II. Fate is uncertain The broken retinal scanner is barely functional, so hurry and escape the test chamber, and don't forget to pick up the crowbar on the floor (in the lobby) as you make your way out of the room. Beware of the demons and the deadly particle beams on your way, and make your way to the reception room at the beginning of the game, where you caused the mess. Use the crowbar under the right wall root to pry open the vent and get inside, there are a few head crabs in there, if you have the guards you recruited on the way, your partner will take at least one of them out for you, the rest are up to you, and watch out for the computer that suddenly explodes here. Crawl down the only exit to another ventilation shaft, you must first use a crowbar to break the grating at the entrance before you can climb in, alternatively you can use a pistol but it's best if you can conserve your bullets. Pick up the pistol from the dead guard, or if you're tough enough you can just take out the guard following you and grab the gun from the corpse. Continue to the end of the hall and there's a monster baring its teeth behind the bars, shoot it and then jump through the hole into the sewer. There's another hole in the sewer that goes up, but it's now covered by a grate, so memorize its orientation. At the end of the sewer somewhere there is a valve wheel, after twisting it will send a big water, quickly swim to the hole covered with iron fence, open the iron fence to go up, it turns out that this is the place where that grinning monster stood just now, fortunately, just killed it, or else. ..... Inside there is a huge lifting platform, there is a lever next to it, first go to the other end of the ammo pick up, and then pull the lever, the lifting platform will go down, don't be too busy to jump up, the other end of the hall will fall two monsters, with your fastest speed to kill them, and then jump down, be sure to fall on the platform, if you fall into the crevices is a dead. In the descent, there are constantly head crabs attacking, try to use evasive tactics, dragging to the bottom of the lifting platform and then jump out. There's a steel bridge here that will explode if you walk onto it, so it's best to go around to the exit on the left before jumping onto the silver pipe and walking across. When you get to the other side use the crowbar to break the fence on the right to get in. Watch out for attacks from overhead as you cross the water, you can either swim across or push the crate and take the bridge to run across, run left and climb the ladder to enter the door. Along the corridor just run for your life until you get to the elevator, go in and turn it on.
Three. Office area out of the elevator after smashing the sparking cable next to the foot of the wall grille, do not go in first, wait a while, the head crab will climb out of their own, manipulate the crowbar a burst of pain, after the account drilled into the right side of the climb, get out of the fence out of the scientists you will witness the tragedy of the beast devoured, jump to the house below, find the electronic door immediately go in to turn off the main power switch, all the lights will go out, feel out the flashlight to measure You can use the flashlight to see if there are more monsters around, and then you can continue to move forward. At the end of the hall, break the glass and climb in, then break the crates in the way. In the green box at the top you can get a shotgun and ammo to take out the alien monster that is hiding behind the fence and attacking one of the guards, if you don't save the guard you won't be able to get into the door next to it that has ammo and blood boosters. There is also ammo and blood in the crate under the small catwalk. Then enter a room that is flooded with water, try to jump over it without touching the water or getting knocked down by the electric shock. There's a light switch on the left wall, turn it off and you'll be safe, and you can salvage a lot of goodies from the cupboards, then pry open the small hole in the left wall and drill your way out. Push the crates to make steps to reach the ladder, and climb into another ventilation shaft. Before you go out, you'd better save your disk, because there's an automatic machine gun outside that will greet you. You can destroy it with the shotgun, or jump under it in three steps, where there's a switch to turn off its power. Take the guards with you up the ladder, they can usually draw some of the fire for you, then go up another ladder near the exit, there is another guard here who can help you, if the one you just recruited is already dead you can take this one with you. You can find some grenades near the room on the left, then go back to the right and smash the passageway opening, turn on the flashlight and drill in, you will find the door to the cold room, press the handle on the left to open the door, but before you go in it's best to save up a disk, or get any ammo and blood that can be found nearby, because after you go in there is no way to come back out. Enter the freezer room and head left to find a red switch, flip it to turn on the sliding cart on the overhead beam, then go back to the entrance and climb up the ladder, smash the vent and climb in, coming out right next to the tracks of the overhead crane. When the trolley starts, jump to the other side just in time and swing the crowbar to smash the crates on the trolley before jumping, don't get caught between the trolley and the wall or you'll die for sure. Then climb up the ventilation shaft and take the left exit, there's a guard's body on the right and a couple of HEV power cells next to it that you can get your hands on. Upstairs, look out for the elevator shaft, there is a ladder you can jump up and grab, but it's best to save a disk before doing so, or don't blame me for not warning you. Once you've got a good grip, climb up the elevator shaft and you'll see a scientist hanging from the head, don't expect to save him, as soon as you touch the elevator he'll fall down. After coming to the top of the elevator to find the control panel, first a crowbar to break the cover to drill in, the control panel in the left rear, just open your eyes can not, but also to open the flashlight to see clearly.
Four. Enemies Beware of the machine guns that block the way, and the laser cordon, which will rain down on you, while all the doors will close immediately, and the trip mines that emit blue lasers will blow up everything around you. The worst of these is the machine turret, which you should try to sneak past every time you encounter it, and if you miss, you should quickly find a wall or crate to hide behind, and then pull out the shotgun to slowly knock it down. Sometimes, even though you've tried to be careful not to touch the red and blue laser lines, the sudden appearance of aliens will trigger the machine in the middle of the battle, so once an alien enemy jumps out, you have to take care of it quickly. Of course, if you're cool enough to knock out all the machine turrets, you won't have to worry about the red laser beams. Okay, let's get back to the main story. After slipping through the guarded area, climb up the crate and jump into the corridor. Note that there are quite a few machine turrets here, as well as a sliding door and a black hole with an open mouth of an elevator shaft (jumping into it will give you no chance of survival), and you can pass through it by throwing a grenade and blowing up the turret first. Don't touch the blue laser lines or you'll get a lot of blood, and don't touch the crate if it's supposed to be shining on it. After climbing up the ladder to the exit, you see a scientist who thought he was rescued running towards the soldiers, but did not expect to die a horrible death at the hands of his compatriots, you immediately flew a string of grenades, pay attention to throw grenades when you have to calculate the delay time of the explosion, or else the cunning enemy will have time to escape from the explosion range. Take the freight elevator to leave, then go out the fire door on the catwalk, go right at the fork, go up to the conveyor belt and go in the opposite direction, in the next room you can climb up to the crate, then go back to the conveyor belt and continue on. There's a turret down there, just grenade it and jump down when it's safe, it's hard to sneak past it. Note that there is another turret behind the open fire door. Climb up the ladder in the storage room and let the soldiers and aliens kill each other for a while before moving up to clean up the mess. The soldiers here are stronger, so watch out for the grenades they throw, they are incredibly accurate. Jump onto the catwalk that leads to the roof and go down the corridor, grab the high ground and take out all the soldiers below. Once everything is calm go down and take the elevator to the ground, it's a good idea to save a disk. Once you're up there, don't fight the soldiers dropping from the plane, they'll only get more and more numerous, you should quickly approach the bunker on the left and feel your way along the perimeter to stay alive longer. Open the ventilation shaft and go down, jump down the ladder and hide as soon as you enter the bunker. In the ventilation duct slowly go through the ventilation fan blades from the right, then leave the fan room through the center vent. Once outside press the button on the computer control panel to open the missile silo door and leave.
V. Bomb Pit Use the crowbar to smash through the barricade, get down and drill through it if it's dangerous. There's a control room on the right, go to it and flip the switch inside, then take the cargo elevator and leave. Jump to the train, activate the console, and when a large arrow symbol appears on the display you can accelerate by pressing forward and decelerate by pressing back. Press Use again to leave the console. Drive the train at full speed, the monsters in the tunnels will have a hard time hitting you, and some of the slower ones will be crushed by you. The train will malfunction and can't stop once you've gone through the barriers, so you can either stop the train as soon as you pass the barricades and climb up the ladder along the pipe, or you can jump off the train and into the water and swim to the crate in the center, which won't hurt you much as long as you're quick. Then jump along the box step by step to the opposite platform, find the ladder and climb up to the top of the pipe, in the house flooded with sewage along the pipe, jump to the platform, there is an elevator, go up. When you leave the elevator you will encounter the alien, don't panic, carefully aim and fire at the fuel tank next to it to send it up, be careful not to get too close yourself. Press the switch by the door to open the sealed chamber, the scientist in the lab is hopeless, don't spend too much energy on him. Enter the chamber and go to the left to break the crate blocking the ladder, be careful as the Vine Monster will hear the noise and follow you. There is a "fire test" switch on the control panel, but you can't activate it yet because you still need power, oxygen and fuel. You must kill the nearby vines in order to stay out of the way, then turn on the oxygen, fuel and power switches one by one. Red and blue pipes down the hall. Crouch down at the sewer entrance, aim at the entrance grate is a crowbar, then you can drill in, follow the pipe, at the fork right is a dead end, follow the left, there is a ladder in front of you. Go down the ladder to the fan, where you should also save a disk. Flip the switch and immediately back up the ladder, don't let the fan blades cut you open, wait for the fan to rotate to its maximum speed, if you look up and look up you'll see the plank on the roof, how do you get to it? There are two ways, if you have a grenade can be thrown towards the fan, the strong wind will blow the grenade up to the roof of the planks exploded; if you do not have a grenade directly jump to the fan above (do not be afraid of), the wind will also blow you to the roof, this time aimed at the floor boards with the crowbar can also be a great success. Once you're up through the hole, there's a vent in the wall, so get in there. Follow the vent to the Oxygen Fuel Control Room, turn on the two switches on the operation panel, a light will come on, and something will start flowing in the pipe, so follow the red and yellow pipes back to the Vine Monster. Finally it's going to take a bit of effort to turn on the power switch, gently climb over the lab pod, go out the doorway on the lower level and jump to the broken part of the metal corridor, it looks like it's too far away to reach, but in fact it's no problem as long as you're in the right place (oi, oi, oi, I didn't tell you to close your eyes). Push the cluster of crates in the puddle into a wall of pontoons, although there is no danger in the water now, it will be electrified when you turn on the power switch later. Take the elevator up after arranging a way out, it will malfunction on the way up, so you have to jump out and grab the ladder on the left wall, if you hesitate, you'll fall down with the elevator to the bottom floor, where the violently radioactive sludge will cost you a lot of money. Go up the ladder to the power control area, there are two switches here, one on either side of the generator, turn them both on and the generator will start. Note that you must stand on top of the second switch when you turn it on, or you will become a roasted pig. Be very careful when walking around the generator, especially those moving boards, which can kill you if you get hit by them. Observe honestly for a while and feel the beat before you can pass through safely. After the power is turned on, retreat along the way, through the pontoon bridge just built back to the laboratory, at this time the console lights should be flashing, press the "fire test" button, because the automatic door is not fast enough to close the door, you may suffer some minor injuries, but never life-threatening. Afterwards, enter the lab, there is a hole in the floor where the vine monster used to be, make sure to jump right in the middle of the hole, if you miss, you'll die for sure. If you miss, you'll die. You'll also get a .357 Magnum when you hit the bottom of the pool. There are also two fans at the bottom of the pool, don't try to knock them out, look around the pool there are four pipes, there should be two on each side, but one is missing, this is your escape route, swim up and finally get out of the pool. Along the pipe all the way to the end, jump to the pipe near the broken fence, carefully climb in, you can see a place where the color of the pipe is different, if you walk up there will crack, jump back immediately, otherwise you will be trapped. After stepping on the cracked pipe to the left, jump between the pipe and the jet of steam, landing on the roof, and then continue to jump down, if you suffer some minor injuries do not worry about it, jump to the end of the medical bag can be obtained.
Six. Power Up Don't hesitate to run across the open area to the left tunnel, and don't worry about the giant monster, it's fighting with the marines and neither side has time to worry about you. Make your way down the tunnel until you reach the red valve wheel door, turn it to open the door and climb to the top. Take it to the opposite side through an open area and then follow the marker to the left near the generator, don't get on the elevator, press the button to let it descend while you fire from above to destroy the booby trap at the top of the elevator or drop a remote bomb into the elevator and then detonate it from a distance. After you clear it, press the button to bring the elevator back up and go down. Follow the steps all the way down to the bottom and watch out for the bloodsuckers hiding in the water, the crowbar is perfect for them. Once you're near the stopped generator, use the crowbar to break the crate in front of the generator that's blocking the piston. Go back to the steps and go to the fan control room, one of the fans is not working, press the switch to start it so the generator is running. Go back the way you came and the monster will be waiting for you there. If you want to start the train next to the monster, you have to turn on the main power of the railroad tracks. There is a door with the words "Railroad Control" on it, don't move the switch yet, jump out of the window to lure the monster to follow you, go down the tunnel on the left, run as hard as you can to the wall at the end, there's a switch here, pull it down and you'll see the monster walking in the middle of the two electrodes instantly! Turn it into a barbecue masterpiece. Now go back to the square, get on the train and keep going at full speed, it will stop at a rotating platform, then go back to the "railroad control" room and press the switch, the rotating platform will switch the train to the direction you want to go, get back on the train and continue to go through all the obstacles in your way. Get back on the train and keep moving, breaking through any obstacles in your way. When the train stops, you can meet a guard, listen to his story and then get off the train and press the switch on the wall, the gate will be raised, continue to drive the train forward. Be careful not to touch the water or the tracks, or you'll get 10 points of blood. When you get to the second track switch, shoot the sign to trigger the tracks and the train will run onto the new track, the monster will appear again on the platform in front of you, stop the car and take it out, then go up the stairs, don't break the crates as there is an automatic turret hidden behind them, throwing a grenade from the other side is a good way to get there. Enter the small house and press the switch to remove the fishing hook blocking the tracks. The train continues on, and at the next track change still shoots the sign to automatically change the tracks, drive to the second big door, get off the train and look for the switch to open the door, then get on the train to catch the train. The train has finally reached the end, the only way to go down is to walk on your feet, the left side of the Naval Station crew appeared, you have to use flexible traveler tactics to take them out, smashed through the boards into the house, find a guard with you. Slowly walk to the second corner, there is a heavy gun in the bunker in front of you to block the road, if you stand stupidly will be killed. Run as hard as you can to the right side of the bunker and throw a grenade at it. If you are injured, you can climb up to the airflow door to get a blood boost or HEV power cell, and then immediately fire or throw a grenade at the baited mines inside the airflow door. After that, go down the stairs to find another small train, watch out for falling debris when it starts, don't let them knock you off, there are also alert laser cannons that can't be ignored, best to crouch down to avoid them. There's also a Marine with a bazooka around the bend in the railroad tracks, so it's a safe bet to pull over and go down to fight this guy one-on-one. When you get to the next door, you'll have to take out a couple of aliens and jump over the green box in the way, but you'll have to mix crouching into your jumps to get past it. Enter the house and press the switch to raise the door and continue on your way. Soon you'll reach another door, and you'll be able to kill people and then find the switch. You can also leave the train behind and hike all the way there, but it'll take you a little longer, and the train can sometimes be used as a shield, so if you run into an enemy with a lot of firepower, crouch behind the console to get past them without a fight. When you get to another large door, get out and climb down the ladder, watch out for an alert laser turret at the bottom of the ladder and try to avoid it. At the end of the tunnel you'll see a turret in the bunker on the right, a machine gun behind a sandbag on the right, and a group of marines wandering around. Take out the machine gunner first, then push the crate as cover to get close to the bunker, climb over it and throw a grenade inside, then you can play guerrilla with the marines.