Does anyone have detailed information about the meteorological and hydrological characteristics of Shiping County, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province? Please inform if you have, thank you very much.

Laibin City geomorphology: font tectonics of the eastern Dayaoshan mountain range east flank, Guangxi mountain arc northeast, Liu Bei's dome-shaped mountain mountains, the mountain range is a north-south arrangement, is a mountain font ridge to the south stretching part of the western mountainous areas north-west of the arc of the arrangement; the central plains and terraces. The water system has a dendritic convergence and exits to the southeast. The entire terrain is roughly north to south, circumferentially new high, medium, and low, gently sloping the lake from northwest to southeast.

Climate: Laibin City is located in the Guizhong subtropical monsoon climate zone, the monsoon circulation, the prevalence of warm, humid marine air quality in the summer, therefore, the summer is long, the rainy season in the same season, the year-round temperatures, the diurnal temperature difference between the range of winter and the spring of the vertical difference in latitude is greater than the difference in the spring temperatures are lower than the fall temperatures, the lack of heat in the winter and the spring; the geographical differences in climate resources. Or subject to the southwest warm and humid air flow and the north variability of cold air quality, drought, storms, floods and winds hail, lightning, cold (freezing), victims and other disastrous weather effects are more common.

Hydrology: 2004 precipitation in addition to a few stations a year years old, the average high, most sites annual precipitation than the multi-year average of 10 to ? Higher than normal 2 site outside, Laibin hydrology this year year year one flood runoff station site unchanging small. Annual precipitation is the largest site annual precipitation, annual precipitation rainfall station 1% 3.5 millimeters, rainy 162 days: precipitation lowest 28.6% than last year year-on-year years, the average annual precipitation precipitation precipitation 10HO millimeters of annual precipitation less sites than normal. All the precipitation is mainly concentrated in 5-7 copies, the highest precipitation is concentrated in July and October the driest. The distribution of precipitation along the ingenious area of rainfall stations precipitation storm high value areas Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County tung oil red precipitation 1963.5 millimeters and Xingbin Blue Ridge slope ridge city of Jinxiu along the Dayao Mountain 68.5 millimeters, the two rainfall low value areas, Xincheng County, euro hole fruit, and then the rainfall station precipitation 1055.3 millimeters precipitation 0n.o millimeters of rainfall in the Xiangzhou District in the Ping District.

Many engineering geological conditions, including stratigraphic lithology, geological formations, hydrogeological conditions, surface geological terrain,