1, in the Peach Banquet dress - Qing'er's clothes are darker in color compared to the blue, which is cyan. The tiara is off green, and the fluttering ribbon is very light in color, off light green; Blue's clothes are light blue, the tiara is pure blue, and the fluttering ribbon is dark blue
2, in the Heavenly Court's dress - Qing'er's clothes are light in color, and the green color does not go with it at all, kind of like a light green with some blue mixed in it; Blue's clothes are draped with white silk, and underneath it is blue. It is easy to identify
3, on earth dress - the green child's clothing color is still a continuation of the style of the court of heaven in general, like green is not green, like blue is not blue, light color, and is a cloak of hair, there is no obvious decorations; blue child clothes only one set, and the main body is blue, and there is a light blue tulle shoulders. Pulling the hair bun, head wearing a wave-shaped blue with black decoration
Green is better than blue well, green is darker than blue ~~