The basic techniques of fan dance are as follows:
1. The commonly used method of holding the fan is to hold the fan thumb on one side of the fan, the rest of the fingers are held on the other side of the fan, the fan bar in the heart of the hand.
2. Grip the fan in the dance, mostly used to push the fan movement, because the arm to the distance after the push, the fingers are convenient to close the fan, open to retrieve freely, which is commonly used in the dance maneuver action.
3. In holding the fan movement, there is a movement for the standing fan, can be vertical up standing or vertical down standing, the thumb is always kept parallel to the fan pole first pole.
4. Commonly used method of holding the fan: clip the fan (i.e., two or three fingers fan) thumb and pinkie on one side of the fan, the remaining three fingers on the other side of the fan, the fan will be sandwiched in the middle.
5. Clip the fan in the dance, often used in the action of turning the fan, when the action needs to be rotated, the fan needs to be alternated between positive and negative flip, only clip the fan in order to make the fan flip flexible.
6. In a dance song often have to hold the fan and clip the fan of the action of excessive conversion, from holding the fan to clip the fan or from clip the fan to hold the fan, all need to change the position of the fingers, pay attention to change the time accurately, in order to dance in place.
Fan dance, also known as fan dance, refers to the fan as the main props of the dance. It is one of China's traditional folk dance forms, Han, Hani, Korean and other ethnic groups in the long-term historical process, have formed their own style of different fan dance.
Fan dance belongs to a kind of human music and dance, and human music and dance originated in the primitive society of sorcery activities, it is mature earlier and achieved an independent artistic status. The fan was applied to the ancient Chinese court and folk music and dance art at a very early stage, and developed into a form of performing music and dance.
In the fan dance, the fan is not only as an accessory to the existence of the fan, but with the dancers with the dance, the fan shape, God, meaning, interesting, has been widely and y into the music and dance art performance, and enrich and develop the music and dance art of the language form.
The fan not only enriches the cultural meaning of music and dance art, but also enhances its cultural taste, and becomes an important factor that constitutes the national characteristics of Chinese music and dance art.