How to get the genetic skills of Pocket Monsters Pearl Diamonds

001 Mythical Frog Seed~059 Wind Speed Dog

001 Mythical Frog Seed-002 Mythical Frog Grass-003 Mythical Frog Flower

Wall of Light

152 Chrysanthemum Grass Leaf LV31

153 Laurel Leaf LV36

154 Giant Flower Dragon LV40

179 Sheep LV37

180 Electric Sheep LV42

181 Electric Dragon LV51

(with skill machine, not listed as a 2-time genetic situation)

Rocket Head Hammer

007 Genie Turtle LV31

008 Kamei Turtle LV36

009 Splashback Turtle LV39

(2-time genetics:104 Korakora)

Mystic Guardian

131 Multiplying Dragon LV43

152 Chrysanthemum Leaf LV39

153 Laurel Leaf LV46

154 Giant Flower Dragon LV54

(has skill machine, not listed as a 2-time genetic situation)

Spreading Pampering

No direct genetic PATH

(2 times hereditary: 043 Walking Grass 143 Cobby Beast 285 Mushroom Mushroom)



Petal Dance

[Highest Evolved Type learnable, omitted]

Magic Leaf Chop

152 Chrysanthemum Grass Leaf LV20

153 Laurel Leaf LV22

154 Giant Flower Dragon LV22

182 Beautiful Flower LV23

315 Bicolor Rose LV19

357 Grass Flying Dragon LV31

407 Masked Rose LV1

420 Cherry Bud LV19

421 Cherry Blossom LV19

(2 genetics: 069 Trumpet Buds 252 Grass Lizard 331 Desert Beast 455 Wormcatcher 459 Snow Tree Man)

Grass Flute

191 Sunward Seed LV13

192 Sunflower LV13

315 Bicolor Rose LV13

459 Snow Tree Man LV13

460 Snow Giant LV13

(2 hereditary: 152 Chrysanthemum Grass Leaves 252 Grass Lizards 331 Desert Beasts 420 Cherry Buds)


079 Dull Beast LV1

080 Dull Hippopotamus LV1

199 Hippopotamus King LV1

387 Sapling Turtle LV17

388 Woodland Turtle LV17

389 Giant Tree Turtle LV17

(2 hereditary: 102 Eggs 108 Big Tongue 111 Iron-armored Rhinoceros 131 Multiplying Dragons 143 Kabi Beast 191 Grass Seed 246 Yukira 258 Water Leaping Fish 304 Small Steel Dragon 357 Grass Flying Dragon 410 Horned Shield Dragon)

BY: hwybr FROM KD8 Plagiarism and Piracy Death to the Family!


114 Vine Monster LV1

191 Grass Seed LV9

192 Sunflower LV9

315 Bicolor Rose LV34

331 Desert Beast LV25

332 Mongongo Naija LV25

455 Wormcatcher LV21

459 Snow Tree Man LV31

460 Snow Giant LV31

465 Trailing Vine King LV1

(2 genetics: 043 Walking Grass 069 Trumpet Sprouts 102 Eggs 152 Chrysanthemum Grass Leaves)

Natural Strength

270 Topiary Beast LV7

271 Light Leaf Beast LV7

272 Ruffed Duck LV1

273 Nutball LV13

274 Proboscis Leaf LV13

(2 genetics: 102 Eggs 114 Vine Monster 152 Chrysanthemum Grass Leaf 191 Grass Seed 357 Grass Flying Dragon 420 Cherry Sprout)


079 Nerd Beast LV43

080 Dull Hippo LV47

143 Capybian Beast LV9

(2 genetics: 032 Nidorang 108 Big Tongue 114 Trailing Vine Monster 187 Keychain Grass 273 Nut Ball 387 Sapling Turtle)

Leaf Storm

071 Great Eclipse Flower LV47

103 Coconut Egg Tree LV47

182 Beautiful Flower LV53

192 Sunflower LV43

253 Forest Lizard LV59

254 Conifer King LV67

275 Wooden Tengu LV49

357 Grass Flying Dragon LV61

387 Sapling Turtle LV45

388 Wood Turtle LV52

389 Giant Tree Turtle LV57

(2 genetics: 102 Eggs 114 Vine Monster 152 Chrysanthemum Grass Leaf 252 Grass Lizard 315 Two-Color Rose)

004 Little Fire Dragon - 005 Fire Dinosaur - 006 Fire Breathing Dragon

Bulging Belly

143 Capybian Beast LV17

(2 genetics: 079 Dull Beast) 104 Korakora 108 Big Tongue)

Atomic Power

408 Swell-Headed Dragon LV28

409 Cephaloceratops LV28

410 Horned Shield Dragon LV28

411 Steel Shield Dragon LV28

(2x Genetic: 104 Korakora 131 Multiplying Dragon 152 Kikuyu Leaf 158 Small Saw Crocodile) 246 Yukira 258 Water Leaping Fish)


007 Jani Turtle LV16

008 Kamei Turtle LV16

009 Water Arrow Turtle LV16

023 Abel's Snake LV9

024 Abel's Monster LV1 LV9

130 Tyrannosaurus Rex LV20

p>158 Small Saw Crocodile LV13

159 Primal Crocodile LV13

160 Monstrous Crocodile LV13

246 Yukira LV1

247 Shakira LV1

248 Giant Armor LV1

294 Noise Monster LV20

295 Noise King LV20

336 Hatchling Serpent LV10

371 Baby Dragon LV5

372 Beetle Dragon LV1 LV5

373 Blood Winged Flying Dragon LV1 LV5

387 Sapling Turtle LV21

388 Tree Turtle of the Woods LV22

389 King of the Turtles LV22

(2 times) Inheritance: 258 Water Leaping Fish)

Reverse Scale

147 Mini Dragon LV51

148 Hacksaurus LV61

149 Fast Dragon LV64

(2 times Inheritance: 246 Yukira 443 Small Salon)


No Direct Inheritance Pathway

(2 times) Genetic: 023 Abercrombie 032 Nidoro)



Dragon Dance

116 Ink Seahorse LV38

117 Sea Spiny Dragon LV48

130 Tyrannosaurus Rex LV44

147 Miniature Dragon LV45

148 Hacksaurus LV53

149 Cryptodactylus LV53

230 Hippocrene Dragon LV48

334 Dragonsparrow LV39

(2 genetics: 131 Multiplying Dragon 158 Small Saw Crocodile 246 By Kira 371 Baby Dragon)

Bite the bullet

024 Abel Monster LV22

143 Capybian LV44

158 Small Saw Crocodile LV27

159 Primal Crocodile LV30

160 Monstrous Crocodile LV32

246 Yukira LV37

247 Shakira LV41

248 Giant Armor LV41

295 Noise King LV40

336 Hatchling Serpent LV28

371 Babeosaurus LV46

372 Crustacean LV50

373 Bloody Wing Flying Dragon LV53

387 Sapling Turtle LV37

388 Tree Turtle of the Woods LV42

389 Giant Tree Turtle LV45

445 Giant Salad Dragon LV48

(2 genetics: 111 Ironclad Rhinoceros 252 Grass Lizard 408 Swollen-Headed Dragon)

Dragon Submarine

147 Mini-Dragon LV35

148 Hackosaurus LV39

149 Cryptodactylus LV39

443 Lesser Sargassosaurus LV37

444 Shardosaurus LV49

445 Giant Sargassosaurus LV55

(2 genetics: 111 Iron-armored Rhinoceros 304 Lesser Steelosaurus 333 Skylark 371 Baby Dragon)

Steel Scratch

304 Small Steel Dragon LV15

305 Steel Armored Dragon LV15

306 Steel Armored Tyrannosaurus Rex LV15

(2x Genetic: 158 Small Saw Crocodile 443 Small Salon)

Blazing Flame Advancement

[Highest Evolutionary Type Learnable, Slightly]]

007 Jenny Turtle - 008 Kamei Turtle - 009 Arrow Turtle


222 Sun Coral LV48

(2 genetics: 226 Giant-winged Flying Fish 258 Water Leaping Fish 349 Rhubarb Fish 422 Sea Snail)

Black Mist

194 Ubobo LV43

195 Swamp King LV48

283 Water Spider LV37

(2 genetics: 060 Mosquito Tadpole 138 Chrysolite Beast 147 Mini Dragon 223 Iron Cannon Fish 226 Giant Winged Flying Fish 349 Rhubarb Fish)

White Mist

131 Multiplying Dragons LV4

194 Ubobo LV43

195 Bog King LV48

270 Topiary Leaf Beast LV11

278 Seagull LV16

279 Fish-eating Bird LV16

283 Water Spider LV37

393 Round Penguin LV36

394 Top Penguin LV42

395 Steel Emperor Penguin LV46

459 Snow Tree Man LV21

460 Snow Giant LV21< /p>

(2 genetics: 060 Mosquito Frog 147 Mini-Dragon 222 Sun Coral 349 Big Yellow Fish)


258 Water Leaper Fish LV19

259 Swamp Leaper Fish LV20

260 Giant Swamp Monster LV20

(2 genetics: 054 Kotodak Duck 131 Ride Dragon 283 Water Spider)<


349 Greater Yellow Fish LV30

(2 genetics: 116 Inked Seahorse 140 Armored Helmet 156 Chrysanthemum Grass Leaf 223 Iron Cannonball Fish 270 Parietal Leaf Beast 393 Circular Penguin)

Mental Recovery

108 Big Tongue LV41

222 Sun Coral LV16

350 Beautiful Snake LV9

463 Bucket Tongue LV41

(2 genetics: 054 Koda Duck 060 Mosquito Tadpole 131 Multiplying Dragon 183 Water Rat 258 Water Leaping Fish 366 Sea Shell)

Playing with Mud

194 Umbrellous Wave LV5

195 Marsh King LV1 LV5

258 Water Leaping Fish LV24

369 Map Fish LV36

422 Sea Snail LV2

423 Sea Rabbit LV1 LV2

(2 genetics: 079 Nerd Beast 158 Small Saw Crocodile 226 Giant-winged Flying Fish 252 Grass Lizard 341 Lobster Soldier 349 Rumble Fish 366 Sea Scallop 393 Round Penguin)


079 Dull Beast LV1

080 Dull Hippo LV1

143 Capybian LV20

194 Upo LV29

195 Numako King LV31

199 Hippo King LV1

230 Hippogriff LV1

369 Mapfish LV22

399 Bipa Rat LV25

400 Bita Beaver LV28

(2 genetics: 054 Koda Duck 363 Seal Ball 393 Round Penguin 422 Sea Snail)

Turbid Streams

194 Ubobo LV47

195 Swamp King LV53

259 Swamp Leaping Fish LV37

260 Giant Swamp Monster LV39

422 Sea Snail LV37

423 Sea Hare LV41


271 Light Leafy Beast LV11

(2 genetics: 086 Baby Sea Lion)

Liquid Circle

086 Baby Sea Lion LV23

087 White Sea Lion LV23

183 Water Rat LV23

184 Big Water Rat LV27

222 Sun Coral LV37

226 Giant Winged Flying Fish LV46

350 Beautiful Snake LV49

368 Cherry Blossom Eel LV24

(2 times hereditary: 278) Seagull 366 Sea Shell 393 Round Penguin)

Water Fast Attack

086 Lesser Sea Lion LV31

087 White Sea Lion LV31

140 Armor Helmet LV31

141 Sickle Helmet LV31

395 Steel Emperor Penguin LV36

418 Fork-tailed Weasel LV21

419 Twin-tailed Weasel LV21

010 Green Caterpillar - 011 Iron Chrysalis - 012 Patagonia

013 Unicorn Bug - 014 Iron Shell Quinine - 015 Big Needle Bee

No Genetic Table Skills

016 Bobo - 017 Bibbidi Bird - 018 Bishop Eagle


021 Fiery Sparrow LV13

022 Great-billed Sparrow LV13

084 Dodo LV19

085 Dodo LV19

198 Dark Crow LV5

278 Seagull LV34

430 Gentleman's Crow LV1

(2 times hereditary: 041 Ultra Sonic Bat 142 Fossil Pterosaur) 227 Steel Bird 276 Sparrow Swallow 333 Lark 396 Chubby Weng)

Sneak Attack

198 Dark Crow LV35

(2 times inherited: 021 Blazing Sparrow 041 Supersonic Bat 084 Dodo 163 Goo Goo 177 Doll Bird)

Sense of Recognition

163 Goo Goo LV5

164 Owl Nighthawk LV1 LV5

(2 genetics: 083 Onion Duck 142 Fossil Pterodactyl 176 Pokékiku 396 Chubby Weng)

Air Cuts

041 Supersonic Bat LV25

042 Big Mouth Bat LV27

083 Onion Duck LV21

169 Forked Word Bat LV27

227 Steel Bird LV24

Air Blade

[Can be learned by itself, omitted]

War Bird Strike

396 Chubby Weng LV37

397 Surprise Weng LV43

398 Surprise Jonquil Bird LV49

(2 genetics: 041 Supersonic Bat 084 Duo Duo 227 Steel Bird 276 Hemp Swallow)


084 Dodo LV23

085 Dodori LV23

441 Fretted Parrot LV37

(2x Genetic: 021 Blazing Sparrow)

019 Lada - 020 Big Lada ! Land Group PM!


023 Abel Snake LV17

024 Abel Monster LV17

052 Meow Meow LV17

053 Cat Boss LV17

054 Koda Duck LV31

055 Koda Duck LV31

056 Monkey Monster LV21

057 Firecracker Monkey LV21

190 Long-tailed Monkey LV25

197 Shadow Ibuki LV64

206 Earth Dragon LV29

215 Accustomed to LV10

293 Sonic Rabbit LV31

294 Noise Monster LV37

295 Noise King LV37

336 Hatch Serpent LV19

352 Chameleon LV32

424 Twin-tailed Monster Monkey LV25

434 Venomous Weasel LV7

435 Stormy Weasel LV7

447 Rurio LV24 (requires evolution)

461 Accustomed to the Habitat LV10

Flame Car

058 Caddie Dog LV20

155 Fireball Mouse LV19

156 Fire Rock Mouse LV20

157 Explosive Wind Beast LV20

390 Lesser Flame Monkey LV17

391 Flame Monkey LV19

392 Magnificent Fire Monkey LV21

Crazy Scratch

027 Mountain Penetrating Mouse LV19

028 Mountain Penetrating King LV19

052 Meow Meow LV14

053 Cat Boss LV14

054 Koda Duck LV27

055 Koda Duck LV27

056 Monkey Monster LV9

057 Fiery Monkey LV9

161 Tailed LV13

162 Big Tailed Mouse LV13

190 Long Tailed Monkey LV18

215 Accustomed to LV21

216 Baby Bear LV8

217 Circling Bear LV8

264 Big Flying Squirrel LV29

288 Mad Monkey LV19

352 Chameleon LV10

390 Little Fire Monkey LV15

391 Flame Monkey LV16

392 Howling Fire Monkey LV17

424 Twin-tailed Monster Monkey LV18

431 Rumor Cat LV20

< p>432 Noble Cat LV20

434 Poison Weasel LV11

435 Storm Weasel LV11

461 Accustomed Monkey LV21

Gnawing Bite

[Learnable by self, omitted]


287 Lazy Monkey LV37

288 Mad Monkey LV37

289 Gorilla LV37

448 Rucario LV6

Rise from the Dead

058 Caddie Dog LV25

288 Crazy Monkey LV49

447 Rucario LV19 (needs to evolve)


288 Crazy Monkey LV1 LV13

< p>293 Sonic Rabbit LV5

294 Noise Monster LV1 LV5

295 Noise King LV1 LV5

327 Biker Bear LV5