Pinball Legends homages don't have to be from Hai Koumei! Preferably one with Dorjack, Thunderfire AND Kaede~ Preferably NP~!

Dojack's Character Analysis

On the outside, Dojack seems to be a cold person, but in fact, he also has an emotional side: that respect for Mr. Haji, and Ouyang Xiaofeng

Their friendship, and the longing for his parents whom he has never seen before....... He is withdrawn and cold on the outside, but his heart is hot. heart was on fire. After all, he's not a robot that keeps one expression all the time, he can smile and laugh really handsome. Probably because of his parents and blinded his heart,...... I think he should be the most understanding of the five marble warriors. He really values his emotions, especially his friendship with Ouyang Xiaofeng. I also wish he could find his parents and let us see his smile more often ......

Dojack's quote

"Marbles are for fighting, not for bullying!" (The first words of his initial appearance)


"What did you just say? ...... Marble Immortal is the only one who can fight against the Ghost Count, how can you talk about him like that!"

"Hmph ...... boring ......"

"This kind of boring training really does do wonders for my change curveballs to improvement."

"Mr. Haji, I know you do this for a reason."

"It wouldn't be so much trouble if you could hit curve balls."

"Let's give it our best shot, and maybe there's a glimmer of a chance to win."


"Get up and keep practicing!"

"I'm sorry you didn't see through my marble change ball, unfortunately you're going to lose this match."

"Thank you, you flatter me."

"Hmph ......" (while flinging his shirt)

"Awaken, scumbag!!!"

"I'm not going to show any mercy in this match, so please do the same."

"This guy can still organize his next round of powerful attacks despite his unfavorable defense, Kaede, you really didn't let me down."

"Damn, there are just too many to hit. I'm down to my last marble now, so I'll just have to use the Wild Dragon Shot, and I didn't realize that the first time I used the Surefire


technique, it was used to hit a shark. No regrets though!"

"Feng, use your strongest power and defeat me!"

"Feng, calm down, the match isn't over yet, I just don't have the marbles to continue the fight, the victory should belong to the one who can continue the fight. My fight with you, there will be plenty of opportunities later, but right now the most important thing is to enter the finals and crush the Ghost Count's plot ...... so that's right."


"You underestimate the Fiery Dragon, even if it is damaged and broken, it can still explode its tsunami-like power when facing the enemy, and that, is the mission of the Fiery Rock Divine Dragon."

Editing Dorjack's Past

In episode fifteen, Dorjack's past is presented to us.

Dojack was a child picked up by Mr. Haji, with unknown parents, and the marble was the only memento his parents left behind, and Dojack always carried it with him. In 15 episodes of the game with the black dragon, Duo Jack because of the black dragon's 'dirty trick' and hand grabbed the conical table, marbles are in his body, but with this position can not be loaded marbles, and at this time, the black dragon has scored nine points, just in the nick of time, the conical table and broken part of the process, Duo Jack in the process of falling, the neck with the marbles fell out! . This marble contains a powerful energy, DuoJieJie finally used it to win the game.

Dojak as a child

Dojak is not an orphan, but this incident makes him feel more painful than he is an orphan, he has not yet seen his parents, his parents left him this marble, which has a lot of expectations ah. In fact, this has to let us think of his parents may be out of what is the matter, encounter what danger ...... In fact, it is the parents have been inspired by Duo Jack, let him become a real marble warrior!