Cowboy dance makes your mind and body dance up fitness

Cowboy dance let your mind and body dance up fitness

Cowboy dance let your mind and body dance up fitness, many people will do some proper exercise to ensure good health, in the exercise at the same time we can also improve their physical fitness, moderate exercise to be passionate about life, aerobic exercise can increase the oxygen content in our brain, now share cowboy dance let your mind and body dance up fitness tips! .

Cowboy dance let your mind and body dance up fitness 1

Cowboy dance, also known as Jet Dance. One of the Latin dance programs, denoted by J. Cowboy dance is originally a kind of tap dance jumped by cowboys in the American West, prevalent in the 1920s and 1930s. During the Second World War, American soldiers brought the cowboy dance to the United Kingdom, due to the impact of the war, people's mood of timely fun, resulting in the development of cowboy dance to the point of madness.

And in the domestic cowboy teaching, cowboys have two styles obviously different . Teaching method, skills are very different, jump out of the feeling is completely different.

Some people pay a lot of attention to the middle left and right swing in the cowboy dance, and do not care about the height of the bounce, so that the dancer can add more self-expression in it. This is the Latin dance than now an earlier stage of the more valued skills, give people the feeling of favoring the playful and relaxed. The center of gravity of this dance method is basically in the dantian position, about one inch below the navel, and there is basically no up and down of the center of gravity during the dance. Like hanging a stick at the center of gravity, swaying from side to side, adding a little leg bounce.

And many foreign players pay more attention to the height of the bounce and a sense of speed, which requires dancers to show strong body control, in terms of speed and amplitude, so that cowboys will look more cheerful and rapid. This is one of the more respected styles at the moment, as it requires dancers to have better stamina, flexibility in the ankles, and more coordinated control of the body. Since it speeds up the movement for a split second, it is not able to present a larger swing angle or add a lot of self-expression. The center of gravity in this way is quite a bit higher than the first method at two inches up from the navel, roughly to the stomach. This will give the impression that in the center of gravity hanging a rubber band, tied to a stone below, with the center of gravity of the up and down quiver, and make the rubber band in the continuous shortening and lengthening, and then shorten and then lengthen.

When it comes to which method is more suitable for amateur learners, I think the first, earlier method of increasing the swing is probably more popular. However, the second method can be used when practicing the basic steps, if physical strength allows, which will have a quick boost to stamina and will effectively reduce fat and make one's body lighter. And the music is a little slow to increase the expressive power, at this time you can increase the swing, that is to say, a combination of the two ways.

Cowboy dance legs fat loss exercises

Simple but effective

Starting with feet standing naturally, ankles close together. 1 rhythm, the first step of the left leg bending, the first left foot, pay attention to the pace of here is different from the rumba and cha-cha-cha "when moving. The first step is to lift the foot to the left with the left leg bent, note that the pace here is different from that of rumba and cha-cha-cha in the way of "not leaving the ground when moving the toes", but the foot is flat and lifted up, and the foot lands on the ground by the toes first, utilizing the elasticity of the arch of the foot, combined with the elasticity of the knee, and step down, and the knee relaxes when stepping down, and the leg is straightened naturally, and note that the heel will fall down a bit, but does not completely land on the ground. Bounce the left foot, left leg knee bend, jump up, knee as high as possible, at this time the right leg knee through the state of bending to straighten, the left leg quickly straighten, the left foot falls, in the right foot heel fall left foot toe landing. After that, stand with both legs straight.

One of the lengths of the 1 and 2 rhythms Billy is that the length at 1 is 3/4 of a beat, while the rhythm at 2 is 1/4 of a beat. When you first start practicing, you can double the speed and complete the 1 beat with a 2 beat rhythm.

In this way, practice bouncing in all four directions, back and forth, side to side, and switching feet, as a simple exercise in basic skills. As you get better at it, make sure the tempo is as fast as possible, but at the same time keep your knees high, and use a step-by-step approach to increase the speed. The actual rhythm of the dance music is very fast, if you have been training at a slow speed, you will not be able to keep up with the rhythm of the dance music, it is possible to increase the speed by reducing the amplitude of the method, the formation of habits will be more difficult to correct.

In addition, for more information, you can click to read Control Cowboy Dance Chasing Steps Rhythm by Syncopation