1, the accumulation of cancer-causing factors
Taking the matter of smoking, the same as the 20-year-old gradually smoking, 50 years old is likely to have smoked for 30 years, each additional year, the chances of suffering from liver cancer are with the enhancement of the reason, according to the reasoning of this, the older the chances of getting cancer will be greater. The fact is, the cancer-causing factors in daily life are not only smoking, but also other conditions, and so on!
2, the growth and development of cancer cells
Also take the smoking thing, smoking carcinogens, itself must be a certain length of time of accumulation, that is, will not smoke a mouthful of carcinogens right away, and even if the physical and mental health of the cells of the cancer, will not be presented immediately, but must be a period of time before the disease can be produced, the length of time from The length of time varies from several months to two years. Therefore, it is very likely that the disease will be produced only at the age of 50, but the cancer cells have already been in ambush for a long time.
3, the body is weak
It can be said that people into the elderly, the body gradually produce changes, eye sight, English hearing gradually reduced, hair white, sleep gradually reduced, ultrasound bone density is also gradually reduced, naturally, also contains a reduction in resistance. In the course of the body's progress, in fact, often appear cancer cells, however, at that time, if the body's various functions are very physical and mental health, it can be resolved, but, after 50 years of age, it may be difficult to ensure that the enemy is strong and weakened, of course, will give the opponent a chance.
2, the face of cancer, how to improve the combat effectiveness?1, fitness sports: Yes, sports! Fitness exercise to prevent cancer this realization has indeed long been said rotten, but why still need to say it? Because it is really too major, and, really can fitness exercise people, really only a very few. Go dancing, buy fruit and take a walk are all good!
2, sunshine: sunshine about 20 minutes a day, which will be able to promote the body to produce manufacturing vitamin D, but also can promote the filling of calcium. In the absence of sunscreen milk protection, it is best to be able to bypass the midday 2:00 ~ 4:00, due to the fact that then ultraviolet light is too abundant, to prevent the skin sunburn.
3, feelings apply: Today's society, more and more elderly and children living in two places, if you have to be emotionally concerned, you must immediately with the family, good friends to send out signals, it is not good, you can use the Internet technology to contact them. If with their daily life together, it is best to be able to often give him a hug
4, avoid the poor chemicals: Prevent touching the prevalence of pollutants in the home, to prevent the application of phthalates and phthalates in the skin care products, in the house is best not to apply the organic chemical exterminator, the living water as much as possible, such as overconsideration.
5, cultivate hobbies: Cultivate hobbies, on the one hand, you can spend a lot of time, but also be able to meet different good friends, and preferences can be turned into their own emotional comfort. Therefore, you can go freely to do these things you want before, but have not been all yet.