Was there a moment that made you feel like you didn't see eye-to-eye with your girl (or boy) friend?

There is.

My ideal life is to find a favorite city and live slowly growing old. He, on the other hand, loves to go on adventurous trips to various places. He says my kind of life is boring and people are ignorant. I, on the other hand, despise his qualities. How tiring it is to get along with someone who doesn't see eye to eye. I also finally understand what is the real meaning of the three views are not the same. It's not that I like to paint and you like to read, it's not that I like to eat meat and you like to eat vegetables. But I like to paint but you say I waste time, you like to read I think you pretend to be elegant.

At first it can be maintained by freshness and stickiness, but life is made up of trivial things. From a small thing do not understand each other, to later conflicts more and more. Two people who love each other even more can't stick together far enough. The different views on things and the conflicting lifestyles are just skin deep. Life view and world view can be changed because of experience, values are a core weapon in the three views. The fact is, there's no way to evaluate what's right and what's wrong, because there's no standard of measurement.