The heart wide one inch, benefit three. If you have a wide heart, the road will be wide, and if you have a narrow heart, the road will be narrow. Do not fight, naturally can be honored by people. Endure the breath to avoid the worry of a hundred days, a step back to the sea and the sky. If you can tolerate, tolerate, tolerate a hundred peace, respect for opponents, leniency, learn to adapt to the survival of the fittest. The amount of small is not a gentleman, do not good small, do not evil small. The heart is small, all the small things on the big; heart big, all the big things are small, big things difficult to see bear; adversity and smooth, look at the broadmindedness; is a success or failure, look at the persistence; everything goes with the flow, in the event of things at ease, when the time to be pleased with the light, when the time to be frank, the hardships and twists and turns inevitably, after all the vicissitudes of life to understand the.
Life, from the beginning of their own crying, in the end of other people's tears, the middle of the time, it is called happiness. Life in the world, grass and trees. Whether it is a happy time, or a sad moment, time is slowly flowing away. If the heart is at ease, the body is in the good times; if the heart is uneasy, it is in the bad times; the heart moves for the situation, the heart follows the situation; the heart is in the good times and the bad times, it cares about one heart. The real joy of life, should be y realized, the more removed those external carvings, revealing the pure heart, the more you can get the peace of mind and body. For those who like, even if it is not important, can also be flamboyant; for those who do not like, and then important things, can also be passed over. Believe in people, believe in feelings, believe in the existence of goodness. Be cheerful, be tough, be warm and alive.