Is smoking damage is still the biggest, but in recent years living conditions compared to before there has been a great improvement, such a sort of recreational equipment, but also increased a lot, and at the same time, people like to smoke or foot betel nut during leisure time some people on this matter on their own views, which activity on the body's more damage, I think study ah the following, I will give you a word.
First of all foot betel nut just will, our teeth, become black, and not very beautiful, and will make their face more muscular, at most, affect their appearance problem, and Sia is to go through the fee of the smoke, combustion of all the harmful gases produced will enter. Our lungs for a long time like this, may produce lung disease is not want to eat betel nut as the appearance of the impact, after all, the body is very important to everyone, so it is still the most harmful to the body.
Smaller here to suggest that we do not go smoking or cold feet, we can do some sports in our free time, or read some interesting books, these are not harmful to our bodies, and in recent years many people are very focused on sports in this area jogging jump rope to the square to sit in the square dance, but also to meet more friends of the voyage also plays a role in physical exercise, how good is it? One of the things, why teach betel nut and smoking it, really can not understand them ah. Of course, the diet is also to pay attention to eat more vegetables and fruits, he can replenish our body's required nutrients, so that the intestinal tract to move faster, discharge the body excess toxins.
If in the feeling that this matter is not interested in, go swimming and climbing, there are many interesting projects waiting for us to find them these projects will enhance their physical fitness, so that they live longer exercise, will be harmful to our body above is my personal opinion and advice, I hope that you can take a serious and careful look, for everyone to protect their bodies or have a very big! The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest and most important thing you need to do.