What's the status of the Martian boy who predicted a catastrophe for Earth in 2020?

Human beings are always full of all kinds of curiosity and inquiry about the future. Prophecy is also based on this characteristic of human beings to produce and exist. Regarding prophecy, the first thing that comes to mind should be the Mayans, who once predicted that the earth would be destroyed in 2012, but of course we are now smoothly coming to 2020. And there was actually a rather famous prophecy about the year 2020, and it was made by a young boy. But the boy dropped out of the picture completely after predicting that the Earth would have a catastrophe this year.

About the Martian Boy

The boy's name was Boriska, and he was born into a very ordinary rural family. But since he was a child, he has shown a different talent from his peers, he always learns things faster than others, and masters a lot of skills. Such a seemingly gifted boy, however, at a party, he talked about all kinds of information about Mars, and even colorfully talked about Limoria, which has long disappeared for more than 80,000 years. Even more shocking, he predicts a catastrophe that will destroy a continent in the year 2020, and a devastating global catastrophe if mankind can hold out until 2050. Because? The Boy from Mars? s title became widely known for a while.

II. About the Prophecy

Time has come to 2020, the year prophesied by the Mars Boys, and in the first half of the past year, the epidemic that has been most challenging for humanity has been largely in a manageable condition. With vaccines being developed and put into clinical trials, it is believed that the epidemic will sooner or later become a thing of the past. And we simply have no way of telling about the 2050 prophecy. Suffice it to say that we are currently unable to test the prophecy of the Martian Boys and test its veracity at this time.

The Martian boy moved with his parents after uttering the prophecy and has not appeared in the public eye since. Perhaps for fear of being disturbed by the outside world, or perhaps because there is a driving force behind all of this, using the Martian boy to achieve a certain purpose and then letting him return to ordinary people's lives. Regardless of the truth of the events and prophecies, we should maintain an open and calm mindset, and we will be positive and brave enough to unite in the face of even the greatest disasters. In the face of the unknown, the neutral attitude of wait-and-see and rational scientific thinking will allow us to meet and cope with everything more calmly.