 1273 87793264 24967 143 47269873 68 122393 696336 18 13834768

7 1678483 3297428 1 744 18794 443 12 183

L9 338 129672 468 1 1 1 12 4872 12773 667843397 337446273 638796796 869723439

227 137948 96 1976483

Five sliding steps

167669 123


6774 18873

9488 13833

96843 1 187

Dead step (that is, lying on the ground)

16 14322

498 1436

2398292 1

8 1848 133


Rotating dance steps



1986 168

232223 1 (empty)









192 19824

1987446 1


2727 1 182

3297428 1



36898 187



443 14763

4784 1992


634 14833


6999 1282

7237 1866


76 184 1 12

762 14774

762 16 167


8247 129 1

892 1 1964

9 1964689

9226 1 149

94 143289




9664 1 167



16 1643976

2 19949434

26877 1 18 1

27384 1433

3 174 16267 (Squat)



4746794 17



6947 19643

724 197346

728 1 19827

74434833 1

769 172768

7862 143 13

83296723 1


8946 16779


94 14843 1 1

9498699 18

9764 17 168

99388964 1

Some have squat movements (should be able to connect with the dead step)

28 16923

498 1436

67 19286


88676 13


276 18934

3 12 142 12

36234 138

443 12 183

744 18794


949248 19


2379 12 188



3794 18869

3932348 14

422 14397 1


89 1943267

9 18978368

Some backward jumps.

1848 16


29 1686

4 1 1688


6 12487





748 122

18 164 12

289472 1

3 14822 1


33684 14



64 1782 1

643782 1

67946 12


84 13784

8688 133




94 14788


1238988 1


43 134386

4883 18 19

4983 18 14



68 142793




8382334 1


9322698 1

1898 194 16

34723962 1


46 1397869

7 12896 1 18

9 1 1692647


Normal mode dead zone

26 12 127

6 164796

68 1232

498 1436

16 14322

88676 13

28 16923


67 19286




After L8 and L9

2398292 1

8 1848 133

89 1943267

9 18978368

2379 12 188


3 12 142 12

227 137948



443 12 183

36234 138

3894633 16

You can pick it up after L8 and L9.


4872 12773

96 1976483



96843 1 187

167669 123

6774 18873

9488 13833


468 1 1 1 1 12


27 184 1 1 14


1 1 1623227 ? →↓? ↓↓?

746997643 ? ←→? →←?

97 1622329 ? →↓↓? ↓?

2 19262377 ↓↓→↓?

67 1 164796 →? →←→

697 183836 →? ↑? ↑? →

Inverted head:

1 18423 147 ↑←↓←?

232323392 ↓? ↓? ↓? ↓

379829632 ? ↑↓? →? ↓

1 1 1963824 →? ↑↓←

968 1689 1 1 ? →↑? →↑?


994769487 ←? →? ←↑?

772388297 ↓? ↑↑↓

777736684 ? →→↑←

26 1469933 ↓→? ←→

8378293 18 ↑↑↓? ↑

742 14 1 189 ? ←↓? ←↑?