How to do the hand gesture of cha-cha-cha dance

Chacha dance hand dance, the force is passed from the back through the shoulder, big arm, small arm to reach the wrist, fingertips, but to produce swaying swing, elbow joints lead is the key, elbow joints involved in the back muscle movement from Fan.

The specific process is:

1, the back muscles produce movement, followed by the elbow lift, through the big arm to the small arm direction to pull the back muscles, produce a body lateral extension tendency, and this extension tendency to pass through the small arm to the wrist, fingertips, the idea of a very far away, this time the arm is in the state of flat extension.

2. When the arm is recovered, the wrist should be the last to move, and the first movement is the contraction of the shoulder and back muscles, which produces a pull back to the body, and the pivot point of the other end of this pull is the wrist joint. This process of recovering the arm should feel like the wrist joint is reluctantly being pulled back, and the overall movement will feel very elastic and tough.

Expanded Information

Grip: The Chacha Chacha's grip is the same as that of the Samba, with an open grip (0pen Hold) and a fan position (Pan Position) that is the same as that of the Rumba.

Footwork: The footwork is the same as the Rumba, with the toe going out and then the whole sole of the foot landing on the ground. No heel lead.

The cha-cha-cha dance is characterized by a lively, enthusiastic and playful style due to the accompanying dance music and the light speed of the dance steps. Its footwork music four beats per bar to take five steps: slow, slow, fast, fast. The slow step is one step for one beat, and the fast step is two steps for one beat.

Each step should be danced with pressure on the forefoot, a slight bend in the knee, and when the center of gravity falls on one foot, the heel is lowered, the knee straightened, and the hips then swing to the side and back, while the other leg relaxes and bends at the knee. The swing of the hips should be obvious, but it is not necessary to emphasize it in the quickstep.

The focus of the cha-cha-cha dance, emphasizing the internal Yang feet, the dance structure of the choreography may not be too much long-distance movement, and in the combination of the dance contains a live audience dancing directly in front of the dance, and each action beat is quite important.