What is the calculation formula of click-through rate?

Click rate = click volume/exhibition volume.

Click-through rate refers to the ratio of the number of times a certain content on a website page is clicked to the number of times it is displayed, that is, the number of clicks/views, which is a percentage. It reflects the attention of a certain content on a web page and is often used to measure the attractiveness of advertisements.

Related information:

"Click rate" comes from English "click rate" and "click rate", which refers to the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of times displayed on a website page, that is, the number of clicks/views, which is a percentage. It reflects the attention of a certain content on a web page and is often used to measure the attractiveness of advertisements.

In online advertising, the click rate is the percentage of times that the advertisement on the HTML page has been clicked after opening. Therefore, if one person in 10 clicks an advertisement on the opened page, the click rate of this advertisement is 10%.