The imitation writing: alone did not participate in the square dance people do not know the fun, look at the beautiful, involuntarily humming the melody, twisting the body, hate can not immediately join us in the team, but the lack of self-expression of the self-confidence of that.
The imitation of writing requires students to understand, grasp the central idea of the model and writing method based on their own life experience and knowledge of things, write in the form of a model similar to the composition with personality. Imitation of writing training should be combined with reading instruction.
Expanded Information:
It is important to take the given statement as the main topic in imitation, otherwise it will be out of line and "lose a word, fallacy by a thousand miles". The topic also refers to the central theme of the passage given, imitation writing should be in the understanding of the meaning of the basis of the main idea to grasp the main idea, the purpose of the association, follow the purpose of the selection of materials, according to the purpose of the sentence.
[Example l]Imitate the following prose sentence, start with the words "moon" and "seagull" and write two sentences with the same style.
What age is the most desirable? What kind of heart is the brightest? What kind of life is the best? What kind of youth is the most brilliant? The flowers say: the age when the branches are fighting for beauty is the most ideal; the moon says: ; the seagulls say: ; the sun says: the burning youth is the most brilliant.
[wrong example] The moon says: I radiate the brightest light. The seagull says: My majestic dance is the most beautiful.
[Analysis]In the given example sentence, the first four questions have made it clear that the object of the following answer should be "age", "mind", "life", "youth", and in the answer to the question, the object should be "age", "mind", "life", "youth", and in the answer to the question, the object of the answer should be "age", "mind", "life", "youth". In the answer, "flower" corresponds to "age" and "sun" corresponds to "youth", so "flower" corresponds to "age" and "sun" corresponds to "youth", so "flower" corresponds to "age" and "sun" corresponds to "youth". So "moon" and "seagull" should correspond to "heart" and "life" respectively. "The moon and the seagulls should correspond to the heart and the life respectively, and the imitations should take the heart and the life as the object of the statement.
And in the wrong example, "moon" and "seagull" answer to "light" and "dance". This is not in line with the stated object of the question, which is off-topic.
[Reference Answer] The moon said: my open heart is the brightest; the seagull said: the best life is to fight the storm.