The "ballroom dance" that you have to learn in college, do you know how it came about?

Social dance (from the network)

"Social dance" is developed from folk dance, that is, peasant dance. As social life evolved, the folk dance was divided into two branches. During the feudal dynasty, which was centered on court culture, one of the folk dances rose to become the court dance. During the period of capitalism, which was centered on urban culture, the other branch of folk dances became social dances, which served as recreational activities for the citizens. Peasant winter or holiday dance, mostly in the form of four pairs of eight people, the footwork is mostly "walking", "running and jumping step" and so on.

Tango (from the network)

In the 20th century, the European traditional folk dance steps, typical such as "Masuka", "Hugh Tice", "Waltz" and so on to discover nothing. "and so on to discover all, the United States black "jazz dance" came into being. Later on, the dance vocabulary continued to be enriched by the Argentine "tango", the Cuban "rumba", the Brazilian "samba" and so on. Most of these dance steps have a certain life basis: "Rumba" dance steps from the head of a heavy weight when turning steps to change the center of gravity of the rhythm: "Samba" is to imitate the palm swaying in the wind.

Samba (from the network)