I come from the grassland square dance teaching, lyrics?

I came from the grassland

Sung by Tong Tong

When the horse-head qin was played

The larks sang

When the relatives ah got together

Tells me about my long-lasting love

I came from the grassland

I came from the grassland

The grassland side of the flowers are in bloom

I came from the grassland

I came from the grassland

When the grassland side of the flower is in bloom

I came from the grassland

I come from the prairie

The flowers on the other side of the prairie are like a sea

When the star of Vega rises

The foal sucks on its mother's milk

Returning to its mother's affection

To be loved with all of my life

I come from the prairie

I come from the prairie

The prairie is full of prosperity

The prairie has a lot to offer I come from the prairie

I come from the prairie

Much anticipation on the other side of the prairie

Wherever I am like the wind

Rising up and drifting away

Wherever I am like the wind

Rising up and drifting away

The prairie, the prairie

Will always be with me

Ahahooy ahahohooy

Always be with me

Always be with me