1. how often How often
2. exercise exercise; sport v.&n .
3. skateboard. to step on a skateboard; to take part in skateboardingv
4. hardly. hardly ever; hardly everadv
5. ever. had; had beenadv
6. shop. shoppingv
7. once. onceadv
8. twice. Twice; twiceadv
9.time. times; number of timesn
10.surf. on a surge, to drive (a boat); surfing on ...... v
11.Internet. network; internetn
12.program (of theater, radio, television, etc.) program; show; (computer) program n.
13. high school (U.S.) middle school; (Eng.) public secondary school
14. most. most of; for the most part; almost all of adj
15. no without; all but none of adj. 16. result. outcome; result n <
17. active. active; positive adj
18. for. for; about; in terms of ......; as far as ...... is concernedprep
19. as for as far as; about <
20.about. about; almost adv
21.junk. discarded old things; rags n
22.junk food junk food
23.milk. milk n
24.coffee. coffee n
26. cola. cola n
27. chocolate. chocolate n
28. drink drink; drinking v.
29. health. health; health condition n
30. how many how much
31. interviewer. Interviewer n
32. habit. habit; habituation n
33. try to try; want; manage; endeavor v.
34. of course of course; naturally
35. look after look after care; take care of
36. lifestyle lifestyle n.
37. grade. score; achievement; grade n
38. better.(comparative of good and well) better; more satisfying; improved health adj
39. same; identical adj.
40. as.(expressing comparison) like ......(same) prep
41.different. difference; different adj
42.difference. different; difference; distinction n
43.unhealthy. unhealthy; not beneficial to health adj
44.yuck.(expressing antipathy, aversion, etc.) bah; spit int
45.maybe perhaps; probablyadv.
46.although (=though) though; even though; even thoughconj.
47.for (expressing time, distance, quantity) up to; count prep
. p>.48. grandpa grandpa; grandfather n.
49. a lot of a lot of; many
50. keep to keep; to keep in a certain state v.
51. must modal. must v
52. less.(comparative of little) smaller; smaller; fewer. less adj
Unit 2 Unit 2 Words and Phrases
1. matter. thing; problem; error n
2. have. get (sick); suffer (from) v
3. cold. catch a wind; catch a cold n
4. have a cold suffer a cold
5. stomachache stomachache; abdominal pain; stomach ache n.
6. sore. painful adj
7. back. back; backbone n
8. arm arm; arm n.
9. ear. ear n
10. eye eye n.
11. foot (pl. .feet) foot; foot n.
12.hand. hand n 13.head. head; head n
l4.leg. leg; leg n
15.mouth. mouth; mouth; oral n
16.neck. neck; neck n
17.nose. nose n
18. stomach. stomach; stomach n
19. tooth tooth (pl. teeth) n
20. throat. larynx; throat; pharynx n
21. toothache toothache n
22. fever. fever; fever n
23. rest .rest v
24.honey honey n.
25.dentist. dentist n
26.should. should v
27.headache headache n.
28.shouldn't=should not
29.ago.( 距......)以前adv
30.so so; such pron.
31.illness illness; sickness n.
32.advice advise; counsel; suggestion n.
33.thirsty thirsty; thirsty adj.
34.stress to put pressure on; make nervous v.. Pressure; tense n
35. be stressed out tense; under pressure
36. crisp crunchy; fragile; (certain vegetables and fruits) fresh and crunchy adj.
37. cereal. processed, cereal-based food (usually breakfast foods such as oatmeal and cornflakes) n
38. cookie.(U.S.) sweet cookie; cookie n
39. early. early; earlyadv
40. problem. question; perplexing thing; difficult thing to deal with n
41. way method; means; way; style n.
42. traditional; conventional adj.
43. believe. "yin (陰)
47.((身体)(弱弱的); (身体)(弱弱的); ((身体)
48.Dangshen (中草药)党参
49.Huangqi (中草药)黄芪
53. medicine. medicine; drug; pharmaceutical n
54. western. western; from the westadj
55. everybody. each person; everyone; each person pron
56. get become v.
57. few. (denotes negation) very little; almost none adj
58.a few (indicating certainty) some; a few
59.stay. continue to be; keep v
60.important important; significant adj.
61.balanced. balanced; coordinated adj
62.diet. diet; dieting n63.moment. instant; moment n
64.at the moment at this time; now
65.late. late 66.until (=till) until ...... the time; at the time of... . beforeconj.
67.dear (表示惊奇、苦恼、懊悔等)呵;哎呀int..../p>
68.host family寄宿家庭
Unit 3 Unit 3 Vocabulary and Expressions
1. babysit. temporary care (of babies and toddlers) v2. camp set up camp; camping; bivouac v. 3. plan plan; planning; program n. & v. 4. Tibet Tibet
5. hike hiking; hiking v. 6. Hong Kong Hong Kong 7. Yeah.(variant of yes) is adv8.how long how long
9.away to the distance; leave; to another direction adv.10.get back back 11.send. send; send; send puta v12.postcard. postcard n
13..Hawaii (name of U.S. state) Hawaii 14. San Francisco (US state of California, western port city) San Francisco
15. bike. bicycle; pedicab n16. ride ride; ride; ride (ride) travel (of a journey) n.17. sightseeing sightseeing; excursion n.
18. fish. fishing; fishing v19. rent 租用;出租v.20.famous.著名的;出名的adj21.take a vacation去度假
27. the Great Lakes (the collective name for the five great lakes between Canada and the United States) Great Lakes 28. leave leave; depart v.
29. countryside. countryside; rural; countryside n30. nature. nature; nature n31. forget forget; forgetting v. 32. a lot very; very; very Often
33. finish. end; finished; completed v34. Thailand Thailand 35. tourist traveler; visitor n.36. Italy Italy
Unit 4 Unit 4 Words and Expressions
1. take. ride (some kind of transportation) v2. subway. subway. underground train n3. walk走;步行;散步v.
8.sixty.60num9.seventy.七十num10.eighty八十num. eighty eightynum.11.ninety ninetynum.12.hundred.one hundrednum
13.minute.minuten14.take spend(time) v.15.by.a way of indicating transportation, passing, etc.rep16.by bus take a public ****car
17.far far; distant adj.18. how far how far 19. kilometer kilometer; kilometers n. 20. shower&n. shower v.
21. quick fast; swift adj.22. bicycle bicycle; two-wheeled pedal car n23. station station n24. early. early adj
25. mile. mile n26. stop. station n27. transportation delivery; transportation 28. northn. northern; northern 29. North America North America
30. part area; region n.31. thing thing; things n.32. . other another; other adj. 33. depend. depend on; rely on v
34. depend on depending on ......; decide on 35. river. n36. boat. n37. by boat ride on a small boat
38. must (表示推测)一定v.39.than.(用于构成部分形容词及副词的比较级之后)比conj
40. more (用于构成部分形容词及副词的比较级)(比......)更;更多的;更大的adv...
41. means method; means; tool n. 42. car small car n. 43. town. town; towns n44. ill sick; unhealthy adj.
45. worry worry; worry; anxiety v. 46. look at towards ...... look at 47. so. (denoting a degree of )so;thenadv48.much十分;非常adv.
Unit 5 Unit 5 Words and Expressions
1.lesson.lesson;course n2.another.another;againadj3.concert concert n.4.whom.(object of who) who;what person pron
5. calendar calendar; schedule n. 6. tomorrow tomorrow; tomorrow's day n. 7. the day after tomorrow the day after tomorrow 8. invitation. invitation n
9. weekday non-weekend day of rest; weekday n. 10. pity pity; regret; a pity n. 11. training training; exercise 12.chemistry. chemistry n
13.American American; Americas adj. 14.project (school) subject; homework; project n. 15.match match; competition n.
16.whole whole; all; complete adj. 17. .over from one side to the otheradv.18.come over to visit by the way
19.free idle; vacantadj.20.till the time of ......; before ......conj.
Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6Unit 6 p>
Unit 6 Unit 6 Words and Expressions
1. outgoing. friendly; crispadj.2. twin twin; twin-bornadj.3. calm. (mood) sedate; free of worriesadj
4. wild. reckless; rashadj.5. serious serious; solemn adj.6.smart. clever; eloquent; quick-witted adj.
7.athletic physically fit; physically strong adj.8.note annotate; illustrate n.9.mean mean the meaning of ......; make... ...explanation v.
10.as in the manner of ......; as ...... that adv.11.way (some) aspect; some) point n.12.both both (both); both (both ) pron.
13. hers. her (all things); belonging to her (something) pron14. physics physics; physics n. 15. however. howeverconj
16. more than exceeds ......17. common*** the same;*** have adj.18.in common*** the same(s);*** have(s)
19.be good at;do well at ...... 20.schoolwork schoolwork;homework n.21.make make; prompt; force v.
22.laugh laugh; laugh v.23.for (表示对象、用途等)为;给;对prep.24.opposite.对立的;相反的adj
25.view viewpoint; idea; attitude n.26.interest interest; hobby n.27.most of most of the 28.though though; even though; even thoughconj.
29.necessary. necessary; must; requiredadj30.beat. defeat; overcome; exceed v31.care on ...... care; for... . counting v.
32.friendship. friendly; friendship n33.primary. elementary; elementary school adj34.elementary school elementary school 35.information message; information n.
Unit 7 Unit 7 Words and Expressions
1. shake a mixed drink 2. milk shake milkshake (a drink in which milk is mixed or churned to a frothy consistency with spices, sometimes ice cream)
3. blender. juicer; churn n4. turn on turn on an electrical appliance 5. cut slice; slash; peel v. 6. up. separate; into pieces adv7. cut up chopped up < /p>
8. peel; peel (the skin of a fruit, etc.) v.9. pour pouring; pouring; pouring v.10. into. into ......; into within ......prep
11. yogurt.(= yoghurt) yogurt; sour cream n12.ingredient.(cooking) material; raw material; ingredient n13.cup small tea cup; a cup of capacity n.
14.watermelon. watermelon n15.teaspoon teaspoon n.16.amount total; total number; quantity n.17. instruction. order; instruction; usage note n
18.finally lastly; finally adv.19.mix mix; mix up v.20.mix up mix up 21.popcorn. popcorn n
22.popper popcorn maker n.23.boil boil; cook v.24.salt salt; table salt n.25.add add; increase; add to v.
26.add ... to ... Add ...... to ...... 27. sandwich. sandwich n28. bread. bread n29. butter. butter n30. relish. relish; condiment n
31. lettuce lettuce; lettuce n. 32. turkey turkey n. 33. slice. thin slice n34. super. extra; excellent adj35. top. top; upper n
36. recipe cooking method; recipe n. 37. check check; check v. 38. green onion (with stem and leaves) tender onion; scallion 39. duck duck n.
40. sauce. sauce; sauce n41. pancake. pancake; flapjack n42. roll. roll; roll up v
Unit 8 Unit 8 Words and Expressions
1. gift gift; giveaway n. 2. shark shark n. 3. aquarium aquarium n.4. seal seal n.4. hang stay; wander v.
5. hang out (slang) to frequent; hang out 6. souvenir. memento; souvenir n 7. win. win; winning v 8. autograph autograph n.
9. prize. reward; prize money ; prize n 10. visitor visitor; visitor; tourist n. 11. outdoor outdoor; in the outdoors adj. 12. octopus octopus n.
13. end end; ending n. 14. monitor. shift leader n 15. Chicago (Port City, Northeastern Illinois, USA) Chicago
16.California (USA) California 17.sleep late oversleep; get up late 18.drive drive; drive travel n.
19.off rest; not work adv. 20.rain. rain; rainy day; (continuous) rainfall n21.DVD abbr.(=digital video disk)digital video disc
22.yard yard; courtyard n.23.yard sale (conducted on the spot at the seller's house) yard yard yard sale 24.luckily luckily adv.
25.umbrella umbrella; umbrellas n.26.raincoat raincoat n.27.wet; damp adj. 28.competition competition; match; race n.
29.player. athlete n30.future. future; future n31.again again; once more adv.
Unit 9 Unit 9 Words and Expressions
1.bear raw (child, young animal) 2. international international; world(sex) adj. 3. record record; (esp. in sport) the highest record n.
4. hiccup hiccup v. &n. 5. sneeze sneeze v. &n 6. too ... to ... too ...... so that you can't ......7. golf (play) golf
8.Brazilian Brazilian; Brazilian adj. 9.national. state; national; nation adj. 10. achievement achievement; merit n.
11. perform performance; show v. 12. gymnast. gymnast n13. gold gold (system) adj. 14. medal medal; medal n.
15. championship championship title; (-s) tournament n. 16. golfer golfer n.17. become; become v.
18. call to call ......; address; take (the name of) for ...... v.19. talent. adj20.loving.lovinglyadj
21.creative.creativeadj.22.outstanding.outstanding; excellentadj23.kind amiable; kindly; friendly; graciousadj.
24.unusual.unusual; rare; unique adj25.grandsongrandson; grandsonn.26.violinistviolinist n.27.skate skating; skatingv.
28.ice skating skating29.championship (in a competition) the person (animal, object, etc.) who gets first place; championn.30.tour in ...... travel; sightseeing; visit
31.the U.S. (= the United States) United States of America; U.S.A. n.32.well-known famous; notorious; well known adj.
33.pianist piano player. pianist n.34. could (past tense of can) can; can; may modal v.35. hum for buzzing; humming v.
36. song song n.37. piece (of art, music) amplitude; piece; first n.38. accordion accordion n.39. take part in ......;take part in ......
40.take part in attend ......;participate in... ...41.Poland Poland 42.person person; character n. 43.alive alive; in the world adj.
44.athlete sportsman; athlete n. 45.because of because of; due to 46.Asia Asia; Asian Asia 47.table tennis table tennis
48. university university n.49. major in major; specialize v.50. major in major; specialize 51. management management; operation n.
52. number number; number; (used in front of a number, can be abbreviated as No. or no.) n.53. single .(of tennis, table tennis, etc.) a singles match n
54.ITTF abbr.(=International Table Tennis Federation)International Table Tennis Federation
Unit 10 Unit 10 Words and Expressions
grow grow up; develop v. 2. grow; grow up 3. programmer computer programmer; programmer n. 4. engineer. n
5. computer science computer science 6. pilot. pilot; airplane pilot n 7. professional. professional; career adj
8. act perform; act v. 9. move. move; move v10. dream dream; dream; fantasy n. 11. somewhere. somewhere; to somewhereadv
12. part-time part-time adj. 13. save store; save v. 14. at the same time at the same time 15. hold hold; convene adv.22. resolve. determination; determination to do something n
23. instrument apparatus; tool; musical instrument n.24. over (in number, value, degree, etc.) exceed; over ......prep.25. fax fax n.
26. reader reader n. 27. fit robust; healthy adj. 28. communicate call; intercourse; exchange of ideas v. 29. lady lady; noblewoman; lady n.
30. foreign foreign; in a foreign country; externally adj. 31. teach. teach; lecture v32. build construct; construct; construct v.
33. exchange exchange; interchange; exchange n. & v. 34. exchange student exchange student
Unit 11 Unit 11 Words and Expressions
1. chore chore; chore; (esp.) ordinary daily work n. 2. partner partner; companion; partner n. 3. dish dish; plates n. 4. do the dishes wash the dishes
5. sweep sweep; sweeping; clearing v. 6. trash. garbage; waste; crumbs n 7. take out take out 8. fold fold; fold up v.
9. make one's bed (or make the bed) (指睡前或起身后)整理床铺10.living room起居室;客厅
11. meeting 会议;集会 n. 12. work on从事;忙于13.hate.憎恨;憎恶v14.do chores处理琐事;干家务
15. laundry; to wash clothes n. 16. do the laundry washing clothes 17. snack snack; fast food n.
18. teenager (13-19 years old) teenager n. 19. borrow borrowed; borrowing; borrowing v. 20. invite invite; implore v. 21. player (electric) jukebox n.
22.disagree disagree; hold a different opinion v. 23.care take care of; look after; manage n. 24.take care of look after; take care of 25.feed feed; feed v.
26.mine. my (all things) pron
Unit 12 Unit 12 Words and Expressions
1. radio radio; radio broadcast n. 2. radio station radio station 3. comfortable comfortable; at ease adj. 4. seat. seat n
5. screen screen; curtain; fluorescent screen n. 6. close close to; close to adj. 7. close to close to; close to 8. service service; service work n.
9. quality quality; trait n. 10. theater theater; theater n. 11. cinema cinema n. 12. clothing (abbr.) clothes; clothing n.
13. jeans.(pl.) jeans n14. trendy fashionable; catching up with the times adj. 15. teen (=teenager) (13-19 years old) adolescent n.
16. funky (slang) fashionable; excellent adj. 17. easy restful; self-effacing adj. 18. FM abbr.(=Frequency Modulation) Frequency Modulation
19.AM abbr.(=Amplitude Modulation) amplitude modulation 20.Jazz jazz; jazz tune n.
21.worse (comparative of bad and badly) worse; worseadj.22.worst.(highest of bad and badly) worst of all. worstadj
23. bargain bargain; cheap goods n. 24. delight delight; happy; pleasant n. 25. meal meal; a meal n. 26. positive positive; affirmative adj.
27. negative. negative; negative adj. 28. dull dull. boring; monotonous adj. 29. loud.(sound) loud; boisterous adj
30. talent genius; talent; talent n. 31. talent show amateur singer concert (in the text refers to a talent show) 32. success success n.
33. performer actor; performer. performer n.34. act performer; short program n.35. without; without; lacking prep.
36. together together; *** with adv.37. musical (about) music adj.38. distance distance; journey n.
39. near; near to; close to adj. of; nearadj.40.farthest (the highest level of far) farthest (place) adj.& adv.41.province province n.
42.southern (in) the south adj.43.still still; still; stilladv.44.fifteen degrees Celsiusg(=15°C) 15 degrees Celsius
45.lovely令人愉快的;美好的adj.46.northern (在)北部的adj.47.enough充足的;充分的adj./p>
48.minus ten degrees Celsiusg(=10℃) minus ten degrees Celsiusg 49.snow snow; snowy weather n.