Lose weight on your own without motivation, there is no suitable and girlfriends exercise together fast weight loss course?

If you don't have a significant other then pull on your own partner or girlfriends to work out together, so you can also play a role in supervising the training together, to prevent themselves from being lazy, two people companion is always more than a person to reduce a lot of laziness do not go to exercise the reason.

Training action

One person to do elbow support plate support, another person in the direction of the perpendicular to her to do the same elbow support plate support action, and then will be the arm in the other side of the abdomen under the alternating out 2 times, and then in the other side of the back above the alternating out 2 times.

Training actions

Two people face each other bent knee lying on the ground, legs crossed, and then at the same time to do sit-ups, get up, high-five each other.