What are the aerobic exercises?

Aerobic exercise refers to physical exercise in which the body is in full supply of oxygen.

That is, during exercise, the body inhales an equal amount of oxygen as it needs to achieve a state of physiological equilibrium.

Sport, an activity involving physical strength and skill governed by a set of rules or customs, usually of a competitive nature.

Things cloth time and space never all produce universal motion, and universal motion begets and destroys all things.

There is no object that is not in motion, and there is no motion that can leave an object.

Movement has the nature of conservation, that is, it can neither be created nor destroyed, but its concrete forms are various and can be transformed into each other, and the total amount of movement remains unchanged in the transformation.

In geometry, rigid motion is described as: a map of a plane onto itself such that the distance between any two points A and B is the same as the distance between their elephants A'=M(A) and B'=M(B). Philosophical definition of motion: the linear migration of an object in space-time.