Zhao Pu replied, "It is a blessing for heaven, earth, people and gods that Your Majesty has the foresight to ask this question. Since the end of the Tang Dynasty, emperors have moved several times and there have been wars and rebellions, the root cause of which lies in the fact that Fang Zhen has too much power, and the king is weak and the ministers are strong. Now the only way to remove this evil is to deprive Fang Zhen of their power, control their finances, conscript their elite soldiers, and the world will naturally be stabilized." Before Zhao Pu could finish his words, Mao said repeatedly, "You don't have to say any more, I understand everything." One night, Mao left Shi Shouxin, Gao Huaide, and other senior generals of the Imperial Army to drink, and when the wine was extremely hot, Mao suddenly withdrew his attendants and confided in them. He said, "If it were not for your efforts, I would not be in the position I am in today. For this reason, I think of your merits from the bottom of my heart. However, it is too difficult to be an emperor. It is good to be happy. To be honest, I've never had a good night's sleep in this year!" Shi Shouxin and the others listened and asked, "What truth?" Mao continued unhurriedly, "It's not hard to know. Who doesn't want to sit in my position as emperor?" Shi Shouxin and the others heard the words and hurriedly kowtowed, "Why did Your Majesty say that? Since the fate of heaven has been decided, who would dare to have any dissent?" Mao said, "Otherwise, although you have the same heart, your subordinates also want to get rich. Once the yellow robe, even if you do not want to be the emperor, there is no way."
Some words, soft and hard, the generals know that they have been guessed, or even incur the disaster of killing, suddenly cold sweat, tears, have kowtowed, asking Mao to give them a way out. Mao slowly said, "Life is like a blink of an eye. All those who seek wealth just want to gather more money, have more fun, and save their children and grandchildren from poverty. Why don't you give up military power, buy more good land and beautiful houses, and set up permanent estates for your children and grandchildren. Meanwhile, buy more singers and dancers, drink and have fun day and night, and finally, I will marry you again. Wouldn't it be good if there was no suspicion between the ruler and the minister, and the top and bottom were at peace with each other?" Seeing Mao speak so clearly, Shi Shouxin and the others had no choice but to obey the order and thank Mao for his kindness. The next day, the forbidden guards, the pro military division of the infantry, commanding Shi Shouxin, governor Zhang Linduo, the temple vice governor Gao Huaide, governor Wang Shenqi, all on the table claimed to be sick, asked to be relieved of military duty. Song Taizu readily agreed to let them go to the Imperial Outpost, to the place that would become the place of our time.
At the same time, Mao abolished the commanding departments that sampled the Temple Front and the pro-horse and foot armies. The imperial army was headed by the commander of the Imperial Palace, the commander of the guards' horse and foot, and the commander of the cloth, the so-called "three yams". Other less senior, less prestigious and easier to control people were selected as generals of the Imperial Army, respectively in charge of the three official positions. These three official positions were not subordinate to each other and held each other in check, so that military power was firmly in the hands of the Emperor. Later, Mao really honored the promise of intercommunication of marriage by marrying his widowed sister to Gao Huaide, marrying his two daughters to the sons of Shi Shouxin and Wang Qiqi, and making his third brother the son-in-law of Zhang Linduo. The monarch never guessed, rich and noble **** protection. This is the famous "right to quench thirst by drinking hemlock" in history. Compared to Han Gaozu, Ming Taizu and so on. Who killed their heroes, kill them all, Song Taizu's "cup of wine to quench military power" is really much more civilized! The above story is mainly extracted from Sima Guang's "Blossom Stories". Later on, Li Guan's "The Long Compilation of Renewal of the Ziji Tongjian" also contains a detailed account of the story. Later, almost all related history books repeated this story over and over again, and few people questioned it.
The earliest surviving accounts of the "liberation of military power with wine" are Ding Jin Gong's Talks, written by a Northern Song chancellor, and Wang Wenzheng Gong's Written Records, written by Wang Zeng, a chancellor of Emperor Renzong of the Northern Song Dynasty. Ding Wei's Talk Record of the Song Dynasty describes a conversation between Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Pu. Chancellor Zhao Pu said to Mao, "Shi Shouxin and Wang Shenqi, the commanders of the Imperial Army, have too much military power and cannot be allowed to lead the army." Hearing this, he was not impressed and said, "Shi and Wang have been old friends for many years. Are you still afraid that they will rebel?" Zhao Pu said, "Shi and Wang, two old generals, will not rebel. However, they lack the ability to command and will certainly not be able to subdue their subordinates in the future. If their subordinate generals want to revolt, they are also at their own mercy." Mao still expressed doubts and said, "These two men are so valued and favored by the state, would they be inferior to me?" Zhao Pu calmly replied, "I'm afraid I'm the same as Your Majesty. How could I lose to Zhou Shizong?" Mao came to his senses and again listened to Zhao Pu's offer of only two men's military power. This account shows that Mao was persuaded by Zhao Pu before he started to release his military power according to Zhao Pu's suggestion. There is no dramatic story of "releasing military power after drinking".
The prototype of "releasing military power after drinking a cup of wine" appeared in Zeng's Penjing. Here's how he describes it: Chancellor Zhao Pu said so much that Mao had no choice but to ask Shi Shouxin to wait for a banquet in the palace. Speaking of the once close and happy past, he took the opportunity to say, "I am worthy of all of you, brethren, and my righteousness is that of flesh and bone. What's wrong with me? However, I have to think about it. Under today's circumstances, why don't you choose your own wind and water, stay abroad, become a hereditary official, and pay your rent, enough to serve yourself. That way you can spend your twilight years at leisure. Isn't that a pleasure? I have a few daughters in my harem who should be married to your sons as a sign of harmony between ruler and subject. What do you think?" Shi Shouxin and the others understood and kowtowed in gratitude. So Shi, Gao, and Wang all went to the clan and were hired by the royal family. more than 20 years later, they were still prominent. This record shows that the story of "Drinking a cup of wine to release the power of the army" first appeared in the period of Renzong, but the plot was rather brief; it was not until the year of "Blossom River Chronicle" in the period of Zongshen that the story became vivid.
Wang Gong, who was around the same time as Sima Guang, wrote a similar account in the year of "Wenshimin jilu": "Mao was on the throne, and there were many people in the town of Fangzhen. The so-called ten brothers also. On the last day we called all the towns together, gave them bows and swords, rode with them, and went out to the great forest at the Valley Gate, and dismounted and drank. The town of Fang Shang said, 'There is no one here. If you want to be an official, you can kill me.' The town trembled. Repeatedly, Voldemort didn't dare. Yue: 'Since I am asked to be the lord of the world, I will do my duty as a minister and will not have a future.' Long
From the 1930s, after careful examination of historical materials, some scholars have strongly questioned the vivid historical story of "drinking a glass of wine gives you the right to release your troops". First of all, the Talking Book only talks about the military power of Shi Shouxin and Wang Shenqi, and there is no such thing as a banquet. In the year of "Pen Records", it was recorded that besides Shi Shouxin and Wang Shenqi, there were several other generals, which added the plot of Mao's banquet for the generals. Later generations of the so-called "drink a cup of wine after the release of military power", basically from this. Said Shi Shouxin, Wang Shenqi and so on. All were given the right to strike from the army, striking the official as the first, at the same time in the old plot of land feast, painting sounds and shadows, as if they had lived in their own territory. It seems that the stories go through an incremental process from nothing to something, from simple to complex. The further back in time from the people involved, the more vivid and detailed the record becomes. Obviously, it is the result of the writers adding and embellishing the story in order to make it lively and interesting. Secondly, all three books say that the incident is related to Zhao Pu, but the accounts are not consistent. According to Blossom Chronicle, the military power of Shi Shouxin and Wang Shenqi was decided after Song Taizu conferred with Zhao Pu. According to "Talks", it was under Zhao Pu's repeated exhortation, Mao "had to" agree; but in the year of "Pen Records", it was the result of the planning of Mao and Zhao Pu **** together. How could such a contradictory statement become a final judgment? Third, the above three historical materials on the Shi, Wang was deprived of military power after the way out of the problem, say differently. Some say that Shi and Wang did not lead the army, some say that "each went back to his hometown", and some say that "they were dismissed from their posts first". What did they do after they were "relieved of their military power"? There is no consensus on what they did after they were "relieved of their military power", but there is no consensus on what they did.
Fourth, in the Northern Song Dynasty, there is no such important event as the "release of military power by drinking wine" in the "Blossom River Chronicle" and "The Real Records of King Tazu" compiled by the Northern Song historians. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the "Three Dynasties State History" was compiled according to "Taizu Shilu" and "Three Dynasties State History". There is no ink on this matter. If there had really been this praiseworthy event at that time, the "Records of the Great Ancestor of the Song Dynasty" and the "Records of the Actual Records" would not have been left unread. Fifth, the above three books do not record in which year the Northern Song "cups instead of soldiers" event took place, while Li Guan, who was more than a hundred years later than Sima Guang, said in A.D. "National History" that it took place in the seventh month of the second year of Jianlong. A closer look at the Long Compilation of the Renewed Ziji Tongjian reveals a big loophole. My great-grandmother, Du Taihou, died the day after the Sino-Japanese War, in June of the second year of the Jianlong reign. the period from early June to early July would have been a period of national mourning according to the custom of the time. At that time, the imperial court was not allowed to enjoy themselves, much less to feast and drink. Zhao Kuangyin can not violate this etiquette. Moreover, in the story of "A Cup of Wine to Dismantle the Armor and Return to the Field", it was said that Zhao Pu was the prime minister, and in the second year of Jianlong, Zhao Pu's status was only a vice-envoy of the Privy Council, a Taoist monk, which was not enough to conspire with Zhao Kuangyin on important matters. His first worship was in the second year of Gande, three years after "relieving military power with a cup of wine". Therefore, many scholars believe that, although it sounds interesting, but "the right to release troops after drinking a cup of wine" does not stand up to scrutiny, it should be false.
There are also scholars who believe that "the right to release troops after drinking a glass of wine" had a great influence on the political and military history of the Song Dynasty, and that it could not have been fabricated. The reasons are as follows: First, the military power of Shi Shouxin and Wang Shenqi was indeed removed after the seventh month of the second year of Jianlong. The official archives of the Northern Song Dynasty, such as the History of the Song Dynasty and the History of the State, etc. All clearly recorded this, there is no doubt. That is to say, the "dismissal of military power" is completely true, the only remaining problem is how to dismiss the military power. Secondly, from the way to see, "a cup of wine under the belly to release military power" may be as dramatic as the later said, but if you take into account the special relationship between Mao and "a society of ten brothers", in the early Song special political environment to examine, is a very reasonable thing! The same is true of "Drinking a Cup of Wine". Rumors like "the right to release troops after drinking a cup of wine" should not be uncommon. For example, Wang Gong's "Records of the Actual Records" (王公《实錄》) and "Suburban Banquet and Suppression of Yan Hui" (郊宴抑顏回》) are almost another version of the rumor that "the right to release troops by drinking wine". Although there are many versions, there is only one source, which only proves that "a cup of wine releases military power" is true. The narratives are different because the recorder was not present. Third, Wang Zeng was born only eleven years later than Ding Wei, and they were basically contemporaries. The "Winking and Seeing Records" was written by Wang Zeng himself, Ding Wei Song Dynasty's "Pen Records" was not written by himself, but his descendants' recollections of the conversation until his nephew, Pan, was able to publish it. Therefore, there is no doubt that the book of Wang Zeng's "Record of Talks" would have been published earlier than the "Pen Record". Therefore, the belief that the "release of military power by cups of wine" has gone through a process of fabrication from scratch cannot be established. Fourthly, Wang was loyal and upright. He was criticized for being an official and for cutting down the in-laws of the Empress Dowager. He was considered an upright minister and a man of high moral character. The focus of the book is on the man, and Wang Zeng's experience and character dictate that his narrative in the Talks must be more of a record than a embellishment.
Ding Wei of the Song dynasty was a man of no virtue, though he had once been a minister and entered the second house. Most of True Father's farces were caused by him and Wang Qinruo. Later, he was exiled to Hainan due to traffic eunuchs, and was an adulterer in the eyes of the court. Therefore, the "Pen Register", although it does not have to be abolished because of the people, but in the historical value will never be higher than the king's "talk record". Fifth, Empress Dowager Cixi's funeral period. Year: two years on June 2, dowager empress dowager died . The inner court of the Taishang said: quasi-story, twenty-five days to the emperor's daily change of the moon system issued." Empress Dowager Du died on June 2nd. According to the calculation of "daily and monthly changes," the "three years of mourning" actually took only twenty-four days. The period from June 2 to June 25 was exactly twenty-four days, and the mourning clothes were removed on the 25th, indicating that the legal mourning period stipulated by the court had expired. After the "liberalization", general banquets and entertainments were no longer prohibited, except for particularly solemn state banquets. For example, in the "Records of the Pen", there is a record of "July 19th from the beginning of June to the beginning of July", so there is no basis for describing the mourning period of Empress Dowager Du as "from the beginning of June to the beginning of July". From this point of view, it may be true that the "right to release the troops after finishing a cup of wine" was not recognized. From this point of view, it may be true that "the right to release soldiers after drinking a glass of wine" underwent a process of development from the simple to the detailed. However, it is not valid to say that it went through a process of production from scratch. In fact, we can ignore the details of "one glass of wine" and focus on the essence of "the right to release troops". In short, Mao cut the military power, reform the military system of a series of measures, effectively ensure the long-term stability of the Song dynasty army, completely end the military and political disorder of the turbulent situation. Its effect is self-evident. However, its negative impact should not be ignored. In the Northern Song Dynasty, soldiers were lucky to protect their full names. After Emperor Tang Taizong, there were several obscure generals, the only one worthy of praise being Di Qing, who died of suspicion. Later, the Northern Song dynasty