Which trademark category do the trademarks of pantyhose and stockings belong to?

As an improved version of socks, pantyhose should be registered as a kind of clothing in trademark registration and should be registered in the 25 th category of Nice Classification. Underwear, also known as pantyhose, tights, five-bone socks or pantyhose, is a garment tightly wrapped from waist to toe. Most pantyhose are specially designed for women. Pantyhose are loved by many women. If the pantyhose you produce has its own trademark, it will give consumers a high-quality feeling, which will be more favorable for the product to open the market. The 2509 similar group includes the main products: leggings (leg warmers) 250088, garters (for stockings) 250039, garters 250038, garters 250037, socks 250036, socks 2500 13, stockings heels 250008 and sweat-absorbent stockings 25000008.