What are the aabb words for colors?

1. What are the words in the "AA BB" style

浩浩怠荡荡安安安 高高兴 快樂 风光光光 安安穩稳 沸扬扬扬扬风风雨风雨 鬼鬼鬼鬼祟祟 家家户堂堂正正 形形 *** 偷偷摸吞吐吐吐郁郁葱葱 痛踵漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂漂 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ 马马虎虎 结结巴巴 唠叨叨期艾艾 絮絮叨影影绰绰 庸庸碌碌碌碌 鬼鬼祟祟 战战兢兢 形形 ***

1. conscientious jīng jīng yè yè 兢兢:形容小心谨慎;业业:畏惧的样子。 It describes doing things cautiously and diligently.

2. 浩浩荡荡荡荡 hào hào dàng dàng dàng originally described the vastness of water. Later, it describes the vastness of something, or the sound of the advancing crowd.

3. 平平安安 píng píng ān ān No accident; smooth and safe

4. 高兴兴 gāo gāo xìng xīng Meaning an energetic, heartfelt, and optimistic mood of happiness that comes from an optimistic disposition or from some special cause of happiness

5. ān ān wěn wěn Describing a very stable and steady state, ān ān wěn wěn wěn wěn wěn wěn wěn wěn wěn is the same as ān ān wěn wěn wěn wěn wěn wěn. It is as noisy as boiling water.


1. He treats his family with love and care; he treats his work with dedication.

2. And for two years, it has been dedicated to its mission.

3. If you want to be successful, you have to be practical and conscientious, and don't want to reach the sky in one step.

4. The class president is conscientious and diligent every day to do his job, not for fame or fortune.

5. He is a really good teacher, tireless and conscientious.

6. Go to school happily and go home safely. The family can rest assured that they will be safe at home.

7. Peace, peace, peace, peace, everyone is safe, everyone is happy.

8. Danger is everywhere, only by remembering safety, we can live every day in peace.

9. To cross the street is to look left and right, to use home appliances is to look at the plug, to use fire is to be careful, and to live in peace.

10. Apples symbolize peace and security, so my mother always puts an apple in my bag when I go to school in the afternoon. Smelling the apple, I felt as if I was the happiest person in the world

2. What are the AABB words to describe colors

The words are: speckled, flowery, fancy, white, lush.

1. spotty [ bān bān diǎn diǎn ] The surface of an object is impure in color.

Source : Qing Dynasty - Li Ruzhen, The Mirror of Flowers, Round 8: "The head is speckled with many flowery writings, all pecking at the stones there and flying to and fro."

Translation: with different colors on their heads and many flowery writing, they all pecked at the stones there and flew back and forth rapidly.

2. 花花绿绿 [ huā huā lǜ lǜ ] Status word. Describe the bright and colorful colors: the wall was covered with flowery and green New Year's paintings. The girls were dressed in bright colors and danced in the square.

Source: Jin Yuan Haoqian's "Two Songs of Mockery" (又解嘲二首): By the virtue of your counting the guests of Dongzhou; who is among the flowers and greenery?

Translation: Let you carefully count the merchants in Dongzhou; who is there in this colorful world?

3. 花花哨哨 [ huā huā shào shào ] Refers to a wide variety of colors, bright and colorful.

Source: Lu Yao, The Ordinary World, Volume 2, Chapter 40: "The gifts sent by the guests have long been set up on the several large tables in front of the restaurant, red and green, flowery and fancy, and set up on several tables all along the edges."

4. 白白朱朱 [ bái bái zhū zhū ] White is white, red is red. It describes different kinds of flowers and trees with different colors.

Source: Tang Han Yu's poem "Three Poems on Sense of Spring": "In the morning, I traveled to the forest of a hundred flowers, Zhu Zhu and white white."

Translation: Wandering in the Hundred Flowers Forest in the early morning, I saw flowers and plants of various colors.

5.郁郁葱葱 [ yù yù cōng cōng ] describes the grass and trees as verdant and luxuriant. It also describes a beautiful and vigorous atmosphere.

Source: Han Dynasty - Wang Chong, "Lun Heng - Auspicious Experiments": "The city is lush and green."

Translation: The grass and trees around the city are lush and green.

3. What are the abb-style words to describe colors

The abb-style words to describe colors:

Green, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, red, white, red,

Watery, golden, green,

Red, white, pink,

Bright, dark, black, black,

Dark, black oil, bright,

Green, red, red,

Yellow, white, bright,

Black, golden, white,

pink, bright, golden,

blue, yellow, purple,

grey, red,

4. aabb-style words describing colors

clear, red-hot, thousands, high, happy, household,

step-by-step, abound, abounding, class class can be examined, Aa Idioms About Colors

哀哀 ai1ai1 adj. pain-like. AA slowly ban7ban7 adj. slowly. AA 微微 bi5bi5 adj. slight; figuratively gentle and small. AA boring bun7bun7 adj. In a depressed mood. AA early ca2ca2 adj. Early. AA ca2ca2 adj. A. AA chang1chang1 adj. A lively appearance. AA chiah4chiah4 adj. The color of gold. AA chiam1chiam1 adj. slender. AA place? chir3chir3 adj. chir3chir3 adj. Everywhere; every place. AA cin1cin1 adj. Describing good eyesight. AA individual? AA individual? goo3goo3 n. referring to everyone or many people. AA good ho2ho2 adv. good. AA hun1hun1 adj. A continuous stream of people. AA wan iam2iam2 adj. depressed. AA round inn5inn5 adj. rounded. AA it4it4 num. one by one. AA sad iu1iu1 adj. depressed. AA gently khin1khin1 adj. lightly. AA startled kiann1kiann1 adj. frightened. AA tight kin2kin2 adj. fast. AA good kuai1kuai1 adj. coaxing. (*) AA 眷 kuan3kuan3 n. unforgettable. (*) AA 人人 lang5lang5 n. Everyone or many people. AA long2long2 adj. long2long2 adj. The bright light of the moon. AA white peh8peh8 adj. the color of silver. AA Cannon? phau1phau1 adj. The bright light of the moon. AA pinn5pinn5 adj. The same. AA 步步 poo7poo7 n. Each step. AA double sang1sang1 adj. A metaphor for two pairs. AA siann1siann1 n. One sound after another. AA burn? sio1sio1 adj. Hot. AA sioh4sioh4 v. to cherish. AA dry? ta1ta1 adj. dry. AA heavy tang7tang7 adj. Heavy. AA pain pain thiann3thiann3 adj. Original,












The ditch, the ditch,

The flower, the flower,

The wind, the rain,

The food, the drink,

The wind, the rain,

The food, the drink,