Square Dance Oops My Love

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Song: "Oops My Love"?

Lyrics: Zihai

Sung by: Zihai

Album: "The Divine Comedy"


You are my heart

You are my liver

You are the only thing I'm looking forward to in this life

Do you know my love

Do you know my love

You are aware of my love

This is the first time I've ever danced in a square dance.

Do you know that I came in this life

only for you

Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? My love

I'm still waiting

Flowers bloom in spring

But you haven't come yet

Oh, my love? My love

Whenever you come

Hearts are open for you

Roses are plucked for you

Oh, my love? My love

You'll come soon

Life goes by too fast

Catch up with my love

Oh, oh, oh? My love

As soon as you come

Heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys

are all surging for you
