Hani etiquette and customs

The Hani people generally respect their elders. When eating, the good food is put on the side of the old man, so that he can taste first. Sons and daughters should pour wine and rice for the old man and hold it with both hands. Drinking water while resting from laboring in the mountains and fields, let the older ones drink first, and if there are many people, drink in the order of age. When returning from labor, the younger generation should give the old man tea and water, handing the water pipe.

The Hani people are very hospitable, and when they meet people they know or don't know on the road, they always greet them with a smile, make way for them, and warmly invite them to their homes as guests. Guests to the home, the whole family should get up to make way, and soon held out a bowl of "stewed pot wine". After the guests have drunk the wine, the host will pour a cup of strong tea with a smile on his face and talk to them with all his heart. Guests must be treated with the best food. Meals, the first to the guests to pour wine, when all the people poured wine, but also to the guests to pour again, in order to show that the source of wine, good luck and happiness. If it is the New Year's Day to the Hani people home guests, the host will also take out the snow-white reunion of glutinous rice poop to the fire side of the roasted to both sides of the golden blossom, blowing clean, hands cupped to the guests. Guests on the road, the host has been sent to the village.

1. Marriage

The Hani people practiced monogamous exogamy, and intermarriage between people of the same family name and clan was strictly prohibited.

The Hani people also have the custom of cousin marriage, that is, the uncle's son can be given priority to marry the aunt's daughter, as a pro to pro, so there is a "aunt female, hand in hand to marry; uncle's family to be, across the river to call" of the jingle. If the uncle's family has no daughter, nieces and nephews of the marriage must seek the views of the uncle's family, the uncle's family to give a "A uncle money".

The Hani young men and women have the freedom to socialize and fall in love. Festivals ***, weddings and funerals, before the fall and the end of winter Chai Mountain song and other occasions, are unmarried young men and women to talk about love, choose a spouse a good time.

Men and women are free to fall in love, after the private life, the male should be entrusted to the matchmaker to the female family marriage proposal. Matchmakers are mostly articulate, children full of elders. When you go, you have to bring two bottles of wine from the man's home, an old hen, came to the girl's home, to the woman's parents to explain the intention. Introduce the man's character and family situation. If the woman's parents agree, they will happily slaughter the chickens and organize a banquet for the matchmaker and drink the wine he brings. During the banquet, the matchmaker sang "to flower to seed", "brother and sister to pass on the seed" and other expressions of love between men and women of the traditional wine song, both sides you sing me together, when the matchmaker to get up and go home, the woman's parents will be hiding the matchmaker to bring the lid of the wine pot, and the matchmaker, although the wise also want to pretend to look around the appearance of the last, then lifted the lid of the bottle, joyfully come back to report the good news. If the woman's parents do not agree, then politely decline. Said marriage, but also ate a "betrothal wine", set the date of marriage, the number of dowry, and so on.

Three days before the Hani girl to get married, invited the village in the same generation partners in the bedroom to sing the wedding cry song, crying tune is mostly passed down from the forefathers, the content of the children's feelings of separation. Such as: the parents of the grace of upbringing; to the partner to pour out the feelings of separation, crying women do not have the right to inherit the family business, can only be married to the unequal fate of the other countryside; asked siblings to support filial piety and good parents and so on. The girl's mother, aunt, aunt, sister-in-law, etc. also want to come to cry, complaining of raising children is not easy, told the daughter to her husband's home to live in peace, with her husband *** hold the family business and so on. The whole scene seems to be sad and weeping, often making the listener cry.

In this way, the girl's bedroom crying, sobbing. It is said that the more the girl cries, the more she shows that she does not forget the love of her parents' upbringing. At the same time, it is also an indictment of the host marriage. Therefore, when the girl is married, even if the two sides are willing, but also to cry marriage.

The day before the girl got married, the groom's family to knock the drums and gongs, blowing the horn, lively and lively to come to the bride's home to meet the bride. Welcome team in addition to the drums and gongs team, there are the groom, accompanied by the groom's unmarried cousins, matchmakers, etc. 8 - 12 people. When the bridal party is about to enter the village, the bride's companions will hide in the grass and hit a green olive to the bridesmaids. The bridegroom and the bride's companion are the main targets for the girls to chase and smash. Olives on the head is a little painful, but the bridegroom can only dodge, not allowed to fight back.

After the groom into the bride's home, because of the pre-prepared glutinous rice poop with the bride in front of the female ancestor kneeling, and then also to the bride's uncles within the family in the same family to worship, according to the different degrees of affinity, according to one-half, one-third, one-quarter, etc., to leave the poop to the worship of the family.

The next day, from the bride in the woman's home after breakfast, the girl will be married. The female party to send the bride to be more than the male side of the majority of times, in addition to the female side of the A-uncle, A-niang, A-go, A-mei can not be missing, the rest is the bride's three relatives and good friends. Almost out of the bride and her female companions will also be in the bedroom crying marriage. The bride must look as if she does not want to get married, refuses to dress up and hides. The bride goes out and is carried by her cousin (brother) from the bedroom, and the bride tries her best to pester the person who comes to carry her and howls loudly. When the bride is carried to the door, the rest of the partners also cry while clustering the bride on the road. On the road, stop and go, welcome the bride team in front of the lead, always keep a distance of three or four hundred meters with the team to send the bride, walking in the forefront of the groom, accompanied by the groom, matchmakers and so on. Similarly, the bridegroom, the bride, the bride's sister, the bride's maiden, etc., walk in front of the bridegroom's party. When crossing ditches, rivers and bridges, the bridesmaids carry the bride on their backs. Come halfway, to share the bride's ama specially wrapped in banana leaves to send the bride team and welcome the team of glutinous rice.

The crowd flocked to the bride industry to the groom's cottage when the bridegroom's team to stop, so that the bride's a groom grooming, dress up, the crowd of people such as the crowd of the Lord of the moon, surrounded by the bride poured into the cottage door. Walled village door burning a pile of fire, the groom, the bride to cross the fire Lord can enter the door of the groom's home.

After the bride entered the door, first of all to both parents to worship, and then to the old man in the village, relatives and friends to toast. The groom is leading the bride to recognize relatives one by one. Relatives and friends to give a certain amount of money or gifts to recognize relatives. That night, many visitors to the song and dance to celebrate all night long.

Six, funeral

1, the funeral corpse

When a long time old man is about to die, the children and grandchildren will kneel in front of the bed with tears. When the patient gasped the last breath, it is to fire the gun and firecrackers to report the funeral, Walled City heard one after another to the funeral home to help. After the gas, the funeral home will be prepared in advance a little silver and cooked rice wrapped in a piece of white cloth, stuffed into the mouth of the corpse, and a small strip of white cloth will be under the mouth of the mourners off the pocket up. At this time, to kill a chicken, remove the feathers and intestines after the chicken into the upside-down gabion cap, the top of the cap to play four holes, into the hot water, with the top of the cap of the overflow of water (expressed as a clean holy water) to the funeral are washed to wash the ears of Christians to wash the body. After the washing, they combed and dressed, put the hat on the center beam above the hall, and placed the chicken in a big bowl on the head of the coffin. With a block of wooden planks or grass mats will be placed in the hall of the corpse, and then a long piece of black cloth to cover tightly, waiting for the coffin.

2, into the coffin

Before the corpse into the coffin, the bottom of the coffin should be padded with a layer of cotton wool, such as the funeral home is poor, then pad fire ash, and then the original cover on the corpse on the black cloth pad to straw for the pillow, put the body, covered with a piece of blue cloth for the quilt. If there is a crime on the day of mourning, a piece of fat and wide germanium meat will be cut to cover the mourner's mouth tightly. At this point, after the mourner's post-mortem can cover the coffin, stabilized with wisteria.

3, mourning

Mourners are mostly young people who come to help the walled village, according to the master of the home arrangements for technical mourning. Where the mourner's three relatives, good friends to go to the funeral, to all the way generally sent two people, the mourner to hand a stick, to the home, will be the cause of the clear, the host will immediately kill the chicken boiled eggs, offering the mourner to bring the stick, it is said that the mourner's soul comes with the stick. The host would also entertain the mourners. No matter which house the mourners go to, they have to eat their fill of the host's food and wine before they can leave. If it is to the cottage family and friends to report the funeral, the mourners reported after a family but also run back to the funeral home to kneel and worship the coffin, so that you can again report to another family.

4. Preparing for the funeral

If the mourner's family is financially well-off, they will hang a point of light next to the coffin, set up a green shed of chestnut branches at the foot of the wall at the back of the house, and plant a large row of poles that can be stretched out from the back of the house to the front of the house, and tie a wooden eagle on the row of poles, and in front of the door in the direction of the funeral, they will plant a gas tree pole with a bowl of rice, and a plucked chicken in a bucket to indicate that the unclean ghosts from outside are here, and that they are here. This is to show that the unclean ghosts from outside will dine here. To be asked to go to the Mopa measured the day of mourning after the return of the person, according to measure the day, such as the next day can be opened on the opening, if the next day can not be, it is necessary to stop the coffin at home, as for the day of mourning is not limited to the length of the days at home to stop the body of the longer the days that the mourners the more filial piety to the mourners. During the period of stopping the coffin, to guard the casket, the daytime must be guarded by the size of the guard, in order to prevent cats, chickens, pigs, etc. from the casket under the penetration. At night, the whole village relatives and neighbors should come to help guard.

5, do funeral

The day of mourning, the master of the family invited the seat of the class trumpet master blew the trombone, rapid drums and gongs sounded, the grand funeral ceremony began. People more than their place, Mopa in the coffin on the table next to a true variety of offerings, and cooks are busy doing food, kill pigs, slaughter cattle offerings, when the funeral of the family and friends set off firecrackers, blowing the horn picking the offerings to come, the mourner's daughter-in-law (do not wear a hat, do not care about the sideburns) head of the grain of gabion box, each to a family to the door of the front of the planted logos on the tree in the bucket to spread the grain of the mourner's children and grandchildren should be kneeling outside the door of the intersection to meet, firing squad, gongs and drums, the funeral of the family to the door of the funeral. The children and grandchildren of the mourners should kneel down at the intersection outside the door to greet them, and the gun team, the gong team, and the bugle team of the sitting class should also play their instruments to welcome them.

When the offerings brought by the mourners to the coffin before the sacrifice, specifically designated a nun old lady to give them to put on the mourning cloth (children and grandchildren at home have worn before the start of the) Mopa next to the coffin read out the "receiving livestock scripture" to the mourners to pull the offering, at this time, the heart of the mourners to go to the house, and then close the door, when the Mopa read "jumped! When the mopa reads "Jump! When the Mopa reads "Jump!", the gongs and horns sound, the crowd jumped up palm fan dance, some also use a variety of instruments (such as jue, bowls, pots), high walls, at once, the indoor sound of the four, shocking the sky and the earth. After jumping, everyone went out to the money tree zapped to offer rice. That night, the crowd sang and danced and entertained, the casket keepers also carry out "grabbing the spirit to keep the poop" activities.

6, out of the funeral

Before the funeral hour, the son-in-law of the mourners personally cut back six casket with the vertebrae wood, will be in the walled cattle rope (rope) to play together, please come to the tethered casket division, the coffin out of the coffin tethered to the stable. When the hour of funeral arrived, the seat of the class division blew a trombone, guns and artillery, gongs and drums, crying. Bereaved of the eldest son of the original don't in the hall on the beams of the Sheng chicken hats and hats sent to the direction of the cottage side of the bushes to go, will begin to start the coffin. At first, with the children and grandchildren of the relatives first lifted, and then all the people and grab lifted. Bereaved children and grandchildren to rush to the front and kneel down, so that the coffin from the head over, pick up the side three times, said "over the coffin".

When the coffin was carried to the mouth, the Walled City, the head of each family to carry a food gabion plate, kneeling on both sides of the road, at this time, the coffin bearer will be placed on two benches, so that the soul of the bereaved to enjoy a last meal of the folks sacrifice, the crowd grabbed eucalyptus, all the way from the lift of the hanging money in the front of the lead. Guns, gongs and horns are fired. Mopa read the funeral song, funeral men and women crying, singing, surrounded by the coffin, and sent to the cemetery.

7, burial

The cemetery is selected in advance by throwing eggs. If there is no crime with the deceased's funeral day, then immediately dug out the burial, will be buried with the money tree, clothing and so on, burned together. If there is an accident on the day of the deceased's death, the grave will be cremated. To earth and stone mound, the tomb door is generally facing the far side of the top of the mountain, very few monuments.