When you're over 50, is exercise still effective or not? How to exercise?

People over 50, exercise is still effective? The first time I've seen this, I've seen it in a lot of different ways.

People say that life comes from exercise, probably because when people exercise, the body's metabolism is accelerated. However, people's body metabolism is conducive to the cultivation of the body, so a lot of people in their spare time or leisure time will go to some physical exercise activities, some people choose to run, some people will go to the rope skipping, and some people go to jump some square dance basketball and so on? In short, in people's leisure time will go to do a variety of sports, so people over 50 after exercise in the end there is no effect? How should I exercise? After 50 years of age, the body will gradually accelerate the rate of decline, slowing down the aging of many people almost become the goal, so we can go through some physical exercise to slow down the speed of our aging!

However, many people may not be familiar with some sports, so in the age of 50 years they should do what kind of physical exercise exercise is more confused. In our daily life, it is not difficult to find, there are some older people will always be in the park to do a variety of sports, such as his grandparents will be in the park leisurely and slow playing Tai Chi, after dinner, there are also a lot of grandparents meet to the park inside the square dance together with the hot and heavy. Some people may say that such an intense exercise method is not suitable for people after 50 years old, however, it is actually the opposite of this idea. Some people after 50 years of age like to dance more and more, because they are constantly working out every day, so square dancing is almost a piece of cake for them, and even a way of physical exercise that they love to do!

People over 50 years of age to increase the focus on exercise, we should also pay attention to the dietary calcium supplement, because after 50 years of age, people are very prone to osteoporosis, which will lead to pain in all parts of the body of the bones and joints, so we try to choose some of the food in the food containing calcium to supplement. We also need to try to eat some green leafy vegetables, because green leafy vegetables contain, after 50 years of age, the body needs an element of folic acid, for the prevention of cardio-cerebral vascular disease has a very big role. There is also a high-quality protein, as long as the normal metabolic movements need protein participation, but only a small number of people can do. So in our age after 50 years old, we must pay attention to our health.