Wednesday's love song story

When Wednesday just met his third wife shortly after she told him she was quitting her job in Sichuan to come to Lijiang to look for him, Wednesday said categorically, "No way!" At that time, he was still in the last love blow can not come out, his last girlfriend with him for many years, after years of not seeing each other suddenly came to Lijiang one day to look for Wednesday, said he was broke.

When he got together with her, he took out the tens of thousands of dollars he had saved from singing in bars and opened a store for her. Girlfriend's store just opened two or three months, Wednesday went back to his hometown, his girlfriend and someone else well, and so on Wednesday back or a good friend first told him about it. Later, the girlfriend and he confessed the reason why she left him - she felt that the music business was unreliable.

"It feels like I won't believe in love anymore." That's how Wednesday described his feelings at the time, so when his sister-in-law said she wanted to leave her hometown and parents and quit her job to come to him in a foreign land, he didn't believe she could do it at all, as he had just spent all of his savings to open a store for his ex-girlfriend, and had become a "poor man" again.

A week later, the dusty sister-in-law pulled a suitcase in front of him, she really quit her job to find him in Lijiang. After seeing her, Wednesday thought: I can trust this kind of woman, I definitely want to marry her.


Before the age of 27, he was watching people come and go at the toll booths on the highway, and after he quit his job and took his guitar with him to go out and sing, and because of the insecurity of his life, the girls were only willing to fall in love with him and didn't want to marry him.

Perhaps it is the bumpy experience on the road of love that makes Wednesday's music full of a tearful bitterness and helplessness. On the stage of "China's Best Songs", Wednesday simply sang "A Singer's Love Letter" while holding an acoustic guitar, but it touched everyone.

Yang Kun said it was the simplest song in the "Good Song" program so far, "simple and plain, no singing skills, but heart".