The Harry Potter series takes Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as its main stage, recounting the story of Harry's struggle against the forces of evil magic. The series has been translated into 46 languages, sold hundreds of millions of copies, and has been named one of the top four best-selling children's novels of all time, potentially making it the most successful children's icon since Mickey Mouse, Snoopy, Garfield and other cartoon characters.
Harry Potter, a young boy wearing glasses and riding his flying broomstick, has set off a whirlwind of magic that the world has gone crazy for. In his world, wonders, myths, magic ...... nothing is overdone. Now, let's also get on our flying brooms and fly with him! Harry, Ron, Hermione, Autumn Chang, Ginny ...... a series of characters for this novel adds a lot of color ......
To July 21, 2007, the Harry Potter series has been published in full, ****7 books, respectively: p>
1, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (English: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, American: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone), Taiwanese translation: Harry Potter - The Mysterious Sorcerer's Stone
2, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Taiwanese translation: Harry Potter - The Vanishing Chamber of Secrets
[font id=Mark style="COLOR: #ee6600; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow" ]3[/font], Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban), Taiwanese translation: Harry Potter - The Fugitive of Azkaban
4, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire), Taiwanese translation: Harry Potter - The Fugitive of Azkaban
5, Harry Potter - The Fugitive of Azkaban (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire), Taiwanese translation: Harry Potter - The Ordeal of the Goblet of Fire
5, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix), Taiwanese translation: Harry Potter - The Secret Order of the Phoenix
6, Harry Potter and the "Half-Blood Prince" (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince), Taiwanese translation: Harry Potter - The Betrayal of the Half-Blood Prince
7, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (tentative translation) (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows), Taiwanese translation: Harry Potter - The Deathly Hallows
About the Author
Since Joanne Kathleen Rowling (1965-2007) completed her first novel, Rabbit, about a rabbit, at the age of seven. 24 years old, she saw a rabbit on a train. (1991), Rowling got the idea for magical writing when she saw a little boy wizard in glasses smiling and waving at her from the window on a train. She made the idea a reality seven years later. Thus, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (1997) was born and has been applauded by people all over the world. With its out-of-the-ordinary imagery, layers of suspense and child-friendly language, the Harry Potter series of adventures conquered teenage readers around the world almost overnight.
Rowling went on to write Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (1999), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2000), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003), and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2005) and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2007).
The year 2007 marks the 10th anniversary of the Harry Potter series of novels. To date, the series has been translated into 64 languages and has sold a total of [font id=Mark style="COLOR: #ee6600; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow"]3[/font].25 billion copies. Rowling has also gained fame and fortune for creating the Harry Potter series of novels and movies.
As a Christmas present in 2006, Rowling announced the title of the seventh book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, on her official website.On February 1, 2007, also on her official website, Rowling announced that the seventh book would be published in the United Kingdom at 00:01 British Daylight Time on Saturday, July 21, 2007, in the United Kingdom and the United States. It will also be published in other English-speaking countries around the world on Saturday the 21st at 00:01.
The successive releases of these works continue to set new records in the history of world fiction releases. The character of Harry Potter suddenly reigned over the literary world, making uncountable readers fall in love with him, which can not be said to be a miracle in the history of literature.
Rowling this imaginative magic mom brought countless people laughter and tears, but also brought the world's FANS a beautiful dream.
The movie adaptation of this work has also spread all over the world. The movie adaptation of Harry Potter has also become a hit all over the world, with Daniel Radcliffe becoming the richest teenager in Britain, and Rupert Grint and Emma Watson getting more and more FANS.
As Harry Potter continues to grow up, the main characters are growing up, and the FANS are also becoming mature in following the footsteps of their idols, and of course, the miracle of Harry Potter is slowly coming to an end.
May the hero of Harry Potter remain in people's hearts forever!
Other Harry Potter related books
The Biography of J.K. Rowling
The Magical Quidditch Ball
Where Magical Creatures Are (both of which are supplementary readers written by Rowling)
Wings of Dreams - My Harry Potter< /p>
The True Story of Harry Potter and Me
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
The Wizard's Companion
The Great Wizard's Book of Spells
Harry Potter and the Nine Again [FONT ID=Mark style="COLOR: #ee6600; BACKGROUND- COLOR: yellow"]3[/font]/April Platforms"
"I'm Mad About Harry"
"The Complete Harry Potter Treasury (A Muggle Must-Read)
"Harry Potter - The Secret Files"
"Letters to Harry Potter"
"Harry Potter - Muggle Wizarding Academy"
"The Little Wizarding Princess"
"The Little Wizarding Prince"
Harry Potter Postcard Series:
"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - The Little Wizard on the Broom"
"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Magical Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Fantastic Scenes
Harry Potter Coloring Book Series:
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Fantastic Adventures
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Fantastic Wizardry
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Fantastic Animals
Harry Potter Sticky Drawing Book Series:
Peepee's Paintings:
Peepee's Paintings:
Peepee's Paintings:
Harry Potter Sticky Drawing Book Series: < /p>
The Mischief of Peppermint
Riddle's Diary
Snake Monster in the Chamber of Secrets
Meaning of the Names of Various Characters in the Books
1. Albus Dumbledore: Albus is the Latin word for white, as Dumbledore is the White Wizard who is the antithesis to the Dark Lord Voldemort. Dumbledore according to Rowling herself is another way of writing it in English.
2. Severus Snape: Severus means stern in Latin, which matches Snape's character quite well. Snape is only one letter away from the word snake in English! No wonder Snape is the Dean of Slytherin.
[font id=Mark style="COLOR: #ee6600; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow"]3[/font]. Minerva Magee: The usual translation is Minerva, the goddess of wisdom in Roman mythology, or Athena, the goddess of Greek mythology.
4. Hermione: from the pronunciation it can be judged to have been personified from the great name of Hermes, the famous messenger of the gods on Mount Olympus in Greece. Today's popular field of philosophy "hermeneutics" was also born from the name of Hermes. No wonder Hermione is known for her wit and wisdom in the novels, and many difficult mysteries can be solved by her hands.
5. Lemus Lupin: Lupin comes from the Latin root LUP, which means wolf - LUPINE is "people like wolves" and LUPUS is "jackal". It is said that the inhabitants of the Normandy region of France sometimes called the werewolf "LUPIN"! Lemus is even more interesting, it's the name of one of the twins fed by a she-wolf in Roman legend, cute little wolf cubs!
6. Sirius Black: SIRIUS is, of course, Sirius, and Black is "black". He's a big black dog after he transforms this.
7. Peter the Dwarf: The name Peter is so common that it doesn't seem to have any special meaning. Pettigrew means "very small," and the name can be broken down into PET I GREW, which means something like "I've become a pet!
8. Argus Filch: Filch is the verb "to steal", while Argus is the 100-eyed gargoyle of Greek mythology.
9. HAGRID: According to Rowling, HAGRID is an Old English word for "bad night" or "bad night's sleep".
10. ALASTOR. Moody: ALASTOR is the Greek mythological demon of vengeance, and Moody means moody in English.
11. Prof. BINNS: BINNS is pronounced very close to BEEN and is the past participle form of the verb BE in English. This professor is already a ghost and is indeed in the past tense!
12. RIDDLE: RIDDLE means "riddle" in English, and as soon as I saw the name, I knew Rowling was going to play word games.
13. Voldemort VOLDEMORT is from the French VOLE DE MORT, that is, "the flight of death" or "flying away from death". No wonder the old comrade Voldemort thought about immortality all day long.
14. DUDLEY: DUDLEY is a variation of the British slang word DUD, which means boring.
15.Aunt Penny: PETUNIA means petunia, and her sister. Harry's mom Lily's name means lily of the valley. Petunia symbolizes anger and hatred, while lily symbolizes purity.
16. Malfoy: MALFOY is a variation of the French word MAL FOI, meaning bad faith. The family are Death Eaters, all believing in black magic. And Draco. Malfoy: DRACO is Latin for dragon, and dragons are associated with Satan in the West. Draco was also the name of an extremely brutal legislator in ancient Athens.
17. Lucius. Malfoy: LUCIUS and LUCIFER are very connected, as is Draco. Lucius was also the name of a very brutal legislator in ancient Athens.
18. Narcissa. MALFORD: NARCISSA comes from the Greek mythological figure of the young man who had a narcissistic complex and fell in love with his own shadow in the water.
19. Luvvie (Hagrid's three-headed dog): (fluffy) meaning "furry".
20.Hedwig: is the name of a 12th century German female saint.
21. GRYFFINDOR: The name GRYFFINDOR is derived from the French word GRYFFIND'OR, meaning golden Gryffindor. The Gryffin was a half-lion, half-eagle creature in Greek mythology, which was later commonly used in Christianity as a symbol of Jesus because it represented control over the earth (the lion) and the sky (the eagle).
22. Slytherin: SLYTHERIN is a change from the English SLITHERING, a word that means to slither sinuously and is often used to describe a snake. The symbol of Slytherin is the snake!
23. RAVENCLAW: RAVENCLAW, a direct translation of the dodo's paw. The symbol of Ravenclaw house is the eagle.
24. Hufflepuff: HUFFLEPUFF, from the English HUFF and PUFF. both words are related to blowing, I do not know what the connection. The symbol of Hufflepuff College is Badger.
25. Muggle: MUGGLE is a variation of the English slang word MUG, meaning fool.
Character names in Chinese and English
Harry Potter Harry Potter
Ron Weasley Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger Hermione Granger
Albus Dumbledore Albus Dumbledore
Guidro Lockhart Gibleroy Lockhart
Milleroy McGonagall Minerva Mcgonagall
Severus Snape Severus Snape
Lupin Professor Lupin
Dobby Dobby
Shiny Winky
Tom Riddle
Rubeus Hagrid
Chilo Professor Quirrel
Sprout Professor Sprout
Mrs. Hooch Madam Hooch
Trelawney Porfessor Trelawney
Sirius Black
Regulus Black Regulus Arcturus Black
Pete Pettigrew
Flitwick Professor Flitwick
Cedric Diggory Cedric Diggory
Wiktor Krum Viktor Krum
Filch Filch
Fleur Delacour Fleur Delacour
Mad-eye Moody Moody (Alastor Moody) Moody)
Baty Crouch baty Crouch
Ludo Bagman Ludo Bagman
Cornelius Fudge Cornelius Fudge
Bill Weasley Bill Weasley
Charles Weasley Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley Fred Weasley
George Weasley George Weasley
Ginny Weasley Ginny Weasley
Percy Weasley Percy Weasley
Aurthor Weasley
Molly Weasley Molly Weasley
Vernon Dursley Vernon Dursley
Penny Dursley Petunia Dursley
Daley Dursley Dudley Dursley
Cho Chang Cho Chang
Lavender Brown Lavender Brown
Parvati Patil
Draco Malfoy
Igor Karkaroff
Mrs. Maxime Madam Maxime
Padma Patil Padma Patil
Oliver Wood Oliver Wood
Goyle Goyle
Vincent Vincent Crabbe
Mrs. Pomfrey Madam Pomfrey
Lee Jordan Lee Jordan
Angelina Johnson Angelina Johnson
Seymour Finnigan Seamus Finnigan
Dean Thomas Dean Thomas
Navie Longbottom Neville Longbottom
Ernie Mcmillan Ernie Mcmillan
Colin Creevey Colin Creevey
Dennis Creevey Dennis Creevey
James Potter James Potter
Lily Potter Lily Evans
Katie Bell Katie Bell
Colin Creevey
Colin Creevey
Dennis Creevey Dennis Creevey
James Creevey
James Potter James Potter James Potter
Lily Potter Lily Potter Lily Evans Bell
Penelop Clearwater
Alicia Spinnet Alicia SpinnetProfessor Binns
Mrs. Pince Madam Pince
Mr. Ollivander
Mrs. Mrs. King Madam Malkin
Nicolas Flamel
Fat Friar Fat Friar
Weeping Myrtle Moaning Murtle
Bloody Baron
I almost didn't get it.
Nearly Headless Nick (Ghost of Gryffindor)
Rita Skeeter
Professor Sinistra
Professor Grubbly_plank
Pansy, Pansy, Patsy, and Patsy. p>
Pansy Parkinson Pansy Parkinson
Bertha Jorkins Bertha Jorkins
Roger Davis Roger Davis
Godric Gryffindor Godric Gryffindor
Helga Hufflepuff Helga Hufflepuff
Rowena Ravenclaw Rowena Ravenclaw
Salazar Slytherin Salazar Slytherin
Moonface Moony
Tipped Forks (Jaime Porter) Prongs
Bigfoot Padfoot
Tooth Fang
Norbert Norbert
Roadway Fluffy
Moonface Moony
Tipsy Fork (Jaime Porter) Prongs
Bigfoot Pigwidgeon
Bam Bam Scabbers
Hannah Abbott
Millicent Bulstrode
Justin Finch- Fletchley
Fawkes Fawkes
Pull Ring Griphook
Marcus Flint Markus Flint
Lucius Malfoy Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy Narcirra Malfoy
Ronan Ronan
Bane Bane
Firenze Firenze
Sir Cadogan
Amos Diggory Amos Diggory
Nymphadora Tonks Nymphadora Tonks
Rufus Scrimgeour Rufus Scrimgeour
Bellatrix Lestrange Bellatrix Lestrange (Bellatrix Black)
Magical Object
(Boggart) -- A boggart, like An enclosed space that changes shape. It will turn into the thing you fear most.
(Broomstick) Broom
(Cauldron) Cauldron
(Cleansweep 7) - Sweep 7, a slow type of broom
(Cloak/cape ) Cloak, cape
( Curse/spell/charm ) magic spell
(Daily Prophet) - Daily Prophet, the newspaper of the wizarding world
(Firebolt) - fire crossbow arrow, latest model , the best broom
(Floo Powder) - Flying Road Powder, used to travel quickly in the fireplace
(Horcrux) Horcruxes
(Hogwarts Express) Hogwarts Express train
(Howler) -Howler Letter- A letter that is commonly used when people are angry.
(Invisibility cloak)Invisibility cloak
(Knight Bus)-Knight Bus*** Car-The last thing you want to be is a bus*** car.
(Magic Wands)Magic Wands
(Marauder's Map)-Live Dot Map
(Nimbus 2000)Lightwheel 2000, the newer flying broom
(Omniocular)Quidditch Telescope
(Parchment) Parchment
(Pensieve) - meditation basin
(Phial) (liquid-filled) medicine bottle
(Philosopher's Stone )Magic Stone
(Pocket Sneakoscope) A spyglass that glows and spins when someone untrustworthy approaches.
(Portkey) door key
(Quill) feather quill
(Robe) robe
(Scales) scales
(Silver Arrow) silver arrow, an earlier style of flying broom
(Sorting hat) --Sorting hat
(the Hand of Glory)The Hand of Glory
(the Mirror of Erised)The Mirror of Erised
(the Quibbler)Singing Contrary
(Ton-Tongue) Toffees) Fat-tongue toffees
(Time Turner) Time converter
(Vanishing Cabinet) Vanishing cabinet that teleports people from place to place
(Wizarding Wireless Network) Flying road network
(Wand) Wand
(Alchemy) Alchemy
(Animagi) Animagi, magic that shapeshifts into animals
(Apparating) Phantom Shift/Manifestation
(Avada Kdavra) Avada Sojourn, illegal black magic spell.
(Cruciatus Curse) Drilling spell, illegal black magic spell. (from ABRACADABRA)
(Currency) Heart-drilling spell
(Dark Magic) Black magic
(Dark Mark) Dark Mark, skull in the air, used when someone is killed
(Disapparate) Phantom shifting
( Divination) Divination
(Fidelius Charm) Bold Loyalty spell
(Four Point Spell) Orientation spell that causes the tip of the wand to point north
(Impediment Curse) Obstacle spell that slows down to stop an aggressor.
(Imperious Curse) Soul Snatching Curse
(Leprechaun Gold) Disappear for hours
(Occlumency) Brain Closure
(Parseltongue) Serpent Cavity
(Patronus) Patron saint that fights Dementors
(Polypropylaeus) A spell that makes the tip of the wand go north
(Polypropylaeus) A spell that slows down to stop an aggressor. p>
(Polyjuice Potion) Polyjuice Potion, a soup that can change one person into the likeness of another
(Reductor Curse) Crushing Spell, to open up a path and break up solids
(Shield Charm) Iron Armor Spell, a temporary dividing wall that deflects lesser magic spells
(Side- Along-Apparition) follower manifestation
(Splinched) Split, where the wizard leaves half of his body behind when phantom shifting
(Transfiguration) shapeshifting spell
(Unbreakable Vow) unbreakable vow
(Wolfsbane potion) wolfsbane potion. Wolfsbane potion (Wolfsbane reagent)
Accio** fly
Aguamenti fresh water like a spring
Alohomora araho open
Aparecium haste to appear
Avada Kedavra Avada Kedavra
Avis Flock of Flying Birds
Colloportus Quickly Imprisoned
Crucio Drilled to the Bone
Deletrius Disappeared Without a Trace
Densaugeo Mentor's Teeth Raced with a Stick
Diffindo Divided Into Pieces
Disillusionment spell
Dissendium dilemma
Enervate quick recovery
Engorgio quickly get bigger
Evanesco dissipate without trace
Expecto Patronum call out to God's guards
Expelliarmus removes your weapon
Ferula ferula
Finite end
Finite incantatem spell stops
Flagrate mark appears
Furnunculus fire roasted and hot
Impedimenta is full of obstacles
Imperio soul out of body
Impervius waterproof and moisture-proof
Incarcerous fast confinement
Incendio flames blaze up
Legilimens ingesting and taking in thoughts
Levicorpus Inverted Golden Bell
Locomotor .... .... Movements
Locomotor Mortis Legs Standing Stiff and Stopped Dead
Lumos Fluorescent Flickering
Mobiliarbus Shifting Phantom
Mobilicorpus Shifting Phantom
Morsmordre Corpse Reproduction
Nox Nox Fluorescent Flickering Counterspell
Obliviate a forgetfulness
Orchideus Orchid Bloom
Pack Pack
Peskipiksi Pesternomi Peschipiksi Pestenomi
Petrificus totalus Totally Petrified
Point Me Show Me the Way
Portus Mentos
Prior Incantato Flashback Spell
Protego Armor Protect
Quietus Whispering
Reducio Shrinking
Reducto Crushing Bones
Relashio's power loosens and lets go
Reparo is back as good as new
Rictusempra grins and hoots
Riddikulus slips and slides
Scourgify cleans up
Sectumsempra's divine blade is shadowless
Serpensortia ouroboros
Silencio voiceless
Sonorus loud and clear
Stupefy fainting
Tarantallegra tarantella
Unplottable unlabelable
Waddiwasi Waddiwasi
Wingardium Leviosa Feingardium Leviosa
Magic Potion
(Amortentia) Ecstasy
(Felix Felicis) Blessing
(Mandrake Restorative) Mandrake Restorative
(Polyjuice Potion) Compound Soup
(Veritaserum) Spitting Truth
(Aurors) - Aurors
(Bonder) Witnesses p>
(Champions) - Warriors, who represent the school in the Triwizard Tournament
(Death Eaters) - Death Eaters
(Mudblood) Mudbloods, who are not interested in being born into a Muggle families (not pureblood) wizards
(Muggles) Muggles, people from non-magical worlds
(Squib) Dummies, born into a family of wizards, though with no magical abilities.
(Galleons) - Galleons, gold coins
(Sickles) - Sickles, silver coins, 17 silver Sickles = 1 gold Galleon
(Knutes) --Nats, copper coins, 29 copper nats = 1 silver sico
(Gobstones) - A magical game similar to pinball, where the stones spew liquid to splash the loser in the face.
(Quidditch) Quidditch, with four balls and three hoops, similar to the sport of soccer. One of them,
Ghost Flying Ball (Quaffle): a red ball that works the same way as a basketball.
The chaser throws it through the hoop for 10 points;
The keeper blocks the ball from the opponent;
Bludges: two black balls hit the players,
the batsman strikes the opponent;
Golden Snitch: a small golden ball, similar to a soccer ball. Snitch: a golden wicket, the seeker gets the wicket and the game is over.
(Triwizard Tournament) Triwizard Tournament
(Yule Ball) - Christmas Ball
Book Catalog
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Chapter 1 The Boy Who Had a Big Break
Chapter 2 The Glass that Disappeared Silently
Chapter [font id=Mark style="COLOR: #ee6600; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow"]3[/font] The Owl's Passing of the Scriptures
Chapter 4 The Keeper of the Keys
Chapter 5 Diagon Alley
Chapter 6 From the The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters
Chapter 7 The Branch Hat
Chapter 8 The Potions Teacher
Chapter 9 The Midnight Duel
Chapter 10 The Night Before Halloween
Chapter 11 The Quidditch Match
Chapter 12 The Mirror of Eris
Chapter 13 Nicole. LeMay
Chapter 14 Norbert, the Norwegian Ridgeback Dragon
Chapter 15 The Forbidden Forest
Chapter 16 Through the Living Door
Chapter 17 Two-Face
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 1 The Worst Birthday Ever
Chapter 2 Dobby's Warning
Chapter [font id=Mark style="COLOR: #ee6600; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow"]3[/font] Humble Habitat
Chapter 4 At the Li'l Trace Bookstore
Chapter 5 Beating up on Willow
Chapter 6 Giedroyd Lockhart
Chapter 7 Mudseeds and WhispersChapter 8 The Tombstone Party
Chapter 9 The Writing on the Wall
Chapter 10 The Out-of-Control Wandering Ball
Chapter 11 Dueling Clubs
Chapter 12 Compound Soup
Chapter 13 The Top Secret Diary
Chapter 14 Connelly. Fudge
Chapter 15 Aragog
Chapter 16 The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 17 The Heir to Slytherin
Chapter 18 Dobby's Reward
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Chapter 1 The Owl Post
Chapter 2 Aunt Maggie's Big Mistake
Chapter [ FONT id=Mark style="COLOR: #ee6600; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow"]3[/font] Chapter Knight's Public **** Car
Chapter 4 The Broken Cauldron Bar
Chapter 5 The Dementor
Chapter 6 The Falcon and the Tea
Chapter 7 The Closet of the Boggart
Chapter 8 The Fat Lady Escapes
Chapter 9 Ominous Failure
Chapter 10 The Map of the Living Dot
Chapter 11 The Firebolt Arrow
Chapter 12 The Patronus
Chapter 13 Gryffindor versus the Ravenclaw
Chapter 14 Snape's Jealousy
Chapter 15 Quidditch Finals< /p>
Chapter 16 Trelawney's Prophecy
Chapter 17 Cats, Rats, and Dogs
Chapter 18 Moonface, Wormtail, Bigfoot, and Spiked Forks
Chapter 19 Voldemort's Servant
Chapter 20 Dementor's Kiss
Chapter 21 Hermione's Secrets
Chapter 22 Seeing Owlpost Again
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Chapter 1 Riddle House
Chapter 2 The Scars
[font id=Mark style="COLOR: #ee6600; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow"]Chapter [font id=Mark style="COLOR: #ee6600; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow"]3[/font] The Invitation
Chapter 4 Return to the The Humble Abode
Chapter 5 Weasley's Magic Trick
Chapter 6 The Door Key
Chapter 7 Bagman and Crouch
Chapter 8 The Quidditch World Cup
Chapter 9 The Black Magic Marker
Chapter 10 The Ministry of Magic in Disarray
Chapter 11 Boarding the Hogwarts Express
Chapter 12 The Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 13 Moody the Mad-Eyed Man
Chapter 14 The Unforgivable Curse
Chapter 15 Boothbottom and Durmstrang
Chapter 16 The Goblet of Fire
Chapter 17 The Four Warriors
Chapter 18 Detecting the Wand
Chapter 19 Hungarian Tree Bees
Chapter 20 The First Project
Chapter 21 The Pokemon Liberation Front
Chapter 22 An Unexpected Challenge
Chapter 23 The Christmas Ball
Chapter 24 Rita. Skeeter's Scoop
Chapter 25 The Golden Egg and the Magic Eye
Chapter 26 The Second Project
Chapter 27 Bigfoot Returns
Chapter 28 Mr. Crouch Goes Crazy
Chapter 29 The Nightmare
Chapter 30 The Meditation Basin
Chapter 31 The Third Project
Chapter 32 Blood , Flesh and Bones
Chapter 33 Death Eaters
Chapter 34 Flashback Spell
Chapter 35 Trance
Chapter 36 Parting of the Ways
Chapter 37 The Beginning
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Chapter 1 Dalek Encounters the Dementors
Chapter 2 A Bunch of Owls
Chapter [font id=Mark style="COLOR: #ee6600; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow"]3[/font] Advance Guard
Chapter 4 12 Grimmauld Place
Chapter 5 The Order of the Phoenix
Chapter 6 The Noble and Ancient Blake Family
Chapter 7 The Ministry of Magic
Chapter 8 The Trial
Chapter 9 Mrs. Weasley's Troubles
Chapter 10 Luna Lovegood
Chapter 11 The Branch Hat's New Song
Chapter 12 Professor Umbridge
Chapter 13 Locked Up by Dolores
Chapter 14 Percy and Bigfoot
Chapter 15 The Senior Investigating Officer at Hogwarts
Chapter 16 At the Hog's Head
Chapter 17 Educational Order XXIV
Chapter 18 Dumbledore's Army
Chapter 19 The Lion and the Serpent
Chapter 20 Hagrid's Tale
Chapter 21 Serpent's Eye
Chapter 22 St. Mungo's Magical Injury Hospital
Chapter 23 Christmas in the Closed Ward
Chapter 24 Brain Closure
Chapter 25 The Hopeless Beetle
Chapter 26 Inside and Outside the Dreamscape
Chapter 27 Horsemen and Tattletales
Chapter 28 Snape's Most Painful Memories
Chapter 29 Employment Counseling
Chapter Chapter 30 Glop
Chapter 31 The O.W.Ls Exam
Chapter 32 Return from the Fire
Chapter 33 Fight and Flight
Chapter 34 The Mystery Division
Chapter 35 The Other Side of the Curtain
Chapter 36 The Only One He Feared
Chapter 37 The Lost Prophecy
Chapter Chapter 38 The Second War is Fought
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Chapter 1 The Other Minister
Chapter 2 Spider's Tail Alley
Chapter [font id=Mark style="COLOR: #ee6600; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow"]3[/font Chapter] To Be or Not to Be
Chapter 4 Horace Slughorn
Chapter 5 Too Much Sticky Phlegm
Chapter 6 Draco Goes Around in Circles
Chapter 7 The Snotty Club
Chapter 8 Snape Gets What He Wishes For
Chapter 9 The Half-Blood Prince
Chapter 10 The Old Gaunt's House
Chapter 11 Hermione Helping Out
Chapter 12 Silverware and Opals
Chapter 13 The Mysterious Riddle
Chapter 14 The Blessed Spirit Potion
Chapter 15 The Unbreakable Vow
Chapter 16 A Frosty Christmas
Chapter 17 A Chaotic Memory
Chapter 18 Birthday Accident
Chapter 19 Pixie Tail
Chapter 20 Voldemort's Request
Chapter 21 The Mysterious Room
Chapter 22 After the Funeral
Chapter 23 The Horcruxes
Chapter 24 The Divine Striker Without a Shadow
Chapter 25 The Overheard Prophecy
Chapter 26 The Cavern
Chapter 27 The Tower Struck by Lightning
Chapter 28 The Prince Escapes
Chapter 29 The Phoenix Elegy
Chapter 30 The White Grave
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Chapter 1 The Dark Lord Rises Again
Chapter 2 Remembrance
Chapter [FONT ID=MARK style="COLOR: #ee6600; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow"]Chapter 3[/font] The Departure of the Dursleys
Chapter 4 The Seven Potters
Chapter 5 The Fall of the Warriors
Chapter 6 Ghouls in Pyjamas
Chapter 7 Albus Dumbledore's Will
Chapter 8 The Wedding
Chapter 9 The Hiding Place
Chapter 10 Kreacher's Tale
Chapter 11 Bribery
Chapter 12 Magic is Power
Chapter 13 Muggle-born Wizarding Registration Board
Chapter 14 Thief
Chapter 15 Revenge of the Goblins
Chapter 16 The Valley of the High Conek
Chapter 17 The Secret of Bathsheba
Chapter 18 The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore
Chapter 19 The Silver Doe
Chapter 20 Xenon Frith Lovegood
Chapter 21 The Tale of the Three Brothers
Chapter 22 The Dead Saints
Chapter 23 The Malfoy Manor
Chapter 24 The Wandmaker< /p>
Chapter 25 The Shell Cottage
Chapter 26 The Ancient Spirit House
Chapter 27 The Last Hiding Place
Chapter 28 The Missing Mirror
Chapter 29 The Lost Crown
Chapter 30 The Departure of Severus Snape
Chapter 31 The Battle of Hogwarts
Chapter 32 The Elder The Wand
Chapter 33 The Story of the "Prince"
Chapter 34 The Forbidden Forest Again
Chapter 35 The Station of King's Cross
Chapter 36 The Hundredth Secret
Afterword Nineteen Years Later
The Movie
1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) - November 4, 2001 UK premiere
2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) - November 2002 [font id=Mark style="COLOR: #ee6600; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow"]3[/font] UK premiere
[font id= Mark style="COLOR: #ee6600; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow"]3[/font], Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - -May 31, 2004 UK premiere
4, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)-November 6, 2005 London, UK premiere
5, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)-November 6, 2005 London, England premiere
5, Harry Potter Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix - premiered in Tokyo, Japan on June 28, 2007
6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - premiered in London, England on November 6, 2005
7. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) - In theaters November 20, 2008
7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (哈利-波特与死圣) -- not yet filmed