1, bar stretching, this type of single bar rack can be bought on Taobao. Hands pulling the bar, the whole body relaxation, along with the weight of the body hanging ten to twenty seconds, let go and take a break, repeatedly do ten to twenty times. Can effectively stretch the spine and spinal soft tissue, reduce joint pressure, long-term stretching and some height effect.
2, horizontal bicycle, legs up 45 degrees, do the bicycle action, maintain thirty seconds, put down to rest, repeat ten to twenty times. It can loosen the lumbosacral soft tissues and ligaments around the knee and promote blood circulation.
3, neck muscle confrontation training, hands on the neck, head back, elbow joints of both hands as tight as possible, maintain ten to twenty seconds, and then try to open, maintain ten to twenty seconds, repeated ten to twenty times. You can stretch the soft tissues of the neck and shoulder, maintain neck flexion, and prevent instability of the circumflexion joints.
4, there is still time, then practice a flat support.
Yoga worship - the best early morning exercise
Morning after getting up, should not do too intense HIIT. otherwise the day will be fatigue, sleepy.
So it is recommended to either jog for 30 minutes or do Yoga Bhajans.
Jogging is not necessary to say, run slowly. Just a quick word on yoga worship.
Option #1: Do the Bayana A (Surya Namaskara A), 5 times. It takes about 10-15 minutes.
Each time, stay in downward dog and hold 5 deep breaths. At first, do not need to work with the breath at first, and focus on mastering the standard movements. When the movement is skillful, then match the breathing with the focus point (which is marked on the picture). These movements of the worship of the Japanese style can be done by anyone, only that it will be more tiring. It is not recommended to use the popular castrated version on the internet or the unorthodox version that reduces the difficulty.Option 2: Baiji-Style B (Surya Namaskara B), do it 5 times. It takes about 15-20 minutes.
Each time, stay in downward dog and hold for 5 deep breaths. In the beginning, you don't need to work with the breath at first, and focus on mastering the standard movements. When the movements are skillful, then work with the breathing and focus points.