The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money from the bank.
If it is a China Merchants Bank credit card, you can borrow cash, can not be loaned, cash advance amount according to your use of the card set up, which is included in the credit limit of the credit card, the amount of cash withdrawals are generally not more than 50% of the total amount of your credit limit (Youth Young card can be borrowed 100%), the specific amount, please call the credit card 24-hour customer service hotline inquires. In addition, according to the relevant regulations of the People's Bank of China, the cumulative amount of cash advance per card per day in China shall not exceed RMB 2,000 (RMB 5,000 per card per day for Palm Life/Internet Banking); and the cumulative amount of cash advance per account per day outside China shall not exceed the equivalent of USD 1,000, the cumulative amount of which shall not exceed the equivalent of USD 5,000 in 1 month, and the cumulative amount of which shall not exceed the equivalent of USD 10,000 within a period of 6 months. Cash Advance Cash advance will incur corresponding handling fee and interest. Handling Fee: The handling fee for domestic RMB cash advance is calculated at 1% of the amount of each cash advance, with a minimum charge of ¥10 per transaction, and the handling fee for overseas (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) cash advances is calculated at 3% of the amount of each cash advance, with a minimum charge of ¥30 or $3 per transaction (minimum charge of $5 or ¥30 per transaction for the American Express - Centurion Black Gold Card and American Express - Centurion Platinum Card); Interest: Cash advance will incur a corresponding handling fee and interest. Interest: Cash advance transactions are not eligible for interest-free repayment, and interest will be charged at a daily rate of five ten thousandths of one percent from the date of the transaction to the date of settlement, with compound interest charged monthly.