Plants harm to others, rewards in children.
In the folds of the great mountains in the west, by the Baotian Railroad, there is a small village of seven or eight families. A family named Wang had a girl the same age as me named Yung Yung. One night when she was two years old, she suddenly stopped talking and kept scratching her chest with both hands, unable to get out of breath. Yung's father rushed to get a doctor.
Because it was dark and the mountain roads were not easy to travel, the doctor specially packed three doses of medicine for the father to take back and give the child a quick dose. By dawn, Yung Yung died and was thrown into the Weihe River.
Later, I heard from my parents that the day before Yung Yung got sick, Yung Yung's mother fought with a nearby Tianmama. The reason was that Yung Yung's parents had three rooms of timber sitting in Tian's house, but it was stolen by thieves, and Wang's family insisted that Tian's family had sold it. At night, Tian's mom went to feed the cows and got her hand stabbed by something while cleaning the cows' trough.
The lamp to the end of a look, the bottom of the trough is all steel needle, large and small total **** have steamed bread so big pile. So Tianmama prepared incense burner, head over the incense burner in the middle of the crossroads kneeling down and betting: "Who wants to give me cattle under the needle, his family dolls tomorrow must be thrown in the river." This is what happened when Yung Yung got sick, and the next day she was really thrown into the river.
Again, the Tian family's cow. Tianmama lost her husband early in life and pulled four daughters and four sons, a **** nine people, all by herself. Tian Ma's cattle is very strong, especially capable, cattle to others plowing, others to work for Tian Ma, and so feed eight children to live. If the ox ate the needle, it would not survive. Mrs. Tian said that if the cow didn't survive, her family of nine wouldn't be able to live either. But the cow was fine and kept on working.
After Yung's death, the Wang family had a second daughter. The child, just able to speak, looked at the small bowl on the stovetop and said, "Mom, this is my bowl that I used." Wang Ma's heart thumped. The second daughter also died by the age of two, and then the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth children all died at the age of two.
When the sixth child died and was sent away, Wang's father accidentally shoveled its left leg, leaving a wound, and as a result, the seventh child was born with a scar on its left leg, and later died as well. Later, the eighth child also died. Wang's parents have never been born again, the first eight children are also four women and four children, in the end, one did not live.
The Wangs finally adopted a young son from their aunt's family, and when I returned to my hometown after my marriage, Wang's mother's youngest son was admitted to college. When I returned to my hometown for the last time, I heard from the townspeople that Wang Ma's youngest son was the director of the government, because he had a young wife during his term of office, so that the first wife sued to the court, and in the end, the oldest and the youngest are gone. The only one left was Wang Ma's youngest son, who was later disciplined and removed from his post, and ended up working part-time and doing odd jobs for a lonely life.
Listening to the adults say, when the Wang family deposited in the Tian family wood, is Yung's parents stole back and in turn to the Tian family to ask for, the fight Wang Ma big, Tian Ma small, Wang Ma Tian Ma hair pulling out, but also knocked out the teeth of the Tian Ma, the blood flowed all over the ground, the scene is as tragic as the killing of the sheep.