Zhaowang Village is located in which city

Zhao Wang Village is located in the southeast of Jiaoqiao Town, 7 kilometers from the town government. The village *** there are 261 households, 846 people, 22 party members, 30 village representatives, 4 village groups, arable land area of more than 1730 acres, Zhao Wang village's leading industries are grain farming and yam planting. Xiaowu River flows from the village in front, in recent years, in the case of the economic conditions are relatively weak book, the village two committees of the group after a variety of funding, hardening of the village roads, convenient for the villagers to travel, and landscaping the overall environment of the village. Harmonious and civilized square dance team colorful, greatly promoting the prosperity and development of rural culture.

Zhao Wang Village is adjacent to Xiaobeidu Village, Guojia Village, Xiaozhao Village, Diao Song Village, Xiaobit Village, Yao Sun Village, Jijia Village, Dongjia Village, Shixin Village, Dongdu Village, Gaodaokou Village, Xidu Village, Liudaokou Village and Sunzhuang Village.

There are Yuan Shou Dong Shinto Monument, Binzhou He Yan Mountain, Zouping Yellow River Water Conservancy Scenic Area, Tiandi Yuan Wine Culture Tourism Area, Daixi River Water Conservancy Scenic Area and other tourist attractions near Zhaowang Village, and there are specialties such as Changshan yam, Zouping toon, Zouping sour pulp tofu, Qingyang millet, Xidong tofu and other specialties.