Strong Dance] Hanging Baby 3.6 Cracked Version 3.6 Cracked Version I personally test can be jumped: into the F 卜會被TTT出来.................. .............................. .............................. .................. point login: password: 123 3.1 beta version Note: Play jump 3V3 couple mode (also called CLUB DANCE mode) need to players themselves according to the type of dance steps to choose Hang Up Baby Dance step type to choose the mode of hanging baby, if you jump couple step on the Shift + F6 switch to the couple mode, if the jump is a common step, Shift + F8 switch to CLUB mode mode hot key description: F5 key hide / call out, F9 start, F10 stop F3 P point decrease, F4 P point increase F6 change jump first line, F7 change jump 2nd line, F8 change jump 3rd line below Hotkeys are only effective when you enter the game and activate the game window as the current window Shift + F3 to switch to normal single mode Shift + F4 to switch to freestyle Shift + F5 to switch to dynamic 4-direction and 8-direction Shift + F6 to switch to couple mode Shift + F7 to switch to dance battle mode Shift + F8 to switch to club mode Shift + F9 to switch to CRAZY11 modeShift + F10 to switch to other modesLeft Alt + main keyboard (not keypad) number keys to switch to free dance steps, for example, to choose the 23rd free dance steps, then press the left Alt, then press the 2 of the main keyboard, and then press 3, and finally release the left AltRight Alt + main keyboard number keys to switch to the ordinary dance steps Ctrl + F3 to switch the program interface to the "Settings" page Ctrl + F4 to select or remove the "Auto Press Direction" Ctrl + F5 to select or remove the "Auto Press Space" Ctrl + F6 to select or remove the "Auto Press Space" Ctrl + F6 to select or remove the "Auto Press Space" Ctrl + F5 to select or remove the "Auto Press Space". "Ctrl + F6 Select or remove "Auto Ready or Start" Features: Full-screen window support, normal, personal, synchronized, dynamic, couple, dance, team, and so on, full mode support. The operation is simple, ready and convenient. Completely do not modify the game data or data package, not affected by the game data package update. The principle of virtual button makes the program more secure and not easily detected by the game. This software does not contain any malicious programs and advertisements, but if you download it from other websites, please check the virus first to make sure the program is complete. Steps to use: 1: Open the "Dancing Baby.exe" file, if it is the first time to run, you need to determine the directory of your game 3: Set up the functions and steps of the Baby. 4: Press "F9", the Baby will start to run. If you press "F10", it will stop running. 5: Enter the game, it is recommended to use the window mode, the game window should not be blocked by anything. 6: Enter or create a room and start dancing! Adjust the speed of the dance music on the game to the same speed as the game, if the game is 4K, you have to press INSERT to switch to 8K7: You can always set the "Dance Mode", "P-Point", "Dance Speed", "Dance Mode", "P-Point", "Dance Speed", "P-Point", "Dance Speed", "Dance Speed", "Dance Speed" and "Dance Speed". You can set the "Dance Mode", "P Spot", "Dance Speed" and "Line" at any time without having to press F10 to stop. Note that you can't press F10 in the middle of the dance song when jumping free and normal, and you can't press F9 to start only in the middle of the dance song, otherwise it will mess up the steps Note: the current version of jumping personal, normal, move 4, synchronized the first 6 steps occasionally have MISS phenomenon, you can jump to the 6th step by yourself and then press F9 to start, we are solving the problem Setting Instructions 1: Auto Ready/Start: Hanging Baby check whether the character is in the room or not, if yes, check whether the character is in the room, if yes, check whether it is in the room, if yes, check whether it is in the room. in the room, if so, check to see if anyone is involved, if so, auto start and ready 2: auto press space: if you are hanging up, you have to select this function, if you want to subject yourself to press space, don't select it 3: auto press direction key: if you dance step by yourself, just want to utilize the P function of hanging up baby, select it 4: hanging up mode: make sure to select the right mode, or else it will affect the operation. If you don't have the mode you want, please choose "Other Mode", it doesn't support Dancing Mode 5: P Spot Fine-tuning: this parameter is related to the frequency of P appearing, if the P appearing is too little, you can press "F3", "F4", "F3", "F4", "F3", "F4", "F3", "F4", "F4", "F4", "F4", "F4", "F4", "F4", "F4", "F4", etc. "F4" to adjust the P point, generally between -4 and 1, 197 songs is -3 or -2, 140 is 0 or -1, 80 is 1 or 2, and so on. This and the song, host configuration, network speed, etc., to experiment more to find the best point Note: This program does not even P function, but if you learn to fine-tune the P point, the P will be very frequent, generally between -4 to positive 3, of course, each computer is different for each dance, as long as you pay more attention to find the law, you can P more often, generally speaking, the more smooth the machine, the better the results 6: The program can detect the speed by itself, but sometimes it will fail, then you must set it to the same speed as the actual dance music in the game, otherwise it will be MISS The following address is copied directly to Xunlei's web address (URL) to download it immediately