The names of all the skills in Magical Girl Nanoha (English and Chinese both)

Raising Heart Raising Heart Form Mode

Raising Heart? Enhanced Type

Appears all the way from A's. It is not simply a magic guide, but has the function of an independent director, as represented by the examination of the examination center in the 1st episode, assisting in the design of new magic guides, sorting and transferring battle data, etc. It is almost like having the function of an independent director. First appearance: A's Episode 4

Standby Mode

The same as A's. In StrikerS Episode 1, the examination of the field and other tasks were performed in that state. Scenes of aiding Nanoha can also be seen from later episodes.

Acceleration Mode

Same as A's. In StrikerS, it is used from the 4th episode onwards. Also, in past accidents where Nanoha was seriously injured, the Heart of the Rising Sun? Reinforced Type was able to determine that it was also in this form when it was seriously injured. (Verse 9)

Cannonball Mode

Same as A's. Heart of the Rising Sun? Enhanced Cannonball Mode. Instead of appearing in standard acceleration mode in the StrikerS theme song where the magic guides appear, cannonball mode is used. Could this be because acceleration mode was already used in A's theme song.

Enhanced Mode

Same as A's. Heart of the Rising Sun that was used in the final situation of the Book of Darkness event? Enhanced Full Run Mode. In StrikerS, it only appears in the memories of the 9th episode at the current point in time. In order to prevent the body from breaking down, in a state where the output limit is lifted, an instantaneous explosive output is generated in exchange for consuming magical power, and all of the jutsu's abilities can be greatly increased. However, the constant and arbitrary use of the technique placed a heavy burden on Nanoha's body. As a result, it evolved into one of the major causes of the incident that caused Nanoha's serious injury.

Dome Pole Mode

The fifth new mode in StrikerS, Heart of the Rising Sun? A mode in which the Reinforcement type is limited to lifting. It's a similar gun to the Enhanced Mode, but the difference is that the area where the magical ammo magazine is filled has become a golden color, unlike the pink color of the Enhanced Mode. It was only in this state that the Phoenix Haze Storm could be fired. Because you succeeded in stopping the S-ranked barrage of Dee Aki that was shot at the helicopter (by deploying defensive magic in the nick of time), you may have increased your movement speed and defense ability. Of course, when using this mode, the skirt of the protective suit also becomes longer, much like how A's Sacred Mode looks. The bow on the chest is canceled though. Used after the 12th sentence.

Star Brilliant Mode

Name appears in Nanoha's conversation with Rin in verse 19, Nanoha's final trump card with the Heart of the Rising Sun. Starts to be used in StrikerS episode 23, begins by using Star Brilliant Level 1 EB to defeat Dee Aki, has followups later using Level 2 and 3, and finally beats Vivi back with Starlight Burst + Star Brilliant Shot.

Edit paragraph Rising heart magic explanation

Magic weapon name: Phase 1 - Rising heart (Raising heart / レイジングハート) Usual mode (Device mode / デバイス モード) Shooting mode (Shooting mode / シューティング モード) seal mode (Sealing mode) Sealing mode (Sealing mode / シーリングモード) Defense (Protection / Protect) First appeared in the first issue of the second sentence of the barrier system of defense magic. Formally known as "Active Protection / アクティブプロテクション". Spreads a shield that ejects the object it touches to the outside. It is quick to activate and consumes relatively little magic. The defense performance of the magic is not high, but with Nanoha's strong magic power, it has a high defense effect. Sealing (封印) First appeared: Issue 1, Episode 2 A means of forcibly stopping uncontrolled magic.

The principle is to forcibly intervene and rewrite the activation program of uncontrolled magic, causing it to stop. In principle, the user's magic power must be higher than that of the target[1]. Area Search (エリアサーチ) First appeared: Issue 1, Episode 3 Medium-range search magic. Creates countless "Searcher / エリアサーチャー" with magic and launches them into the neighborhood[1]. When the "Searcher" finds the target of the search, the user of the magic will be able to see the situation through the magic. Divine buster (ディバインバスター) First appearance: Issue 1, Episode 3 Nanoha's main shooting magic. When in "Firing Mode", a halo-shaped magic formation unfolds, and you can control the emission and collection of magic power to perform powerful magic attacks. When used on a person, it can become a non-physical magic under Nanoha's control. In addition, it has a very high defense against magic penetration[1]. *Note: "Tenshin Gakusho" was originally a high-powered attack magic. However, it was used for sealing in the third episode of the first issue. Divine Buster Full Power (FP) A development of Divine Buster. It extends the firing range without losing power at the cost of a large amount of magic consumption. Flier fin (フライアーフィン) First appeared: Issue 1, Episode 4 A magic for flying and high-speed movement. Note: The wings that appear on the shoes when the magic is activated are only an aid to directional control. Wide area Protection (ワイドエリアプロテクション) First appeared: Issue 1, Episode 4 A barrier magic for wide-area defense. Although it does not have the reverse repulsion of "Repulsion Defense", it can provide a powerful defense over a wide area. Divine shooter (ディバインシューター) (天神照射) (Divine shooter / ディバインシューター) First appeared: Phase 1, Session 6) Ranges: A Power: B Operation: S Shooting magic. Generate the magic bullet "Divine sphere / ディバインスフィア" and fire it. This is a shooting magic that can be induced. Launch the [Divine Sphere] light projectile formed in front of and around the Heart of the Rising Sun. You must turn on the magic array to control it, and the projectile speed is slow, but the launch speed is fast. To compensate for its low power, [Divine Illumination] can be induced in three dimensions. In addition, it can operate a magic bullet while using other magic. This type of mental operation is an advanced technique, but cannot be performed for long periods of time. Chant [Lyrical, Magical. The light of the Gospel, come down to me. Under the guidance of guidance, resound with the heavens]. Nanoha learns to use [Celestial God Irradiation] in order to fight against the highly maneuverable Fett. It may also have been influenced by Fett's [Photon Spirit Gun]. Afterwards, using this magic, it was on par with Fett in a mid-range shooting battle. It doesn't require a magic array to control or recharge, and can usually be used for 5 shots at the same time. Like "Heavenly God's Blazing Break", it does not have physical killing power. Note: When using this magic for the first time, Nanoha does not have the ability to mentally manipulate the trajectory. Divine Shooter - FP (Divine Shooter Full Power) A development of the Divine Shooter. The number of shots has been increased at the cost of greater magic consumption, while maintaining the trailing characteristics and defense against penetration. Flash move (フラッシュムーブ) First appeared: Issue 1, Episode 6 Short-range, high-speed movement magic. Its speed and maneuverability are slightly inferior to Fett's "Flash move". Divide energy (ディバイドエナジー) First appeared: Issue 1, Episode 9 A magic that distributes its own magic to others. The user can control the amount of magic supplied. Flash impact / フラッシュインパクト (フラッシュインパクト) First appeared: Issue 1, Episode 11 This is a close-range magic that can be used while traveling at high speeds in "instantaneous movement". Compressed magic power is stored in the spell, and a flash of light is emitted at the moment of striking. A move that Nanoha rarely uses. Round Shield (ラウンドシールド) First appeared: Issue 1, Episode 11 Magic Shield Defense Magic. It is a defense magic that uses a magic formation to make a circular shield. It can be used in a single direction, but its performance is very high, especially against magic bullets. Most magicians can use it. It was first used by Crono in the 8th episode of the 1st season. Nanoha uses it for the first time in the 11th episode of the 1st season. Nanoha's Magic Shield, which was developed by the Boundary Magician Yuno, is particularly strong in terms of defense, but in A's, her proficiency in using it has increased, and it can also be activated by Intelligent Spells; in the first episode of A's, it was activated with both hands at the same time, and it was able to block both [Flying Swallow Soaring] and [Life-Stopping Shock], and then it suffered a slight injury when it was blown away because it absorbed all the force of the impact. However, it has also been broken head-on, as in the case of Vita's [Explosive Hammer] and Dark Judgement of the Dark Book of Consciousness. Restrict lock (禁锢枷鎖 (restrict lock / レストリクトロック) First appeared: Issue 1, Chapter 11 Setting-type capture magic. When activated, this spell captures all targets within a specified range. Starlight breaker (ターライトブレイカー) First appeared: Issue 1, Episode 11 Power: AAA Range: C Motion Speed: E Magic Level: S A variation of Divine Buster. [One of the forms of "Divine Buster" is a cannonball magic that is launched from the [Sealing M

ode], which concentrates the magic power in the space in the center of the magic array and instantly releases it along with the magician's own magic power. It is called [Starlight] (novel version) because it concentrates the magic power around it like a meteor, and is the strongest magic in the first season. However, it is impossible to move when the magic power is gathered, and the magic power decreases rapidly as the distance increases, so the spellcaster must have an effective means of determining the distance. The consciousness of the Book of Darkness can also use [Starlight Burst], having collected Nanoha's Nucleus of Nemesis. When using it on Fett and Nanoha, chant [The light of destruction given to sinners, the converging stars, become the light that crushes everything. Fly away, Flash, and the stars burst forth]. Since the consciousness of the Book of Darkness does not have the qualification to recycle magic power, it takes quite a long time to gather it. However, because the Book of Darkness' will has its own quality of "wide-range attack", the Book of Darkness' consciousness's [Starlight Burst] has been given the characteristic of a wide-range attack

Bardiche, Thunderbolt Battle Axe Edit Form Mode

Bardiche, Thunderbolt Battle Axe - Attack Type

3D Image

Bardiche, Thunderbolt Battle Axe - Attack Type

The Bardiche is the first of its kind in the world to be used in the world, but it's not the only one in the world. アサルト/Bardiche Assault Used by: Fet?T?Harawin Appears all the way from the A's. First appearance: A's 4th episode

Standby Form

スタンバイフォーム/Standby Form A slightly different shape since A's. The previous shape, a pentagon formed by cutting two corners off of a triangle to be exact, became a triangle with no corners cut off in StrikerS.

Assault Form

Assault Form is the same as A's. In StrikerS, it is used from the 5th episode.

Giant Scythe Form

ハーケンフォーム/Haken*1 Form Same as A's. In StrikerS, used from the 5th verse. Barudisu? Strong Attack type of close-contact battle mode. Same as Heart of the Rising Sun? Reinforcement Type, the magic guides that appear in the StrikerS theme song do not appear in their standard Raider Form. It's not clear that the Raid Form has been used in A's theme song.

Sacred Blade Form

The ザンバーフォーム/Zamber Form is the same as A's. It appears in the 17th episode. Appears from the 17th episode. Known as "Third Form" (3rd form). Barudisu? A form in which the limitations of the Raider type are lifted. Same as A's, it takes on the appearance of a large sword.

The Thunder Dance Form

ライオットブレード/Riot Blade

Fit Thunder Dance Form Protective Suit

The Thunder Dance Sacred Blade ライオットザンバー/Riot Zamber ライオットザンバー? スティンガー/Riot Zamber Stinger ライオットザンバー? ライオットザンバースティンガー/Riot Zamber Calamity

MID-CHILDA System (ミッドチルダ式 MID-CHILDA System) Cannonball magic Cluster type 天神裂破? Development type (Divine Buster Extension) Starlight Breaker (Starlight Breaker) Starlight Breaker ex-fb (Starlight Breaker ex fb) Straight type Divine Buster (Divine Buster) ショートバスター (Short Buster) ストレイトバスター (Straight Buster) Thunderbolt Smasher (Plasma Smasher) Trident Smasher (Trident Smasher) Phantom Blazer (Phantom Blazer) Induced Operation Type Excellion Buster (Excellion Buster) Excellion Buster Accelerate Charge System (Excellion Buster Accelerate Charge System) Buster Accelerate Charge System) Wide-area Attack Magic Thunder Fall Shooting Magic Induced Operation Type Divine Shooter Meteor Shooter Accel Shooter Haken Saber Plasma Barret Crossfire Blaze Barret) 交激炽火(Cross Fire Shoot) 脉冲飞星(Variable Shoot) シュートバレット バレットF(Shoot Barret Barret-F) シューティング? Shooting Ray フォンランサー? Phalanx Shift(Photon Lancer Phalanx Shift) ? 雷子灵枪(Plasma Lancer) シュートバレット(Shoot Barret) 脉冲重星(Variable Barret) ウイングシューター(Wing Shooter) スナイプショット(Snip Shot) 物質加速型 星屑飓暴(Stardust Fall) 近接魔力魔力砍击 巨镰裂斩(Haken Slash) ジェットザンバー(Jet Zamber) ダガーブレード(Dagger Blade) 幻术魔法 Visual Illusion(Optic Hide) Fake Silhouette(Fake Silhouette)ブーステッドリュージョン(Boosted Illusion) シューティン グシルエット (Shooting Silhouette) Summoning magic Alchemy Iron Summoning Dragon Soul Summoning Dragon Rider Summoning Dragon Envoy Blast Flare Blast Ray Defense magic Barrier Type DefenseEX Circle Protection Spherical Defense Protection) Oval Protection Barrier Burst Defenser Plus Protection Wheel Protection Boosted Protection Shield Boosted Protection Shield Type Round Shield Field Type Barrier Jacket Aggressive Mode Exceed Mode Impulse Form Other Defense Spells Brake Barrier Form) Other Defense Magic Active Guard Holding Net Capture Magic Bind Type Restrict Lock Hoop Bind Auxiliary Magic Increase Type Thunderbolt Axe and Fett

Physical Healing (Physical Heal Enhancement? Physical Heal Boost Up Barret Power Boost Up? Boost Up Acceleration Illusion? Enchant Up Field Invalid Enhance? Boost Up Strike Power Enchant Up Field Invalid Enhance? Enchant Defence Gain Energy Boost Movement Magic Flight Accel Fin Sonic Move Other Auxiliary Magic Chanting Sealing Shoot Friction Defense

Edit Season 2 Magic Explanation

Edit Season 2 Magic Explanation

Edit Season 2 Magic Explanation

Edit Season 2 Magic Explanation

These are the most common magic spells in the world. p>Magic Name: Angel's Wings (Reinforce / リインフォース)

Sword of Mistilteinn

Sword of Mistilteinn (Mistilteinn / ミスティルテイン) First Appearance: Issue #12 A far away type of shelling magic. Up to 7 lances of light are generated at the same time and penetrate the target. The range is short and the penetration power is not very high. However, the most distinctive feature is the petrification effect that is activated when it hits. The petrification effect is caused by condensing the cells of living beings, and has a deadly destructive effect on living beings. The chant before it is activated is: "Obey my call, the branches and vines of the Mogi are transformed into the spear of the silver moon, and will pierce through all things! The Sword of the Silver Mistletoe is a petrified magic spear! Note: Mistilteinn is a famous sword made from the parasitic plant "mistletoe vine" in Norse mythology. In the myth, Baruda, the god of light, made a pact with everything in the world that nothing could harm him. But he did not make a pact with the parasitic plant "mistletoe vine". In the end, he died by the sword made from the mistletoe vine.

Final Yuzuru

Final Yuzuru (Ragnar?k / ラグナロク) First appeared: Issue 2, Episode 12 Direct-fire type shooting magic. Forms 3 emitters around the magic formation and fires a triple barrage with different defense interferences and hit effects, destroying the object. Since the firing uses pages from the Book of Night and Sky, the pages are temporarily reduced after use, and it takes some time to recover. Originally, it had high diffusion performance and could be used for wide-area annihilation. However, for the purpose of use, Gale chose the penetration firing method that reduces diffusion. *Note: "Ragnar?k" is often referred to as "Twilight of the Gods". It is the end of the gods and the world in Norse mythology.

Edit Season 3 Magic Explained

Cannonade Magic

Lingfeng Tianwu (Hr?svelgr)

The name appeared in Goddess Magazine. However, in terms of looking back now at the time, it is possible that it was misspelled (cf. below). Shoots wide-area magic at ultra-long range. When the output is high, you can fire most of the magic bullets at once, and the center of the projectile (the target) is the place where the bullets are fired, and the surrounding area is caught in the explosion, so that a certain area can be "suppressed". When the output is limited, you can also shoot precisely from a long distance, and in the twelfth chapter, you will be able to destroy the targets one by one. Continuous shooting at that level puts a heavy burden on the stamina of the operator, and even Kabuto was beginning to catch his breath at that time. Because of the nature of long-range wide-area attack magic, there were problems with precision control, long-range aiming (siting), and eventual induction when Gale was using it alone, and it was only through the support of Sword Cross and the operators of the Sixth Section of Maneuvering that he was able to get it under control in the 11th episode. However, it seems that this would not have been necessary if Linfus II had been there. The operator in the induction should be in a defenseless state since he cannot move. Therefore, a high-powered attack must be made from outside the opponent's circle of influence to hit the target with a precision shot. In the 11th episode, it was used against the Golem II type that appeared in large numbers mixed with the Phantoms, and against most of the formations (4 groups on the screen), it also eliminated all of them as described in the text. Judging by the fact that the attack is still continuing in the 12th episode, the technique should be renewable for a very long time. Of course, at that time, Gale got the 3 rank limit lifted and was using the power of an S-rank magician. The chant is: "Descend, silver winged winds, and become a feather of arrows that purifies the earth and sky." Unlike the Final Yuzuru that appears in the A's, when using this technique, a Belkar-type magic formation appears underneath the feet, and on the projected surface is a Midecherdar-type magic formation (a giant magic formation surrounded by 4 smaller magic formations). In Norse mythology, it is a vulture-like giant that waved its feathers and caused winds. Means "he who devours the dead". The German spelling is "Hr?swelgr" or "Hr?swelg". ("He who devours the dead" is also transliterated as Leichenschwelger). Number of words used: StrikerS 11-12

Wide-area attack-type magic

Frozen Breath (Frozen Breath Blow/Crystal Snow Song) (Atem dEs Els) Wide-area freezing magic. A wide-area freezing magic that generates a freezing effect from the 4 cubes generated around the warlock. Generates crystals of vaporized ice-clean magic that have been compressed and strikes them into the frozen location. This instantly seizes heat from the surrounding area and freezes it. In the main story of StrikerS, during the fire at the airport in the 71st year of the new calendar year, when fire-fighting operations were being carried out, the area around the airport was within the range of its effect. However, it is difficult to fine-tune it without fusion. However, it seems that the warlock cannot move while its effect is activated. Chant as follows: Ice King of White Flare, with silver wing feathers, color the earth before you in silver white. Descend! The sound of frost! "O King of the White Flare of Snow, with your silver wing feathers, color the earth before you white and silver... Descend, Frosty Winds!!!" The other members of the board exclaimed, "That's amazing!" and "That's the power of a Super S-class Magician...". Usage: StrikerS Session 2 Diabolic Emission A spherical pure magic attack with the ability to block defensive barriers. It strikes everything within its range of effect. A Belka-type magic formation is activated under the feet and on the projected surface at the same time. The chant before activation is: "On the distant horizon, into the embrace of the darkness" in Episode 12, while attacking the 2 Numbers (Kovatro and Dee Aki) who didn't notice the activation of the skill. "Chanting complete, 4 seconds until activation" Since Gale has lines like that, it's likely that the actual incantation is a very long paragraph. This is the first time in the StrikerS series that Gale uses a spell that the Will of the Book of Darkness (Linfus) has used in the past. Japanese direct translation: Magical Release First appearance: A's Episode 9 Usage: StrikerS Episode 12

Defensive Magic

There are 4 types of basic magical defenses: Barrier, Shield, Force Field, and Physical Armor. (Episode 2 of the manga version) Force Field Type (Field Type) Knight's Armor Users: Yagami Kagekaze, Linfus II, Signum, Vita, and Shamaru As with the Midecherda-type protective clothing, no changes in the setting have occurred. Also according to the official website and what is seen in the OP, there are no changes in the design of the characters, including Linfus II. Number of words used:StrikerS 2nd, 11th, others

Movement magic

Flight Users:Yagami Gale, others As with the Middelcherdar type, there is a change in the treatment of Flight magic, as all of the Ancient Belkar-type users of the Sixth Motorized Section use Flight magic, so there is no change in the treatment of Flight magic except for Air Combat Magician. There were no changes in other aspects. When Gale is in his knight's attire, he has three pairs of black wings on his back, and when he flies at high speeds, black feathers can be seen flying and scattering (StrikerS Episode 2, etc.). Currently, Nanoha (pink glowing feathers) and Kabuto are the only two people who have this additional effect when flying. First Appearance:A's 1st Word Usage:StrikerS 2nd Word, Other

Other Auxiliary Magic

Thought Talking User:Yagami Gale, Other Nothing has changed as with Midchellda-esque Nenjutsu. However, as noted in the Midcherda style, there are more occasions to use the communication device. Also, as far as positions like Gale are concerned, while it is possible to use Thought-Talk, it is also possible to use Communication Devices. In addition, it seems that Gale and the Guardian Knight can make multi-party thought calls. First Appearance:A's 2nd Story Number of Words Used:StrikerS 2nd Story, Other リカバリー Users:Yagami Gale, Vita Chronicle Records.

The Book of the Night Sky

The Book of the Night Sky (夜天の書(やてんのしょ)/Buch der Nachthimmel) Used by:Yagami Kagekaze A book-type storage type of magic guide. The color of the cover is teal, and it has the emblem of the Cross of Swords. When it was remade after a certain incident, the same design as the past Night and Day Book was used. The details are not stated, but the description of the Book of Night and Sky speculates that it was due to an increase in the amount of data. Normally, during events, Gale uses the Book of Night and Sky, and Linfus II uses the Book of Cthulhu. What becomes of it when fused is currently unknown. First Appearance: The old Book of Darkness form appeared in A's 1st episode. The current Book of Night and Sky appeared in StrikerS 1st sentence.

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