Known as square dance ama dance number 50 people, square interval team 1 meters, audio play under the apple sound for 170 decibels, Xiaoming home to live on the 7th floor, wind speed

Sound waves for spherical waves, the seventh floor height of more than twenty meters, does not apply to approximate the plane wave.

By the spherical wave attenuation formula Lp=Lw-K+DIm-Ae


(1)Radiation is a spherical wave, the dispersion attenuation K:


Which r is the distance between the two positions of a, b. The sound waves are not applicable to the approximation of plane wave.

(2)Directivity factor DIm: Whether there is a reflective surface near the source (ground is considered separately), or the source itself is not a point source. Adding a reflective surface is an increase of 3dB.

(3)Other additional attenuation Ae

Air absorption: Aa (related to frequency, air pressure, temperature, humidity)

At 20℃: Aao=7.4×10^(-8)f^2 r/H dB

Aa(T)=Aao/[1+4×10^(-6)△T f ]

Where H: relative humidity of air;

f: sound frequency.

Obstacle additional attenuation: Abhp (this is generally check the table)

Empirical formula: Af = 0.01d f^(1/3)

Meteorological additional attenuation Am

Mainly wind speed and temperature gradient, check the table to get the specific effect.

In this example, only the effect of K is considered

The result is Lp=Lw-K

Xiaoming hears about 130dB

The following is a discussion of the relationship between the intensity of the sound and the level of anger, the first step is to define the level of anger

Take the binary discrete distribution model

Let the individual may perform two kinds of behaviors: the angry behavior Q+ and the not angry behavior Q-, and

The individual may perform the angry behavior Q+ and the not angry behavior Q-, and

There are two types of behaviors. Behavior Q-, and

F(Q+) = G (1.1)

then we have

F(Q-) = 1-G (1.2)

G can be used as a measure of anger

When I've taken my pills, I'll come back to this nonsense in a serious way