--Albert Einstein
Color is the most magnificent experience we take for granted. Looking around, it is everywhere, surrounding us and embracing us. We interpret life in terms of color, just as we interpret life in terms of shapes, textures and sounds. Indeed, the power of color is the essence of life.
Light is the only energy we can see, and we see it in the form of color.
Our bodies absorb the vibrational energy emanating from color. All organs, body systems and functions are connected to the body's vital energy centers.
Through color, we receive all the energy we need to keep our body, mind and soul healthy. Research from the National Institute of Mental Health has shown that our mental health, behavior, and effectiveness in life depend greatly on a basic color balance. When problems occur or when we are out of balance, we can strengthen our energy centers through the conscious use of color.
Light consists of seven colors of energy: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Each color is connected to a different part of our body and affects us differently emotionally, physically, and spiritually. By understanding how each color affects us, we can effectively use color to give us that extra boost of energy when we need it.
If you wake up in the morning feeling low on energy, or if you need to prepare for a business meeting, colors can be helpful. All you have to do is think about the day you have planned; choose colors that will help you meet the needs of the day; and then absorb them. It's like fueling your system!
A Brief History of Color and Light Therapy
Healing with color and light was the first healing method used by humans. Sunlight makes people feel warm, and the colors of plants make people feel nourished and happy. Egyptian pharaohs and Inca Indians worshipped the sun as a god and used plants as medicine.
Color Studies
It is an indisputable fact that color affects us all. The significance of color has been studied extensively, and the results of this research have been applied in merchandising, home décor, work environments, industry, plant growth, nutrition, physics, physiology, psychology, ecclesiasticalism, art, and more. In fact, color is such an important part of our lives that we tend to take it for granted.
Physical healing can take place by directing different colors of light to diseased areas of the body or to the eyes. Among traditional treatments, light therapy and photochemotherapy have been used in contemporary dermatological treatments, such as for psoriasis, and blue light has been shown to be effective in treating hyperbilirubinemia in newborns.
Some color therapists believe that colors contain energetic vibrations of healing properties. Exposure to a color and its vibrations can help the body's natural healing and ability to recover and maintain a state of health and well-being.
There are seven natural colors in the visible light spectrum (rainbow colors): red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Each color has a unique vibrational frequency.
The color red has been called a "powerful stimulant" and the "father of energy". The color red is full of warmth, energy and heat. It relaxes and opens blockages, releasing stiffness and compression. It is very effective for stiff and hardened parts of the body.
Red is the first visible light after the infrared band. The color red represents heat, calories, warmth, virility and positivity. It has many properties, including promoting cell growth and activity, and stimulating willpower, which corresponds to our life force, or circulatory system. It can therefore be used as a liver stimulant for people with colds, slow movements or in a state of drowsiness, such as pneumonia, bursitis, paralysis, arthritis, and anemia, and it is also an energy booster, raising blood pressure and increasing circulation.
The color red connects to and stimulates the submarine chakra located at the base of the spine, causing the adrenal glands to release adrenaline. This produces great strength. The color red increases hemoglobin, which increases energy supply and raises body temperature. It is very effective in the treatment of anemia and blood related disorders.
Red: Vitality, Courage, Confidence
Red light should be used if you need to meet the high demands of the day or if you feel exhausted. The color red provides the energy of the earth and energizes on all levels. It connects us to our physical bodies. All that is to begin requires the life-giving energy of the red light.
Orange is the true color of the sun. Orange has a soothing effect on the body and mind, relieving depression.
Because orange is a mixture of red and yellow, it combines the intelligence of the body and the brain, facilitating the transition between lower physical responses and higher cerebral responses. For this reason, it is often referred to as the "intellectual glow".
The color orange is warm, joyful, and uninhibited. We are able to heal the body (red) through the color orange and, at the same time, increase the brain's (yellow) understanding of what it takes to keep the body in good shape. The color orange helps absorb new ideas and triggers spiritual enlightenment. It also helps to relieve excessive sexual activity.
Orange: happiness, confidence, resourcefulness
The color orange brings joy to our work and enhances our desire to live! Orange is the best mood stimulant. It connects us to our senses, helps us eliminate worries, makes us independent and sociable.
The color yellow helps to strengthen the nerves and the mind. It helps to awaken mental inspiration and inspire a higher mind. Therefore, it is an excellent color for treating nervous or nerve related disorders.
Yellow connects and stimulates the solar plexus, or center of the mind. It can be used for mental lethargy or other psychologically related disorders or symptoms.
Yellow can be used for stomach, liver and intestinal symptoms. It helps the pores of the skin and aids in the healing of scar tissue. It also has a very powerful effect on the intellect and brain.
Yellow stimulates the nervous system and intelligence. The color has an alkalizing effect, strengthens the nerves, and is sobering, inspiring, and a vital stimulus to the higher mind or mānastha (translation: a Buddhist term for one of the classifications of knowledge), and aids in self-control. Typical ailments that the color yellow can treat include constipation, liver disease, diabetes, eczema and skin problems, leprosy, and nerve failure.
Like the color of gold, yellow represents the highest of the highest grades in the highest physical realm. "Equal to gold" means yellow.
Yellow Wisdom, Clarity, Self-Esteem
The color yellow gives us clarity of thought, increases awareness and stimulates interest and curiosity. Yellow energy is associated with the ability to perceive and understand. Yellow energy connects us to the layers of our mind.
Most people associate the color blue with healing. However, green is the universal healing color. The ancient Egyptians and Chinese used green as the primary color for healing. Why is this? Because green is in the middle of the color spectrum; therefore, it contains both physical and spiritual qualities, and it is in equality and harmony. Therefore, the color green can be used for any ailment that requires healing. When not sure what color to use, green will always work.
Green is the color of nature and the earth. It is essentially balance and harmony and has a soothing effect on both the mind and body. It's effect is not too stressful or too relaxing.
On a more practical level, green affects blood pressure and the condition of the heart. It has both a refreshing and a soothing effect.
Green Balance, love, self-control
Green is the color of balance, harmony, nature, neutrality and submission. It is the color of the first system we evolved (the heart) and to this day it remains the color of tranquility and peace in spring and nature. Green corresponds to the heart chakra and its properties heal many related ailments, especially of the heart type, it lowers and stabilizes blood pressure, ulcers, cancer, headaches, nervous disorders and influenza, and can be used as a regular tonic.
Green helps us to relax our muscles, nerves and thoughts, cleansing and balancing our energies, giving a sense of renewal, peace and harmony. Green connects us to unconditional love, which balances our entire being.
Dr. Edwin Babbitt, in his classic book, The Principles of Light and Color, said, "Blue light is one of the most powerful antiseptics in the world."
Blue is cold, charged and astringent. It can help stop bleeding, soothe fevers, and treat sore throats. Blue has a calming effect, such as when someone says "feeling blue". It is a very positive color, representing loyalty and reliability, as expressed by "true blue".
Blue light can stop bleeding in the lungs, lower fevers, treat sore throats, relieve much of the inflammation of the skin and gums, and can be used for teething pain in babies. Blue is also used to treat goiter, measles, chicken pox, wounds, bruises and burns. Relaxing, soothing blue light also brings great calm and peace to an anxious, excited or constantly stressed brain. Blue light treats more ailments than any other color, which is not surprising considering that the light of our universe is a bright cool blue.
Blue connects and stimulates the throat chakra. The throat chakra is often referred to as the "center of power" and "the most powerful center in the body" because it is the main center of verbal expression and communication. So, in general, the influence of blue on this center and chakra is quite profound.
The color blue can be used to treat any ailment related to speech, communication or the throat. Salty blue water is an excellent tonic for laryngitis.
Blue Knowledge, health, decisiveness
Blue is a relaxing color for the mind. Blue has a calming effect on the nervous system and brings great relaxation. It is ideal to use the color blue for sleep problems and overactive children. It connects us to the whole mind, gives us wisdom and clarity of thought, and strengthens communication and presentation skills.
Indigo is a powerful purifier of the blood and it is also helpful for mental problems as well. It has relaxing and purifying properties.
Indigo combines a loyal dark blue with a stable and objective red. Indigo is a cooling, charged and astringent color. The spiritual world also uses it use to assist in accessing psychic states.
As stated earlier, indigo is the color of our solar system. It is particularly beneficial in the treatment of cataracts, glaucoma and various eye diseases. Other uses of indigo include purification of the blood and mind. Ear, nose and throat, lung diseases, asthma, infantile convulsions and mental illnesses can also be treated through the use of indigo.
Indigo connects and stimulates the brow chakra (third eye) and governs the pineal gland. It controls physical and spiritual (not mental) perception; i.e., insight, remote hearing, remote seeing. As such, it can be very helpful in treating eye and ear ailments, as well as helping with psychic-related problems or conditions.
Finally, indigo is considered to be the light of the Holy Spirit.
Indigo Intuition, mysticism, understanding
Indigo energy connects us to our Higher Self and allows us to experience ourselves as part of the entire universe. It strengthens intuition, imagination, psychic powers, and intensifies dreams.
Purple is indeed the color of divine spirituality. The color purple only works on the level of the soul. It does not usually apply to physical situations; however, some color experts believe it provides nourishment to the cells in the upper layers of the brain and is associated with the parietal chakra. In addition, it helps to expand our vision of divine understanding.
Violet is only used for spiritual related issues.
Leonardo da Vinci claimed that by meditating in the soft violet glow under a church window, you can expand the power of meditation tenfold.
Purple is the last color seen before ultraviolet. This color is an excellent remedy for nervous conditions, scalp disorders, sciatica, tumors, rheumatism, cerebral spondylitis, concussion, cramps and epilepsy. Purple energizes and purifies the venous blood.
Purple Beauty, Creativity, Inspiration
Purple purifies our thoughts and feelings and inspires us on all levels. Purple energy connects us to our Higher Self and brings guidance, wisdom and inner strength. Enhances artistic talent and creativity.
White is the perfect color; as it blends all colors in perfect balance and harmony. It is the color of the awakened soul; it is the light of perfection; it is the light of Christ and Bodhi consciousness. It is also the Divine Light.
Almost everyone has heard of people being surrounded by "healing and protective white light". Channeling white light into the aura helps to energize the individual's divine inner self and thus heals the ego.
In fact, we don't just notice colors, we feel them. They empower us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. From dawn to dusk, they rule our world and translate the energy of nature into our personal lives. Each color has its own personality, and each color holds knowledge and organization.
Color helps the body maintain its natural ability to balance and has been used by healing artists for centuries, especially in Asia and ancient civilizations. Egyptian priests left manuscripts demonstrating their scientific system of color, and Indian and Chinese mystics taught about color in their mystical teachings.
Did you know?
Now, many people agree that we are made of vibrations, and colors are vibrations. Some sensitive people can see that some people and even objects are surrounded by color. These emanations of light are known as auras or energy fields. There are also some common misconceptions associated with specific colors. For example, people are often afraid of the color black. It is believed to represent the unknown. The color black has been, and even still is, associated with bad things in some way. But if you look closely, you'll see that black has a lot of depth. Many image consultants, color therapists and healers have a set theoretical system for colors. For example, orange for fall, blue for calm, yellow for intellectual openness and clarity of mind, white for purity, and purple for strength. Colors don't need to be limited to these ways of using them. Explore each color and find out what works for you.
In meditation, you can visualize or "inhale" a particular color of light to heal the conditions mentioned above. By practicing this color therapy, you will achieve the desired results, although it may take longer. As we have seen through examples and experiments, everything is energy, and energy can produce a force that can be used correctly or incorrectly. With a proper understanding of power and the effect it has on our bodies, we can truly change ourselves for the long haul. Thus, color is the hidden power. It is simply the objective medium through which the inner power is transmitted, which is a different type of influence demonstrated by the Divine.
Connect with color and live abundantly! Welcome to the Color Mandala Clearing & Healing Emotional Detachment online event!