The waltz is a three-step dance.

The waltz is a three-step dance, so whether the left foot comes out first or the right foot comes out first, the result is that the fourth step will be completely different from the first step. If the first step is the left foot first, in the second step in the right foot, the third step is the left foot, to the fourth step (i.e., another step to start the first step), will become the right foot, then the left and right completely opposite. According to this situation, we can know that the waltz dance has a biggest characteristic, that is, the left foot step is the left foot step, the right foot step must be the right foot step, the left and right feet move alternately.

There are two starting points, one in the upper right corner and the other in the lower left corner, and there are two kinds of figures in the figure, one with brackets and the other without brackets, which represent two kinds of steps, starting from the starting point in the upper right corner:

There are two kinds of figures in the figure, one with brackets and the other without brackets, which represent two kinds of steps, starting from the starting point in the upper right corner:?

①Right foot one step back - 1 beat (strong)?

②Left foot diagonally back one step - 1 beat (weak)?

3) Right foot to the left foot and step - 1 beat (weak)?

This completes one step. Look at the group with the brackets again, from the start in the bottom left corner: ?

1) Left foot step forward - 1 beat (strong)?

②Right foot one step forward to the right - 1 beat (weak)?

3) Left foot to right foot - 1 beat (weak)?

The same is true for B. The starting point is different, and the left and right feet move forward or backward in different ways.

The above diagram is the most basic way of practicing the waltz, both men and women can practice according to these two diagrams until they are skillful and have mastered the waltz.

Note: When practicing the variations of this step, it is better to recite the stanza at the same time, so that you can understand the difference between the waltz and other dances.

(2) Front change:

The first beat is a step forward with the right foot, the second beat is a side step with the left foot, and the third beat is a parallel step with the right foot. Female step backward opposite match.?

(3) Left turn right turn?

1st and one beat right foot extends one step forward and moves with the ball of the foot, left foot to match this movement.?

②The second beat the left foot passes after the right foot, and then extends forward to the appropriate place.?

③The third beat the right foot steps in parallel to the left foot.?

Figure B?

①The left foot extends one step on the first beat.?

② On the second beat after the right foot passes the left foot, the left foot moves left with the ball of the foot while the right foot reaches forward again to the right place.?

③The third beat the left foot parallels to the right foot.?

Note: The two diagrams above can be used for practice by both men and women. Note that when you turn around with your feet on the ground, you should do it naturally and flexibly.

(4) Left turn?

There are six steps in the left turn. 1-3 is a section, and 4-6 is a section. Men's dance steps: Figure 32-11.?

1) On the first beat the left foot is extended one step forward and then turned at the same time with the ball of the foot on the ground.?

2 On the second beat, the right foot crosses over the left foot and turns with the left foot to the ground to reach the right place.

③The third beat the left foot to the right foot together.

④The first step of the second section, the fourth step, is to step back with the right foot while turning with the foot on the ground.

⑤ The left foot crosses over before the right foot to reach the appropriate place.?

6 The right foot comes together toward the left foot - 1 beat.?

Note: When practicing the footwork and paying attention to the hand hints, when the left foot turns to the left in the first step, the right hand on the back of the waist of the female partner should give the woman a clear hint, which is implied by the power of the fingers. The fourth step is the same as the first step, and the way of suggestion is the same as the first step.

Women's Steps ?

1) Step back with the right foot, turn with the ball of the foot against the ground, and turn the body to the left at the same time - one beat.

②The left foot crosses the right foot before reaching the right place, at this time in the middle of the transfer - one beat.

3) The right foot comes together with the left foot - one beat.

4 Step forward with your left foot - 1 beat.

⑤ Move the left foot to the left with the sole of the foot on the ground, while the right foot crosses behind the left foot to the right place - 1 beat.?

6 The left foot is brought together with the right foot - 1 beat.

Note, turn on the balls of your feet and pay attention to the man's cues.?

(5) Right turn?

Like the left turn, it consists of six steps, see Figure 32-13 Men's Steps.?

1) Extend the right foot one step forward, and when it reaches the right place, turn with the ball of the foot against the ground - 1 beat.?

②While the right foot is turning, turn with the left foot at the same time and cross after the right foot to the right place - 1 beat.

③ Right foot taps together to the left foot - 1 beat.?

④ Step back with the left foot and turn to the right with your foot on the ground - 1 beat.?

⑤ When the left foot turns right with the palm of the foot on the ground the right foot moves at the same time and crosses and reaches the right place before the left foot - 1 beat.?

6 Left foot taps together to the right foot - 1 beat.?

(7) Backward and forward dance step?

The backward and forward step is an interesting dance step, the whole dance beat is 1-2-3, 2-2-3, 3-2-3 a ****nine beats, the raw beat step ****nine steps. *** Nine steps.

Men's dance steps?

1) Left foot steps forward in a straight line - 1 beat.?

②Right foot extends to the upper right in the direction of the left foot forward - 1 beat.?

③The characteristic of the dance step is that at the beginning of this step, the left foot should be close to the right foot according to the regular dance step, but the left foot will be stretched out to the left rear of the right foot, please look at the second and third steps in the picture to understand - 1 beat.

4) The right foot is one step across, not a big step - 1 beat.

⑤ Left foot crosses over from behind the right foot and takes a step across to the right to reach the right place - 1 beat.?

6 Right foot taps together to the left foot - 1 beat.?

⑦ Left foot crosses over one step to the upper left - 1 beat.?

⑧ The right foot extends one step forward along the left side of the left foot - 1 beat.?

9 The left foot takes a step forward, and this step stops only at the front part of the right foot - 1 beat.?

Women's dance step?

①Take a step back with the right foot - 1 beat.?

2 Step back with the left foot in a curved line - 1 beat.

3) The right foot passes by the left foot, keeps retreating, and then advances slightly to the left of the left foot, at this time, the position of the left and right feet is opposite to the normal position - 1 beat.

4. Left foot steps out horizontally, not too big - 1 beat.

5. The right foot is one step behind the left foot - 1 beat.

⑥Left foot to right foot - 1 beat.?

⑦ Right foot one step across - 1 beat.?

⑧Left foot follows the path of the right foot, one step backward - 1 beat.?

9 right foot and backward step, this step should not be too big, to the left foot of the left rear a little can be - 1 beat.

Attention and tips, the practice can be carried out in sections, the third step of both men and women to pay attention to.?

2. Burrows (slow four) ?

Boros is a kind of relaxed and comfortable dance, the dance is with the rhythm of the music to move the feet, there is no fixed steps, love how to dance can be, the music of the Boros dance for the 4/4 beat, 4 beats per bar, the first and the third beat for the accent, the tempo of about 26 bars per minute, the basic rhythm: slowly fast fast, a slow is equal to two beats, a fast is equal to one beat.

It is the smartest thing for a beginner to start with the Burrows, which has obvious beats and loud drums. The steps do not change much, and they are smooth and easy to walk to, and the music is slow, so it is the best for beginners to learn.

(1) Forward Progress

Figure 32-15

Forward Progress uses the power of the hips to propel the feet forward. The toes Landing is short and feels slight.?

①Left foot forward - slow (2 beats)?

2) Right foot steps across to the right - fast (1 beat)?

③Left foot and right foot - fast (1 beat)?

④ Right foot forward - slow (2 beats)?

5) Left foot to left cross step - fast (1 beat)?

6 Right foot and left foot - fast (1 beat)?

(2) Backward step

The backward step also uses the power of the hips to push the foot backward. Its course of action is: heel, foot brace, toe.?

1) Left foot back - slow (2 beats)?

②Right foot backward horizontal step to the right - fast (1 beat)?

③Left foot and right foot - fast (1 beat)?

④Right foot back - slow (2 beats)?

⑤Left foot to left rear cross step - fast?

6 Right foot and left foot - fast (1 beat)?

Exercise method, march along the line of the dance program (forward progress), step backward when the step is skillful and stable.

Women's front step is a skillful method, focusing on the backward step.

(3) Left horizontal parallel step?

Men's Steps

Figure 32-17 Starting Points Figure 32-18 Starting Points

① Left foot forward - slow (2 beats)?

2) Right foot forward - slow (2 beats)?

3) Left foot to the right cross-step - fast (1 beat)?

④Right foot and right foot - fast (1 beat)?

⑤ Left foot forward - slow (2 beats)?

Women's Steps

①Right foot back - slow (2 beats)?

②Left foot back - slow (2 beats)?

③Right foot to the right cross step - fast (1 beat)?

④Left foot and right foot - fast (1 beat), ?

⑤Right foot back - slow (2 beats).?

(4) Turn right?

Men's Steps

① Right foot steps forward to turn right - slow; ?

②Left foot stopping evening step to continue right turn - fast;?

3) right foot and left foot - fast;?

4) Left foot back and turn right - slow.?

⑤ Right foot backward evening step - fast;?

6 Left and right - fast;?

⑦ Right foot cross step to the right again - slow?

8 left foot to the right foot also rub step forward - slow?

Women's Dance Steps

①Left foot backward turn to the right - slow;?

②Right foot step back and continue to turn right - slow;?

③Left foot and right foot - fast;?

4) right foot step forward to turn left - slow;?

⑤ Left foot cross-steps to the left - fast;?

6 Right foot and left foot - fast;?

⑦ Left foot cross-steps to the left again - slow;?

8 Right foot to the left foot side step back - slow?

Practice and attention: practice techniques are used to break down and synthesize. Especially men and women in the process of practicing, the right hand suggests that the role of the combination, otherwise a good dance, there is a certain impact.

3. Cowboy dance introduction ?

Cowboy dance (jitterbug) we commonly known as (small pull) popular in the United States, it has no strict rules, anyway, is to dance the more natural the better, cowboy dance music beat for 4/4 beat, 1, 3 for the accent, 2, 4 for the light tone, slow step only 1 beat, fast step accounted for 3/4 beat or 1/4 beat.

(1) Basic Steps

Men's Steps

1) The left foot clips forward three steps, the center of gravity is still on the right foot - slow (1 beat).

②Left heel to the ground, center of gravity shifts to the left foot - slow (1 beat).

③ Right toe point step in original position, center of gravity on left foot - fast (3/4 beat)?

④Fall on heel, weight shifts to right foot - fast (1/4 beat).?

5 Step back on left foot, weight shifts to left foot - fast (3/4 beat)?

6 Shift weight back to right foot - fast (1/4 beat)?

Women's steps?

1) Step forward on the right toe, center of gravity still on the left foot - slow (1 beat)?

②Right heel to the ground, the center of gravity falls to the right foot - slow (1 beat)?

3) Left toe point step in original position, center of gravity on right foot - fast (3/4 beat)?

④Left heel on the ground, center of gravity shifts to the left foot - fast (1/4 beat)?

⑤Right foot back, center of gravity shifts to right foot - fast (3/4 beat)?

6 Shift weight back to left foot - fast (1/4 beat)?

Practice and notes, this is the most basic step, all cowboy dance movements are from this step into, repeated practice, and pay attention to the flexibility of the ankle joint, the center of gravity from the top to the bottom of the pressure.

4. Chatter?

In any dance, there is always some chattering dance music. There's no speed in this dance, just follow the beat, one step at a time. You follow your own, I dance to our own, and the biggest point of the dance is the woman's.

What's the point of the dance?

The style of Chattering Chatter is relaxed and lively, and the rhythm of the music is 4/4, which is the most appropriate at 42 bars per minute, and it is a kind of stepping dance, with the third and fourth steps being heavy stepping.

(1) Basic Steps?

Men's Steps

1) Left foot forward - fast (1 beat)?

②Right foot slightly horizontal step - fast (1 beat)?

③Left foot and right foot point step - fast (1 beat)?

④Left foot back - fast (1 beat)?

⑤Right foot back - fast (1 beat)?

6 Left foot slightly horizontal step - fast (1 beat)?

7 Right foot and left foot point step - fast (1 beat)?

8 Right foot forward - fast (1 beat)?

Women's dance steps?

①Right foot back - fast (1 beat)?

②Left foot slightly horizontal step - fast (1 beat)?

③Right foot and left foot point step - fast (1 beat)?

④Right foot forward - fast (1 beat)?

⑤Left foot forward - fast (1 beat)?

6 Right foot slightly horizontal - fast (1 beat)?

7 Left foot and right foot point step - fast (1 beat)?

8 Worker's foot backward - fast (1 beat)?

Exercise methods, dance steps are generally used to break down, segmentation, up and down the combination of exercises, and gradually achieve proficiency. In addition to self-practice, but also to participate in ballroom dance practice.

5. Disco?

Disco means everyone dances, this kind of dance emphasizes the existence of the individual and encourages self-expression, it is a kind of body and mind are active in the permanent movement, with light music, it can be suitable for dancers of any age. Disco style to sustained, soft, delicate beauty, stunts, etc., to free play as its characteristics, but also need to be very skillful and beautiful movement, both relaxation, but also to control the free.

It is not difficult to dance disco. It's just a matter of blending the movement with the music.

Take the movement to an 8-beat section, starting at the top. Left and right rotation until the foot out of the knee, half squat ...... and so on. Fully train the whole body flexibility, in order to achieve the future dance more beautiful and more coordinated.