Information about the saxophone?

The saxophone is a woodwind instrument named after its inventor, with a sound that is somewhere between a woodwind and a brass instrument. Mr. Sax (1814-1894), who lived in the 19th century, was a famous Belgian producer and inventor of musical instruments.

Chinese Saxophones

Chinese saxophones enthusiasts are now increasing dramatically, and some enthusiastic netizens have specially founded the Chinese Saxophones Network. Chinese saxophones began to develop in the 1970s and 1980s, and it was only at the end of the 20th century that manufacturers began to produce them in China, 25 years ago. China is now the world's largest saxophone production base, and the technology is increasingly advanced.


Saxophone structure diagram Saxophone is short for saxophone, which is a woodwind instrument, but the body is usually made of brass, which gives the saxophone the characteristics of a brass instrument. It is interesting to note that this often leads to differences in categorization. The saxophone is closer to the clarinet, which also uses a single reed, in terms of the principle of sound production.

Instrument key: bB (soprano, tenor), bE (alto, euphonium)

Applied clef: Soprano clef, notated by transposition from the instrument's home key

Practical range: two and a half octaves

Constructural components: parabolic conical body made of metal, reed head similar to that of the clarinet, Boehm system of keys. Except for the bB soprano saxophone and the bE soprano saxophone, they are bent into a pipe shape.

Materials Used: Brass (also aluminum)

Features of the Instrument: Rich tone, soprano range between clarinet and horn, mid-range like vocals and cello, bass like tuba and double bass.

Typical application : Used in modern popular light music, Ravel (France), "Bolero" has a variation.

This instrument is played on a single reed, and the structure of the open and closed tone holes is similar to that of the oboe, with a range similar to that of the oboe, so it should be considered a woodwind instrument, but the body of the instrument is made of copper and can be considered a brass instrument. It is a woodwind instrument, but the body is made of copper, so it can be a brass instrument. It is thin at the top and thick at the bottom, with the mouthpiece upward, very similar to the bass clarinet. There are many types of saxophones, from bass to soprano, all of which are transposed. The saxophone has an exceptionally rich and attractive sound, resembling brass when played strongly and woodwinds when played weakly, making it one of the best partners in the wind instrument category.

French composers such as Bizet, Saint-Sa?ns and Verdi used the saxophone in their works. The saxophone is also an indispensable instrument in the jazz band trumpet band.

Now there are four kinds of saxophone often used: B-flat soprano saxophone (Soprano saxophone). E-flat tenor saxophone (Alto saxophone). Bb Alto Saxophone (Tenor saxophone). E-flat euphonium saxophone (Baritone saxophone).

Several saxophones have identical fingerings, are all transposed instruments, and are notated in treble clef.

French composer Berlioz once wrote: "The main characteristic of the saxophone is the wonderful variety of tones, deep and calm, emotional, soft and sad, as if the echo in the echo, in the moment of silence, there is no other instrument that can produce this wonderful sound."

The saxophone has also been described as an "unrivaled instrument of grace".

The saxophone is not only good at playing classical music, but also good at playing jazz and light music, and when people mention jazz, the first instrument that comes to mind is the saxophone. The most important feature of jazz is improvisation, in which the strong and weak beats are inverted and continuous syncopation is adopted to make the rhythm change infinitely, and the timbre is dramatic, both fierce and wild and deep, both funny and full of sadness. Saxophone in the tone, in the performance of the slide; vibrato, spit; super blowing characteristics, then adapted to the jazz improvisation of the greatest characteristics of the need. Therefore, improvisation has also become the performance characteristics sought by saxophone players.

The saxophone is made of metal, with a wide range of strength and weakness, comparable to other brass instruments in terms of sound strength, but also unparalleled to other woodwinds, and woodwinds in terms of sound quality, with the characteristics of woodwinds, and with the brightness of the metal.

In the performance, because its structure is designed using the scientific principle of Boehm type flute, therefore, its mechanical system is more reasonable, the use of mechanical parts flexible. Therefore, it can play difficult music as well as flute and clarinet. At the same time, compared with other woodwind instruments, it has its own unique characteristics in playing glissando, vibrato, spit and overblow.


Inventor of the saxophoneThe saxophone was invented in 1840 by a Belgian, Adolphe Sax (Antoine-Joseph Sax, 1814-1894). Adolphe was a sharp instrument maker, specializing in blackwind and flute playing. His original vision was to design a bass instrument for the orchestra that would be more flexible to play than the Ophicleide and adaptable to outdoor performances. He combined and improved the mouthpiece of the bass clarinet with the body of the Ophicleide and named the new instrument after himself.

In 1814, Adolphe Antoinette Sachs (Adolphe Antoinette Sachs) was born. Adolphe Antoine Sax was born in the small Belgian town of ---- Dinan. His father was a reputable instrument maker at the time. Adolphe Antoine Sax At the age of 15, Adolphe Antoine Sax was already an honors student at the Brussels Conservatory of Music and performed with the Brussels Symphony Orchestra. He was already an accomplished flutist and clarinetist, and it was his improvement of the clarinet that made it a standard member of the symphony. The Belgian government encouraged him by awarding him the second prize at an exhibition, but Adolphe Saxe was upset that he did not win the first prize. Adolphe Saxe was somewhat disappointed that he did not win the first prize and went to Paris.

In 1842, Adolphe Sax invented the first saxophone. In 1842, Adolphe Saxe invented the first saxophone, a euphonium in the key of E-flat. The invention of this instrument gave Adolphe Sax's good friend, Berlioz, the opportunity to play the saxophone. The invention of this instrument impressed Adolphe Saxe's good friend Berlioz. Berlioz was one of the most influential musicians in Europe at the time and he wrote about Adolphe Sax's invention in various media. Berlioz, one of the most influential musicians in Europe at the time, praised Adolphe Saxe's invention in various media, saying that it was the instrument with the most human characteristics. The instrument was named after Adolphe Sax. Sachs's last name to the instrument named ----- "Sachs", a most beautiful sound, the most characteristic shape of the instrument was born.

In 1844, the saxophone was used for the first time in Georges K?rntner's opera "The Last of the Jews", and Berlioz created a piece for the saxophone, "Anthem".

In 1846, Adolphe. Sachs was granted a patent for his instrument. This established him as a prominent figure in the Parisian musical world, and he was hailed as a European genius. Later, Adolphe Sax opened a saxophone shop in Paris. Adolphe Sax opened a saxophone manufacturing business in Paris. Adolphe Saxe invented the saxophone. Adolphe Sax invented 14 kinds of saxophones of different sizes and shapes. (These included the small soprano saxophone and the large double-bass saxophone, which had a bell so large that it could fit a small child.)

In 1851, Adolf. In 1851, Adolphe Sachs patented a twenty-four-key metal tube, which became known as the "Saxophone Adolphe Sachs System Tuba". This metal tube was called the "Saxophone Adolf Sachs".

In 1853, the French army began to use the saxophone, making a perfect combination of woodwinds and brass. Wind bands from all over Europe came to buy the Adolphe Saxophone, an instrument invented and produced by Adolphe Sax. Sachs invented and produced this instrument ---- saxophone, which made Adolphe Sachs become a very rich man. This made Adolphe Saxe a very rich man. This made Adolphe Saxe a very rich man. The success of Adolphe Saxe caused his peers to become jealous, so they took him to court, saying that Adolphe Saxe had stolen their patents. Adolf Sachs stole their patents. Adolf Sachs fought valiantly to defend his invention and his honor.

In 1885, the French Selmer Wind Instrument Manufacturing Company was founded in Paris, named after its founder, Henri Selmer. The Selmer Wind Instrument Manufacturing Company mainly produced single-reed instruments, especially saxophones and clarinets, and was renowned for the superior and excellent quality of its products.

The first wind band in the history of China was founded around 1886 by Robert Hart [1835--1911], a foreigner who was then the General Secretary of the Chinese Customs.

In 1887, Adolph. Sachs added a lower "B" key to the original lowest "B" key of the saxophone, and added half-frames to protect the keys on several of the lowest and larger keys.

In 1894, a penniless Adolphe Sax died in Paris. Adolphe Sax died in Paris in 1894, but his soul was consoled by the fact that after years of work by his lawyers, he finally won his case against his rivals.

Before 1900, there were not many works about saxophone, because many musicians did not know whether the instrument could exist for a long time, so many musicians did not get involved in the field of saxophone, but you can still find saxophone among the Symphony East, and there are outstanding performances, for example, Bizet's The Girl from the City of Ales; Rawel Mossorsky's Picture Exhibition

In 1903, Debussy composed a work for alto saxophone and wind orchestra, "Rhapsody," for a particularly wealthy woman named Mrs. Hall ----- of Boston, who went on to become an excellent saxophone performer, and who enlisted the help of such notable composers as Dandie and Loffler to write works for saxophone.

At the turn of the century, European military bands toured the North American continent, and a number of saxophonists settled in the U.S. state of Louisiana.

Until the 1920s, the soprano saxophone was brought into jazz by jazz musicians. The rich expressive power of the saxophone in jazz has amazed the world, thus establishing the saxophone's absolute position in jazz, and Sidney Bichette is also known as the saxophonist and soprano saxophonist in jazz. Sidney Bichette has been called the "father" of the saxophone.

Construction and range

1. Construction

Sax by the main tube, neck tube, head, reed, reed, reed hoop, cap, lanyard seven parts. In addition to the flute off, reed, the rest of the copper parts of the structure of the system, so both the characteristics of the wood pipe and the bright copper pipe, the upper end of the body of the saxophone is conical (on the thick and thin), the lower end of the tube is cylindrical (up and down the same) trumpet upward curved, similar to the bass clarinet.

I would like to mention two very famous saxophone accessory manufacturing companies. The French companies VANDOREN and BG. These two companies produce saxophone accessories (heads, reeds, reed cards, lanyards, trimmers, reed clips, etc.) that have been recognized and praised by many players around the world. Although they are only accessories, these accessories also play a vital role in our playing.

2. Range

The saxophone has gone through generations of hard work and continuous exploration, so that the range of the saxophone from the original two octaves and a fifth of the original basis, and then upward expansion of an octave and a fourth (expansion of the range belongs to the part of the super blowing, without a certain foundation is difficult to play upward), which makes the saxophone can be a perfect display of a greater number of musical compositions.

Selection and installation

1. Selection:

The quality of the instrument in general is related to the improvement of the beginner's level of playing, so you should be careful when buying. Imported brands of musical instruments, although better, but the purchasing power of the masses in China is undoubtedly too high. Although the price of domestic musical instruments is cheaper, but the quality of some instruments is not ideal, because of these, the buyer should ask a professional to help identify. If you go to buy your own, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

(1) carefully observe its appearance, whether the paint plating is uniform, there are no bumps.

(2) Check whether its key pads have marks, **** beeper on the buckle nail is not accurately connected to the center of the contact sound hole, key pads are covered tightly.

(3) Check the sensitivity of its mechanical parts, whether the spring tension is appropriate, whether there is a gap between the key post and the connecting rod.

(4) Check its pitch, the difference in pitch between two tones should not exceed ten.

2. Installation:

(1) Take the reed out of the reed holder or reed box, overlap the plane of the reed with the plane of the headstock, align the top of the reed with the top of the headstock, and press the reed on the headstock by the thumb of the left hand.

(2) Put the hoop on the flute with the right hand, with the top edge of the hoop over the headstock line, and then align the seam line of the hoop with the center of the reed.

(3) After installing the reed, insert the headjoint into the neck tube, with the center of the headjoint windpipe aligned with the overtone key on the neck tube.

(4) Insert the installed neck tube into the main tube, and then tighten the screws at the top of the main tube.

(5) Before the orchestra ensemble plays, generally use the standard tone A to proofread, when proofreading the alto saxophone to play ascending F, the tenor saxophone to play B. If the pitch of the saxophone is low, the head of the flute to the neck tube of the cork more inserted; if the pitch of the saxophone is high, the head of the flute from the neck tube of the cork outward a little bit, until the pitch is more accurate.


Good posture is very important for beginners, and has been emphasized by every teacher. It has considerable benefits for the improvement of students' performance level, incorrect posture not only can not give people a sense of beauty, but also affect their physical and mental health, so beginners should not ignore the importance of playing posture.

1. Use the calendar strap to hang the instrument on the chest, placed in front of the right side of the body, adjust the strap, so that it can not only afford the weight of the instrument, but also to ease the tension of the hands and arms.

2. When playing standing up, the legs are shoulder-width apart; when playing sitting down, the legs are opened slightly outward, touching the ground in a ninety-degree bow; the body should be naturally straight, with no bending of the back, chest, waist, or abdomen.

3. The angle of the head of the flute should be based on the natural exhalation and the direction of the airflow from the headjoint of the flute, because the direction of the airflow is slightly downward slanting, while the headjoint and the neck tube naturally have to be in line with the direction of the airflow, and slightly tilted downward is the best angle, which is about forty-five degrees.

4. During the performance, the fingers, wrist and arm should be loose, the left and right hands should be naturally bent, the knuckles should be slightly elevated, not flat and straight, and the joints should not be spoiled, and there should be a sense of rhythm in the movement of the fingers, and the force should not be too great. Action should not be stiff, finger lift should not be too high.

5. The left hand thumb on the T key, and control the octave overtone key, the little finger control 11 (B?) 9 (ascending C) 8 (ascending G); the right hand fingers to hold the instrument below the part of the body close to the hook, the little thumb to control the 1 (C) 2 (descending E), left and right hand index finger, middle finger, ring finger were placed in the keys of Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ.

6. Use the mouth to control the head, the lanyard to control the weight of the saxophone, and the right and left hands to control the balance of the saxophone, so as to make the playing present the best posture.

Sitting posture1 Standing posture Sitting posture2 Hand shape1 Hand shape2 Hand shape3

Mouth shape and breathing

(A) Mouth shape:

The correctness of the mouth shape can affect the pronunciation, and the incorrect mouth shape can bite the lower lip, cause infection, and even cause deformity of the teeth, so the beginner should keep in mind the precautions of the mouth shape.

1. Relax the lower jaw, close the lower lip slightly, so that one-half of the lower lip covers the lower teeth, and the mouth is slightly open to both sides of the natural smile, and pronounce the sound "哀"(ai).

2. Attack the head of the flute lightly into the mouth, the upper teeth and upper lip lightly touching the head of the flute, the lip muscle force should be even.

3. The position of the head should be differentiated according to the individual conditions, but in general it should be held about one third of the way up the head. There is a question of the optimum vibration point. First from the front end of the head of the recorder less contained test blowing, slowly moving backward to blow, and then from the back end of the head of the recorder more contained test blowing, gradually moving forward to blow, must listen to the position of the sound of the different, so you can find the best point of vibration, at this time can be fixed to contain the position of the head of the recorder.

Mouthpiece 14: In the process of practicing, you can look in the mirror to practice blowing, do not bulge your cheeks and keep your mouthpiece consistent.

(2) Breathing:

1. The so-called breathing is the breath support, but also the power of the saxophone. Sweeping some people will think that breathing is very simple, here we are going to talk about the way of breathing is different from the daily way of breathing, after the experts of various disciplines *** with the same exploration and research found that the way of human respiration *** is divided into three kinds of:

(1) Chest respiration: inhalation of shallow and less, but also the people's normal respiratory way.

(2) abdominal respiration: deep breathing, such as the smell of flowers, inhalation of more and deep but not easy to control, there are some people who learn vocal music to use this method.

(3) Combined chest and abdominal breathing: this method has been proven to be the most scientific, and is used by most vocalists.

Three kinds of breathing method comparison table

Breathing method Breathing movement of the main steps of the volume of breathing Advantages Disadvantages

Thoracic style Thoracic middle (chest raised abdomen concave during inhalation) 3250 cubic centimeters Inhalation speed is faster, inhalation method is easy to master. The inhalation is more tense and not well controlled, easy to produce breath-holding phenomenon. The end of the diaphragm participates in respiration, and the expansion of the thorax is insufficient, easy to fatigue.

Abdominal style Lower thorax (chest bulge and downward expansion of the thorax during inhalation) 2680 cubic centimeters Freedom to stretch during inhalation, faster inhalation, better control of exhalation due to active participation of the diaphragm muscles The middle part of the thorax expands very little, and the amount of inhalation is less.

Combined thoraco-abdominal style All thorax (chest and abdomen are all expanded outward during inspiration) 3960 cubic centimeters The diaphragm descends during inhalation, the ribs are lifted up, the thorax is fully expanded, and the inhalation and expiration are maximized. As the whole system is working, the strength and speed of the airflow can be well controlled during exhalation, which ensures a longer blowing time

2. Requirements for breathing during blowing

(1) Inhalation: the air is naturally inhaled into the lower lobes of the lungs, which causes the diaphragm (a layer of membrane between the chest and the abdomen) to move downward, and causes the abdomen and the ribs to expand naturally.

(2) Exhalation: that is, when pronouncing, using the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles to control the fullness of air, the abdomen bulges up, the abdominal wall gradually restored to restore, and at the same time, with the help of abdominal pressure, so that the diaphragm of the inhalation of the drop gradually upward, to control the flow of air into a very natural smooth and controlled and unimpeded "column of air" exhaled.

Inhale and exhale

Short time, long time

Inhale at the corners of the mouth and exhale through the controlled lips

Rapid contraction of respiratory muscles, slow relaxation of the respiratory muscles (return to the original state)

Thorax expanding as much as possible, and the thorax gradually retracting

Contracting and expanding fast, in order to use the air sparingly, centrally, evenly, and fluently.

Require all the muscles to be able to coordinate their work so that muscle fatigue is minimized.

3. blowing breathing should pay attention to the following two points

(1) do not shrug ------- due to shrugging the shoulder blades up, the thoracic limit in a small range of sphincter, inhalation of small amount of easy tension fatigue.

(2) do not arch the abdomen ------ some beginners in order to make the gas inhalation deep, it is hard to arch the abdomen, due to arching the abdomen will make the thoracic cavity ribs are pulled down, the chest and abdomen are in a state of tension.

Difference between natural and blowing breathing

Natural breathing Blowing breathing

Inhalation and exhalation time are basically equal Inhalation time is short, exhalation time is long

Breathing is mainly done with the nasal cavity Breathing is mainly done with the oral cavity

Breathing is subconscious Breathing is conscious and controlled

Don't use a large breathing capacity of about 500 ml Use a larger breathing capacity, about 3000-4000 ml

4. Breathing change

Whether playing long notes, exercises or music, there is the problem of breathing change, the so-called breathing change is to inhale while the music is in progress.

The following three issues should be noted when changing breath:

(1) Accurate ----- change of breath should be fast and accurate, at the end of the phrase, leaving a short time for a quick change of breath, and under no circumstances should it take up the time value of the first note of the next phrase.

(2) Suitable ----- change of breath, depending on the phrase of the work of the short and the intensity of the change of the need to inhale, do not at any time to inhale the same amount of air, not to inhale the air to the limit, so that the respiratory muscles will be strained.

(3) Reasonable ----- change of breath can often choose at the end of the phrase, if the phrase is longer, you can choose to change the breath in the and position of the repetition, intervals of the big jump, the change of tone type, etc., in short, do not destroy the integrity of the phrase.

5. The relationship between breathing and other aspects

(1) The relationship between breathing and playing posture

Playing posture is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also has a direct impact on breathing. Don't hunch over when you play, and certainly don't hold your head high, as this will not allow your chest to expand and your abdomen to inhale, and it will also cause tension in the larynx, preventing the breathing movement from proceeding independently.

(2) The relationship between breathing and mouthpiece

Even if you have a good grasp of breathing, but without the correct mouthpiece to match, the same can not be pronounced correctly, the lip muscles should have the appropriate tension, the exhaled airflow can be concentrated and powerful into the mouthpiece.

(3) The relationship between breathing and articulation

Good articulation is the result of the tacit cooperation between the third muscle and breathing. If the tip of the tongue movement, spit too heavy and not dexterous, and influence is not smooth, then the movement is slow, the spit is ambiguous.

(4) The relationship between breathing and finger movement

When breathing, pay attention to the organic cooperation of the hand, tongue and qi.

(5) The relationship between breathing and the strength of pronunciation:

Pitch, low, strong, weak, strong

Fast airflow, slow airflow, big airflow, small airflow, gradually increasing airflow

In the process of practicing, you should experience the feeling of the abdomen with your heart. When practicing inhalation, you can lie down on the bed with your hands inserted into your waist, and feel your abdomen expanding in all directions. When practicing breathing, you can light a candle and blow it gently so that it is tilted and does not swing, in order to exercise the uniformity of exhalation.

In addition, there is a circular breathing method, that is, when playing a very long phrase to change the breath, and does not affect the pronunciation of the continuation. Cyclic breathing method is most commonly used in China's national musical instrument ----- suona blowing, people state many suona performance of the use of cyclic breathing method has reached a considerable attainment, and in the saxophone can use this method can be said to be fewer and fewer people. If you want to practice circular breathing, I personally believe that you must meet the following five conditions:

1. Learning to play the saxophone for more than four years (uninterrupted learning)

2. Correct and fixed mouth shape.

3. Good breath support.

4. Smooth and full long notes (50 seconds or more).

5. An excellent instrument and a headjoint with a moderate wind opening.

As you know, each of us has a windpipe that can only inhale or exhale in one direction. If you want the saxophone to sound without interruption, you can only exhale without interruption, how can you exhale without interruption? Using our mouth to store air instead of our lungs, our mouth stores one-sixth of the air in our lungs, enough for us to take a breath. When pronouncing, when it feels like one-fifth of the breath is left in the lungs, stop supplying air to the lungs and exhale the air stored in the mouth. While exhaling the air from the mouth, the breath is drawn in through the nostrils and replenished to the lungs along the trachea.

Steps for practicing Circular Breathing:

First, store the breath in the mouth, contract the inner muscles of the mouth so that the gas is exhaled from the mouth, and practice slowly, gradually lengthening the time for the air to be exhaled from the mouth.

The next step is to inhale the breath into the lungs through the nose, which I don't think will be difficult for everyone.

The next step is to do both at the same time, which is quite difficult at this point.

Finally, you exhale the breath from the lungs, making sure to connect it with the stored breath in the mouth.

When you are practicing, you must be attentive and think a lot in order to bring your blowing level to a higher level.


Every product has a well-known brand, and the saxophone is no exception. After years of development, the saxophone world has emerged as the following major brands:

Selma (SELMER), Yanagisawa (YANAGISAWA) Yamaha (YAMAHA), Calvos (Julius KEILWERTH ) Jiepute (JUPITER) and so on

The world's four major brands of saxophones

Introduced Saxophone is a kind of musical instrument that is concerned about the name brand, professional musicians would rather spend a considerable cost, choose the name brand saxophone, so that they can get their hands on it, in order to play a beautiful tone. Older name-brand saxophones, moreover, appreciate in value like antiques and are sometimes more expensive than newer saxophones. The following are four well-known manufacturers of saxophones in today's market, each with its own distinctive products and different flavors:

● Selmer Performer's Favorite

Selmer, a well-known French icon, can be said to be the favorite of every saxophonist, as early as 1900, French Henri-chery Selmer inherited his father's business, engaged in the production of saxophones. As early as 1900, Frenchman Henri-chery Selmer followed in his father's footsteps and engaged in the production of saxophones. The first Model 22 saxophone appeared in 1922. The Balancded-Action of 1936, the Mark VI of 1956, and the Mark VII of 1976 were all handmade and more expensive than new.

Selmer is a well-known French brand

● Yamaha The World's Largest Label

Yamaha is Japan's best-known musical instrument company and the world's largest saxophone manufacturer, founded in the late 19th century. In the general impression, Yamaha is known for its pianos, but in fact, in drums, guitars, winds, and strings, it is highly rated in the international market.Yamaha World's Largest Label.

● Yanagisawa take the professional route

Yanagisawa Yanagisawa Wind Instruments Co., Ltd. was founded in 1893, is Japan's second largest wind company, in recent years, committed to research and development, exhibitions, and to take the professional route, so that the reputation of the great, even the United States of America some of the authoritative jazz magazines such as Down Beat, Jazz Times, Yanagisawa instruments are often featured in some of the leading American jazz magazines such as Down Beat, Jazz Times, Jazziz, etc., and their reputation has gradually overtaken Yamaha's. Yanagisawa Wind Instruments Co. Yanagisawa Wind Instruments Co.

● Julius Keilwerth Germany's most famous brand

Julius Keilwerth is Germany's most famous wind instrument manufacturing company, not only large scale, but also has a long history. Many famous jazz artists such as Ernie Watts, Kirk Whalum, Grover Washington Jr, etc. have used saxophones from this label, as they developed a black and gold color saxophone, which is quite eye-catching in appearance.


The saxophone consists of a parabolic conical body made of metal, a reed head similar to that of the clarinet, a Boehm system key system, and is bent into the shape of a pipe, with the exception of the soprano saxophone in the key of B-flat. Saxophone is a very expressive instrument, he can easily control the volume of the size, fully capable of producing cello, clarinet, such as extremely beautiful sound, and has enough with the orchestra of any instrument to match the great power. Overall, it has a soft and beautiful tone, with the singing style of stringed instruments.


The saxophone family, in descending order, is: double-bass saxophone, bass saxophone, euphonium saxophone, tenor saxophone, C-flat saxophone, alto saxophone, F-flat soprano saxophone, soprano saxophone, C-flat soprano saxophone, tenor saxophone, and tenor saxophone.

The saxophone has a variety of ranges and keys, of which the four most common are alto, alto, tenor, and euphonium. Classical saxophones are predominantly alto saxophones, while in jazz and pop it is alto and tenor that are predominant. All sax fingering is basically the same, and players can change instruments without fingering practice.

The soprano saxophone (Soprano Saxophone), usually in the key of B-flat, is the second highest-pitched instrument in the saxophone family, after the soprano saxophone (Sopranino), and has the second smallest tube. They are commonly straight, with a slightly curved neck or a shape similar to that of the alto saxophone. Soprano saxophones are much louder and more penetrating than black tubes. However, the small body makes the soprano part more difficult to control intonation, and is harder to get the hang of. The soprano saxophone is mainly used for solo performance, and is often used as a substitute for the oboe in woodwind repertoire. Famous soprano saxophonists include Sidney Bechet, John Kerchon, Wayne Shorter, and Kenny Key.

The alto saxophone (Alto Saxophone) is the most common saxophone, in the key of E-flat, and the one most used in classical ensembles. It is the most commonly used saxophone in classical ensembles, due to its moderate key distance, breath requirement and mouth control difficulty between soprano and tenor saxophones, as well as its relatively inexpensive price and ease of handling, making it the most commonly used saxophone for beginners to get started. The alto saxophone has a brighter tone than the tenor, and a milder tone than the soprano. The alto saxophone constitutes the most important part of the saxophone section of the wind band, and occupies the same important position as the tenor in the jazz big band establishment. It appears relatively rarely as a solo instrument. The alto saxophone is the most representative of the saxophone family. Famous alto saxophonists include Charlie Parker, Cannonball Adderley and Kenny Garrett in jazz, and Marcel Mule and Sigurd Raschèr in classical.

Tenor Saxophone (Tenor Saxophone) is usually in the key of B-flat, slightly larger in shape than the alto saxophone, with an extra bend at the front of the bend, and a gentle, steady tone. In wind bands, the number of tenor saxophones is less than the number of alto saxophones, and they are usually used as auxiliary roles with the same sheet music as the euphonium and trombone. In jazz, however, the tenor plays a central role, and in the 1920s Coleman Hawkins's raspy, heavy voice redefined the concept of the tenor tone. Later John Coltrane, Stan Getz, Sonny Rollins, and Michael Brecker established the tenor voice step by step.

The Baritone Saxophone, usually in the key of E-flat, is a relatively rare type of the four. It has a large volume weight, about twice that of the near alto. Few people use it as a solo instrument, but in the saxophone quartet or jazz big band, the euphonium saxophone with its low and thick tone to support the other voices, with the simpler blowing to maintain a steady pace of music. In wind bands, it often plays a similar role to the euphonium, sometimes reminiscent of the cello. Famous players include Gerry Mulligan.

Other saxophones include the Sopranino Saxophone, Bass Saxophone, and Contrabass Saxophone.

Famous Songs

Going Home


Only You

Breaking the Blue Bridge

Romeo and Juliet

Lost in Love

Looking at the Spring Breeze

This Love is Here to Stay

The Feelings of Yesterdays

Early Mornings

My Heart Will Go On Forever


Adolphe himself opened a musical instrument factory in Paris, France in 1846, specializing in saxophones. He had produced fourteen models of saxophone, including soprano, small soprano, alto, tenor, bass, double bass and other instruments of different shapes. It has both the loudness of brass music and the softness of woodwind music, so many people in the music industry liked this instrument at that time. In 1853, the saxophone was introduced to the French army, and was gradually adopted by many European countries. This also made the saxophone quickly become famous throughout Europe and the world in the form of military music.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, some European saxophonists immigrated to the Americas, and the saxophone became popular in the United States and other American countries. To the twentieth century the saxophone began to be used in jazz bands, in jazz music has been fully played, so that later became synonymous with jazz. It has been loved by many young people.

The first wind band was established at the end of the Qing Dynasty in China, and began to symbolically use the saxophone. After the Xinhai Revolution had disappeared for a while, until the twentieth century, the 1930s and 1940s, only appeared in China's ballroom, after the founding of New China, the saxophone, together with a group of Western instruments such as guitar, was regarded as unhealthy musical instruments, banned the introduction of. In the 1970s and 1980s, after the reform and opening up, the saxophone appeared frequently in all kinds of entertainment places, as well as in all kinds of media. Coupled with the fact that some foreign players and orchestras often come to China to perform, this instrument has become more and more popular among the Chinese people. The number of people who learn and play saxophone is also increasing.